Edit: Idea for the future

Moving Trading Outpost to Embark Beach
This would be very interesting to do and achieve! I seem to remember Droks being the original trading post though. Either way I would love to see some more activity in the Prophecies cities.
- Official Post
It would certainly make it harder for the Bots to get there......
This would be very interesting to do and achieve! I seem to remember Droks being the original trading post though. Either way I would love to see some more activity in the Prophecies cities.
Yup, Droks was OG trading spot.
Excellent thought on Bots Max, it would be so peaceful!
well Ascalon int1 was the largest place fro High end trading, but Droks and LA were both used too how i remember they were all quite crowded
Anyhow, i dont rly see point in this or reason why anyone would change the location, but well i can wish good luck ;P -
April 5, 2018 at 2:10 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Moving Trading Outpost to Lions Arch” to “Moving Trading Outpost to Lions Arch or Embark Beach”. -
- Official Post
if I remember correctly, this was tried a few years ago (might have been a bit longer----).
and yes, it would be nice to see less bots (though I do remember one of the old ones was there as well---would just take them longer...though the ferry business would pick up from kamadan!)
April 5, 2018 at 2:32 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Moving Trading Outpost to Lions Arch or Embark Beach” to “Moving Trading Outpost to Embark Beach”. -
I mean, why not.
But the real question is: why?
I hardly see interests doing that.
The problème for bots is same for pvp players, how can they get easy accès to this new place?
And for bot issues, well I chose to mute all chat chan, they no loger bother me. Works for casual kamadan dramas , random ppl flaming each other for unknown reasons using all chat chan.
The idea isn't bad , it's good thoughts here, but I'm missing the final purpose to be Honest. Including the fact, it would be kinda hard to make ppl move the embark for trades
- Official Post
In Embark atm:
just like any area it won't be bot free.
edit: However too me it seems like a good idea. I just don't think the move will be possible. Not enough people will move I think. Also imagine this: Returning players logs on, lands in an inactive town, remembers most active town in the game: Kamadan. Goes there and its almost completely dead. They'll think the game is dead af and give up. Imo any chance on that happening is too much.
right..droks was the original... Ascalon Int was the original Trade city for all you newcomers.
I honestly think it would be really full with people. Kamadan,Kaineng for example is where the festivities are beeing decorated for events. Mad King comes to Kamadan,NOT embark.
Its always been a city for trading,not an outpost.
If the trade place gets moved to embark, the bots will search for a new place and it wont take long until they find and it would be pretty much the same as in kamadan. -
Why not Henge of Denravi? ... Ok, sorry.
Personally, I would love to see LA thrive once again; I'm not a big fan of Kamadan.
how is it harder for bots to get there? (Embark)
- Official Post
how is it harder for bots to get there? (Embark)
that was written when The title of the thread was ‘moving trading outpost to Lions Arch”, which was the original subject but was since edited to say Embark.
Even if it were LA, bots would move there just as easily:
* Kamadan -> Consulate -> LA, no quests or missions needed.
Edit: Idea for the future
What's wrong with using The Marketplace we already have?
Anyway, how are you planning to make this happen? Do you have control of all the bots so you can easily move them over?
- Official Post
Embark Beach will be the New Trading Town Soon. 281 Counts so far. Need 500.
REPLY With your "In Game Name" and Yes or No as your Vote to add to the List I have in an Excel Sheet. Thank You!
*Note: 89.9%=Yes So far
on what is this Need 500 based? Seems like a totally random number to me, or do you have admins who said they'll change the game to make Embark Beach the actual trading outpost
. It sounded like a valid idea, but this post makes zero sense to me. You make it sound like 500 votes will automaticly make everyone accept Embark as the new Kamadan. As LGiT often advertizes you have over 1800 members. 500 votes is almost 1/4th of that. How would 500 be the number that the majority of the GW community agrees to moving to Embark, if 500 isnt even the majority in your own alliance. If you really wanted to implement this change, maybe you should advertize it more than just a day before you're putting out a decisive number of votes needed. Maybe you just let the change happen naturely, instead of Jamming it through our throats. Thats how it feels to me. At first I was leaning towards yes, now it's a no. Change your campaign stratagy and maybe change my mind.
So if this happens are you going to place a LGiT flag on embark and claim it was the LGiT alliance that made everyone move? I knew this was a LGiT idea as soon as I read the title.
P.S., I didn't say it enough, so LGiT.
Edit: Idea for the future
Honest opinion?
That won't work ... You should be a bit realistic.
In addition, this attempt divides the trading community by a minor part.
Maybe only a few players will change the location to trade. Everyone else won't even know. Or they will not care about it and stay in Kamadan.
I agree, i hardly see ppl moving out from kamadan without any good reasons/motivations.
However, this should give you a hint : Chat Log is the key.
Wherever this guy would stand, should be THE trade spot.
- Official Post
I’ve been pondering over this since Reborn suggested it, as I have two contrasting opinions on it.
The trader and collector in me thinks it’s a terrible idea, as he’d potentially miss out on a trade or item he needs for his collection because only the active traders would switch (and even then, only those that agree). Returning players wouldn’t know where the population had gone, and would likely not continue the comeback.
The community focussed part of me thinks it would be an OK idea, but only for the sake of variety. It would be like asking people to use Queens as the financial district of New York. It’s already too well established. But I absolutely understand the reasons for suggesting it, as Kamadan has become a cess pit of gold sellers and bots. Like Mos Eisley, It’s a far cry from a respectable space port. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. However, if there were to be a change of venue, Lions Arch would get my vote, however I think Kamadan is too well established for any lasting change. The community couldn’t handle any sort of division.
- Official Post
my feeling is that where ever the trading is, the bots will follow.
They (anet) tried to set up embark as the trading hub, it didnt happen.
Unless you can find a place that the bots can not get to, there will always be bots--yeah, someplaces are harder for them to get to, but it just means they will have to ferry their people there.
I have no problems with any major outpost becoming the trade center, but many valid points have been made like returning players remembering kamadan as the hub, etc.
ah for the days before nightfall and the warm breezes (really do miss that warm breeze since its been snowing here...just what happened to the spring???)
(really do miss that warm breeze since its been snowing here...just what happened to the spring???)
Yeah, enough of this cold. I'm ready to follow those refugees to Kryta. :cool:
Edit: Idea for the future
- Official Post
At this stage, GWL isn’t endorsing this, but we’re not out to torpedo it either. Let us know if there’s anything we can do, however keep in mind we would have to be impartial etc 👍🏻
This might not have looked so stupid if you hadn't presented it from the start as already having been decided. Even now it's not clear if you've committed to this 100% or if you're still waiting for "votes". Carry on like this and you're just going to cause even more pointless confusion.
Only we as a GW Community will be able to make this possible, Anet won’t control anything anymore.
How does ANet control where ppl trade now? Its been the community that decided to move to where it is as new campaigns were released. ANet never said "Everybody must trade in kamadan" ppl ended up there on their own.
Edit: Idea for the future
This seems like a really pointless idea. Kamadan works fine. Don't fix something that isn't broken. Personally I don't like Embark beach.
if you want to see less bots just try to move the trading place to Henge of Denravi.
At least the area looks great and is far enough for bot to come easily
On the global scope, one of the main difficulties with nowadays spamming reduction measures for Guild Wars 1 is that they have to be implemented or maintained by designated staff members, and that respectively means investing some of the company's budget into the process.
I believe that the discussion with Mr. Clarke-Willson on the Guild Wars 1 Reddit board has assuredly been a positive one, however, if one will realistically look at the whole situation in its long-time perspective, he'll naturally find himself inclined towards the idea that spamming reduction process has to be so autonomous that in the end the availability or the absence of dedicated staff members must not reflect neither on its functioning nor availability.
I have exchanged my outlook with Mr. Clarke-Willson privately, at the same time, as all of you are aware, Guild Wars 1 has been in maintenance mode for the last 5 years, and this heavily impacts the amount of measures which can be developed and put into effect.
And yet, if some of you have got certain concerns regarding that subject, you're welcome to express them by leaving a comment on this article's talk page. It's the link of which at least two staff members of ArenaNet are aware about.
SCW is a doctor, not a mister
It's a polite form of addressing or mentioning any male person spoken of/to in your own e-mails, and I wouldn't call otherwise someone with whom I haven't been exchanging correspondence for years, and even in such cases, there'll still be numerous exceptions.
Droknars Forge or die trying.
Edit: Idea for the future
your website shows trades from kamadan man
How about we all go to Denravi ?
Pros : No bots bcs they'll have to be ran there & banned once here because of players report
Cool looking outpost
HoD Sword/Axe
Carlotta & Shadow
Two Xunlai Chests
Designed to be a capital
Droods everywhere as well as a fountain.
a few issues and im sorry if people have mentioned them already.
1. people can form PUG fow/uw/doa/deep/urgoz groups again if all trading and elite mission forming is taking place in the same outpost. it's just efficient and gets people "in the door." [edit: people can even form SOOSC, dungeons, or anything else from embark and travel instantly to the necessary outpost by one of the [___ Travel] npcs.]
2. embark has a party size of 8 and access to all campaign regions without having to add/kick heroes which is very annoying in kamadan or map travel multiple times to get where you want to go for those who don't use toolbox.
3. embark has more npc services. consets can be crafted, stars of transference, perfect salvage kits, there are rare scroll traders, as well as zaishen quest flags and zaishen coin collectors. having all these extra global npcs facilitates trade. imagine if someone wants to put different mods on a weapon but doesn't want to risk expert/superior salvage kitting it, and she doesnt have any perfect salvage kits in her bank. now she has to leave kama, lose her advert spot in the party chat window, buy the perfect salv kit, and then go back to kama. inefficient.
the move will strengthen our community if it is successful.
your website shows trades from kamadan man
How about we all go to Denravi ?
Pros : No bots bcs they'll have to be ran there & banned once here because of players report
Cool looking outpost
HoD Sword/Axe
Carlotta & Shadow
Two Xunlai Chests
Designed to be a capital
Droods everywhere as well as a fountain.
This will not solve the bot problem. Botters will lie, cheat, and steal, in order to make money while they sleep.