GW1 Updates are coming!
i found /.time which returns something other than 'unknown command' in green like 'normal' non commands (type /fart its unknown), perhaps its a part of what they are working on?
Saw this on reddit and figured it would only be a matter of time until someone else posted here. LOVE hearing that updates are still coming, no matter the size.
LOVE hearing that updates are still coming, no matter the size.
I agree, no matter the update I love the fact they're still active after so many years, it's truly amazing!
The last update was a great surprise, I really think they're doing their best (considering they work on their own time) and try to listen to the community. Price update was nice for the most part, and if we can spend a few bucks after so many years playing for free that's good for them too, it shows support for their work.
As for the "extras" CD keys : Xunlai storage, costumes, Mercenary packs, and especially the PVP kits to unlock skills (which are SO expensive as you'd have to buy all 4 to unlock all skills haha), lowering their prices would probably increase their sales and would be appreciated by the community I think! -
(type /fart its unknown)
Hope this emote is in their QoL updates to come.
I'm just hoping that 1 of the feature he has planned is the character creation thingy,when you make a new char the whole account chars gets randomized. Would be awesome to see a way you can manually choose where to put character slots and even freeze them if you buy a new character slot.
I'm just hoping that 1 of the feature he has planned is the character creation thingy,when you make a new char the whole account chars gets randomized. Would be awesome to see a way you can manually choose where to put character slots and even freeze them if you buy a new character slot.
Have we pushed this to Reddit? I'm not a Reddit user but I understand a lot of people are and this has been a key form of communication with the devs.
Have we pushed this to Reddit? I'm not a Reddit user but I understand a lot of people are and this has been a key form of communication with the devs.
I dont know either. I dont have Reddit account but if someone does here on gwl, I think many would appreciate it someone who posted it on the reditt thread.
Hope this emote is in their QoL updates to come.
Unfortunatly 'unknown commands' are just about everything... so /fart probably won't happen (plus I know at least one friend who got a temp ban for a fart joke name)
/.time is the same format as some dev commands (also testing purposes/non live yet I think)
I'm hoping someday sometime soon it means /time will yield "You have been in this map Xhrs:Xmins:Xsec"
- Official Post
I dont know either. I dont have Reddit account but if someone does here on gwl, I think many would appreciate it someone who posted it on the reditt thread.
there was a thread on redddit about things that folks hoped to get changed : https://old.reddit.com/r/GuildWars/co…_compiled_list/
but it has not been updated in a while and is now closed due to the age of the last comment posted (guess they archive if no comments have been made in 6 months)...I went through the spreadsheet and did not find anything regarding the line-up on the character selection screen. I did not reread all of the comments, so it might be in there just never added to the spreadsheet--though not sure if anyone is even looking at that anymore either------
there was a thread on redddit about things that folks hoped to get changed : https://old.reddit.com/r/GuildWars/co…_compiled_list/
but it has not been updated in a while and is now closed due to the age of the last comment posted (guess they archive if no comments have been made in 6 months)...I went through the spreadsheet and did not find anything regarding the line-up on the character selection screen. I did not reread all of the comments, so it might be in there just never added to the spreadsheet--though not sure if anyone is even looking at that anymore either------
Btw, maybe we can start a new thread at reddit?
This "Iron man" ideas got me thinking, wont it be a low hanging fruit to add hardcore mode?
Im not sure about an additiona ladder, would be enought to add a little icon near the charracter name to demonstarte that this charracter is playing at hardcore mode.It shouldnt be hard just to disable possibility to log on if Hardcore character has died once.
one thing i'd love to see in an update that might be a simple fix is the 'storage page memory'.
If you have one of the first few tabs open (say tab 3) and switch characters the other char will open to tab 3. However the anniversary tab's old location and beyond doesn't save when you swap characters.
Having it open to the tab you were last on when you change characters makes sorting items from storage to mules and back easier.
Since the older pages do it, perhaps a fix would be as simple as a code comparison to see what is different between the coding of the early pages and anni / newly added pages.
Btw, maybe we can start a new thread at reddit?
This "Iron man" ideas got me thinking, wont it be a low hanging fruit to add hardcore mode?
Im not sure about an additiona ladder, would be enought to add a little icon near the charracter name to demonstarte that this charracter is playing at hardcore mode.It shouldnt be hard just to disable possibility to log on if Hardcore character has died once.
You would have to disable this character's ability to party with non-hardcore players. Too many opportunities to grief if a hardcore player joins a group, afks and then the team starts and purposely kills the hardcore player.
You would have to disable this character's ability to party with non-hardcore players. Too many opportunities to grief if a hardcore player joins a group, afks and then the team starts and purposely kills the hardcore player.
But the diablo II has the same system, if you want to play safe - do it alone or wirh friends, otherwise do it on your own risk;)
Actually on D2 HC players got their own ladders, and the other hardcore players were those killin others..
Normal ladder players were never able playwith HC Players
As good as i remember unless someting has changed since my times in d2 XD (10 yo ago )
Well, ofc d2 has additional ladder for HC, but in gw reallity we havent got enought players to halve them.
My thoughts were about the easy to implement additional mode, which cant broke the economy or be used to abuse smthing.
The only one difference beetwen the old mode and new one that you can die only once. Many ppl should appreciate this new experience imo.
How about an option to be able to add all heroes for Urgoz and The Deep?
How about an option to be able to add all heroes for Urgoz and The Deep?
Omfg, imagine the possibilities with mercs + heros... lol
Maybe a pipe dream but please enable the old-school log in screens and allow us to buy items from the pre-order bonus packs on the store.
I'd buy glacial blade and the sunspear straight up. -
maybe a neeeuuuwwww....
nevermind, still happy and enjoy playing till now ☺
abit sad about the pvp bot, but again nevermind it lol