Chest Run: Prophecies - Reed Bog - NM

  • Hi all,

    For those who don't know me, I am a full time Chestrunner as well as large variety collector. I enjoy chestrunning in NM for Q8 Foci, Shields, and Swords as well as HM for a variety of skins. I have been contacted by a variety of players seeking information about different chestrunning options. Since I have a large rotation, I decided to put together some info on my runs to share with the community. I also collect data on my chest drops to analyze trends and have a data set that will provide me insight on things such as % of weapon types that drop, Q8 chances, and different skins per map. I will include some of that data in with my posts. If these show to have an interest, I will continue to document other runs in the same fashion.

    I want to stress that this is only intended to be a guide. There are multiple paths to take and builds to use per run. There is no right or wrong path or build. Feel free to choose to take a different path as you learn more about the specific run, be aware that chest spawn locations may change depending on your starting point or path. If you think my run is too long, shorten it to your liking. Sometimes it is more about chests per min than how long the entire run can take.

    I hope you find value in this info and enjoy the art of chest running if you don't already.

    Agent Chevy | AKA "Chevy"

    Post Updates and Reason 6/8/2019 - New Post
    Campaign Prophecies
    Run Location Reed Bog
    Starting Point Ventari's Refuge (run through Ettin's back)
    Mode Normal
    Average time (can vary based on skills and pcons) 2 to 3 Minutes
    Full or Partial Map Run Full
    Chest Type Maguuma Chest
    Number of Chests 1 to 3 (one way)
    Q8 Focus, Shield, and Sword Possible? Yes
    Examples of targeted drops (not all inclusive) Q8 Focus, Shield, and Sword
    Oldschool or Inscripted Items Oldschool
    Consumable (Optional/ Not required) Cupcake
    Chevy's Build Template OwZSg4PTSf6MHQLiIQ0k3lNQ
    Run Tips/Notes Option 1: Run through Reed Bog and grabbed chests, then zone into The Falls, and reverse run through Reed Bog back to Ettins' Back, Repeat. (this may take a little longer than option 2 due to backtracking to rezone)

    Option 2: Bring an alt and leave at the zone into Reedbog from Ettin's back, after completing the run, use alt to zone and rezone.


    My Current Data Sample:


    My Legacy Trade Posts: WTSell | WTBuy

    My Collections (Working Progress): Chevy's Shiny Relics

    Other Fun (Discontinued, Historical info available): Poll for Favorite 2021 Drop

    Definition of "Collection": An Accumulation of objects gathered for study, comparison, or exhibition or as a hobby.

    Note: Definition does not specify rarity or value, although it could be a choice, it's not a requirement.

    Edited 2 times, last by Agent Chevy (July 3, 2020 at 12:21 AM).

  • Thank you mushroom for the heads up. It should be good now.

    I have had a few issues in the past where an image on one of these older posts wasn't displaying, but then will work the next day. This time it turned out that the picture was actually removed from the image host site, which is strange cause all other pictures I post is from there as well and still active. One of those GW life mysteries hehe.

    My Legacy Trade Posts: WTSell | WTBuy

    My Collections (Working Progress): Chevy's Shiny Relics

    Other Fun (Discontinued, Historical info available): Poll for Favorite 2021 Drop

    Definition of "Collection": An Accumulation of objects gathered for study, comparison, or exhibition or as a hobby.

    Note: Definition does not specify rarity or value, although it could be a choice, it's not a requirement.

  • Hey, Ya, I believe that's where the count came in but honestly, that can be misleading.

    I have changed it to 1-3 (one way). 1-2 is more common, I have seen the 3rd appear when you kill one specific Redwood Sheperds.

    Thanks for the question


    My Legacy Trade Posts: WTSell | WTBuy

    My Collections (Working Progress): Chevy's Shiny Relics

    Other Fun (Discontinued, Historical info available): Poll for Favorite 2021 Drop

    Definition of "Collection": An Accumulation of objects gathered for study, comparison, or exhibition or as a hobby.

    Note: Definition does not specify rarity or value, although it could be a choice, it's not a requirement.

  • Hey, Ya, I believe that's where the count came in but honestly, that can be misleading.

    I have changed it to 1-3 (one way). 1-2 is more common, I have seen the 3rd appear when you kill one specific Redwood Sheperds.

    Thanks for the question


    Tell us more! A chestspawn upon a kill is something unheard of (except for reward chests on dungeon/quest ofc)

    I WTB all kinds of Tower Shields and Defenders. I do drop research - if you find anything remarkable or want to see the results - check the thread or send a pm!

    IGN1 Red Fireball Rusher

    IGN2 Silberner Magier

  • Tell us more! A chestspawn upon a kill is something unheard of (except for reward chests on dungeon/quest ofc)

    I will take some screenshots of location and also try to recreate it. Of course when you are trying to get something to happen it probably won’t cooperate but I certainly will try :)

    My Legacy Trade Posts: WTSell | WTBuy

    My Collections (Working Progress): Chevy's Shiny Relics

    Other Fun (Discontinued, Historical info available): Poll for Favorite 2021 Drop

    Definition of "Collection": An Accumulation of objects gathered for study, comparison, or exhibition or as a hobby.

    Note: Definition does not specify rarity or value, although it could be a choice, it's not a requirement.

  • Tell us more! A chestspawn upon a kill is something unheard of (except for reward chests on dungeon/quest ofc)

    Ok... be ready to have your mind blown....

    So I did a run just for the purpose of mapping and screenshotting where I have seen a chest spawn upon kill.

    Here is the specific Redwood and the location on the map....



    So while I was here, I did a few runs back and forth from Ettin's to The Falls to see if I could get this chest to pop. Since the Rewoods can drop q8s, it was a potentially valuable farm.

    As I was coming back from the Falls, passed the few spiders and went over the first tree.

    The first Redwood Shepherd gave me a dirty look so I stopped to give him a piece of my mind...

    Upon it's death...look at what appeared.....


    So my new conclusion is that it wasn't that specific Redwood that I had seen this happen with, but multiple.....

    My Legacy Trade Posts: WTSell | WTBuy

    My Collections (Working Progress): Chevy's Shiny Relics

    Other Fun (Discontinued, Historical info available): Poll for Favorite 2021 Drop

    Definition of "Collection": An Accumulation of objects gathered for study, comparison, or exhibition or as a hobby.

    Note: Definition does not specify rarity or value, although it could be a choice, it's not a requirement.

  • OMG

    I mean that's insane. All the ideas coming to mind... what if that happened in other areas as well? What does it tell us about chest spawn? And ofc 3 chests in an area small as reed bog is quite a notable number. Thanks so much for checking and sharing - I'll definitely try to reproduce just that myself and see what "hidden" special items drop from that chest. I heard swamp clubs were possible just there... (just making up myths on here...)

    I WTB all kinds of Tower Shields and Defenders. I do drop research - if you find anything remarkable or want to see the results - check the thread or send a pm!

    IGN1 Red Fireball Rusher

    IGN2 Silberner Magier

  • So the chest count is now in question cause when I wrote this post originally I had thought that this pop up chest would be in addition to 2 chests but this one time that just occurred it was just only 1 of 2 again so 3 may not happen, it’s been awhile before now that i did this run.

    LOL you can probably rumor anything here and not many people read these chest running posts. I did hear that the legendary Crystalline Hammer can drop here, the crysta sword skin with Blunt dmg.

    Side teaser on Maguuma chests, this question inspired me to go do some Dry Top suns (very similar zoning run to this one). When I am at my pc later I will post in the “how did GW treat me today thread”

    My Legacy Trade Posts: WTSell | WTBuy

    My Collections (Working Progress): Chevy's Shiny Relics

    Other Fun (Discontinued, Historical info available): Poll for Favorite 2021 Drop

    Definition of "Collection": An Accumulation of objects gathered for study, comparison, or exhibition or as a hobby.

    Note: Definition does not specify rarity or value, although it could be a choice, it's not a requirement.

  • Very interesting! First chest I heard of that spawns upon death. I was able to confirm this for myself three times, so far both before and during the Dropping Eaves quest. All three times were at the central campfire shepherd, and after killing both the shepherd and accompanying scarab.

    Redwood Shepherd gave me a dirty look

    Probably because he'd never seen a dervish before. You killing him must not have left a good first impression...

    >WTB< | ign Adanel Jade

  • Here's what I've been using upon your inspiration. OgcUcZsmxvQ3l/aj1oSXG+GCHIQA

    It works to farm the trolls in the early section as well as kill each Redwood in hopes of a chest spawn. The Redwoods are weak to fire, so I chucked a fire mod on the bow alongside the 20% vs plants. NM hits 80-120 with PBS and ZS. I end up running it backwards to hit the trolls early. Thanks for the great info here!

    Hoping for more perfect +5e's....


    Edited once, last by Arena (December 7, 2024 at 8:47 AM).

  • Here's what I've been using upon your inspiration. OgcUcZsmxvQ3l/aj1oSXG+GCHIQA

    It works to farm the trolls in the early section as well as kill each Redwood in hopes of a chest spawn. The Redwoods are weak to fire, so I chucked a fire mod on the bow alongside the 20% vs plants. NM hits 80-120 with PBS and ZS. I end up running it backwards to hit the trolls early. Thanks for the great info here!

    Hoping for more perfect +5e's....

    Glad to see my old Chest Running posts are still referenced in some form. I am also a fan of farming Reed Bog when not chest running.

    Imagine this... since you got yourself a Short Sword +5e, Reed Bog can drop max gold Q8 swords, this is what dreams are made of :D

    Good luck and do share when you get that max q8 sword, it may take 1 to 100k+ runs but it is possible!


    My Legacy Trade Posts: WTSell | WTBuy

    My Collections (Working Progress): Chevy's Shiny Relics

    Other Fun (Discontinued, Historical info available): Poll for Favorite 2021 Drop

    Definition of "Collection": An Accumulation of objects gathered for study, comparison, or exhibition or as a hobby.

    Note: Definition does not specify rarity or value, although it could be a choice, it's not a requirement.

  • statistically more like 10.000.000 runs... but it can happen ;)

    lol I was giving a little hope with the 100k but 10M+ is more realistic, but still possible :D

    My Legacy Trade Posts: WTSell | WTBuy

    My Collections (Working Progress): Chevy's Shiny Relics

    Other Fun (Discontinued, Historical info available): Poll for Favorite 2021 Drop

    Definition of "Collection": An Accumulation of objects gathered for study, comparison, or exhibition or as a hobby.

    Note: Definition does not specify rarity or value, although it could be a choice, it's not a requirement.

  • Felly's certainly can. Essentially any sword, shield or focus skin that can drop from a level 16-20 foe can drop Q8 gold.

    Same goes for chests that can drop Q8s (list of those chests can be found here Chests with Q8 Max Drop Possibilities

    My Legacy Trade Posts: WTSell | WTBuy

    My Collections (Working Progress): Chevy's Shiny Relics

    Other Fun (Discontinued, Historical info available): Poll for Favorite 2021 Drop

    Definition of "Collection": An Accumulation of objects gathered for study, comparison, or exhibition or as a hobby.

    Note: Definition does not specify rarity or value, although it could be a choice, it's not a requirement.

  • Felly's certainly can. Essentially any sword, shield or focus skin that can drop from a level 16-20 foe can drop Q8 gold.

    Same goes for chests that can drop Q8s (list of those chests can be found here Chests with Q8 Max Drop Possibilities

    Is there a specific place best suited for dropping fellblades? Would love to explore build making!

    There isn't really any specific farming place for Fellblades, but the Crystal Desert isn't a bad place to consider for options.

    My Legacy Trade Posts: WTSell | WTBuy

    My Collections (Working Progress): Chevy's Shiny Relics

    Other Fun (Discontinued, Historical info available): Poll for Favorite 2021 Drop

    Definition of "Collection": An Accumulation of objects gathered for study, comparison, or exhibition or as a hobby.

    Note: Definition does not specify rarity or value, although it could be a choice, it's not a requirement.

  • Nowhere specific, since it's a core item, it's very hard to farm for it, making them pretty rare, especially q8s.

    My Legacy Trade Posts: WTSell | WTBuy

    My Collections (Working Progress): Chevy's Shiny Relics

    Other Fun (Discontinued, Historical info available): Poll for Favorite 2021 Drop

    Definition of "Collection": An Accumulation of objects gathered for study, comparison, or exhibition or as a hobby.

    Note: Definition does not specify rarity or value, although it could be a choice, it's not a requirement.

  • sorry, but q8 felly is out of the options to drop. anywhere

    my bad if that is the case, I guess I assumed since insc can drop that an OS still could somewhere.

    For example, my records show Fellblades dropping from chests in HM in Undercity, why would they not drop in an NM chest as q8?

    My Legacy Trade Posts: WTSell | WTBuy

    My Collections (Working Progress): Chevy's Shiny Relics

    Other Fun (Discontinued, Historical info available): Poll for Favorite 2021 Drop

    Definition of "Collection": An Accumulation of objects gathered for study, comparison, or exhibition or as a hobby.

    Note: Definition does not specify rarity or value, although it could be a choice, it's not a requirement.

    Edited once, last by Agent Chevy (December 8, 2024 at 4:14 AM).

  • Curious about your comment Red, did you mean it can drop anywhere or it cannot in req8?

    cannot. sry if unclear.

    For example, my records show Fellblades dropping from chests in HM in Undercity, why would they not drop in an NM chest as q8?

    that might be a reasonable approach of reasoning, but it does not seem to work that way. raven staff and fellblade both drop on locked chests in hm maguuma jungle, but never in nm. also in sf the first two chests neber drop a fellbldae, whilst the last one does - but that one never drops q8. the os fellblade does not drop q8.

    I WTB all kinds of Tower Shields and Defenders. I do drop research - if you find anything remarkable or want to see the results - check the thread or send a pm!

    IGN1 Red Fireball Rusher

    IGN2 Silberner Magier

  • Curious about your comment Red, did you mean it can drop anywhere or it cannot in req8?

    cannot. sry if unclear.

    For example, my records show Fellblades dropping from chests in HM in Undercity, why would they not drop in an NM chest as q8?

    that might be a reasonable approach of reasoning, but it does not seem to work that way. raven staff and fellblade both drop on locked chests in hm maguuma jungle, but never in nm. also in sf the first two chests neber drop a fellbldae, whilst the last one does - but that one never drops q8. the os fellblade does not drop q8.

    Thanks for clarifying Red, I always enjoy hearing the plethora of knowledge you bestow upon us :) I will forget about the q8+5e fellblade and hope for a q8 +5e FDS instead haha


  • heh - definitely more realistic than a q8 caster felly (since anything bigger 0 chance will be) but really actually... winning the state lottery 2times in a row seems more likely :D

    I WTB all kinds of Tower Shields and Defenders. I do drop research - if you find anything remarkable or want to see the results - check the thread or send a pm!

    IGN1 Red Fireball Rusher

    IGN2 Silberner Magier

  • sorry, but q8 felly is out of the options to drop. anywhere

    This is not true. Many areas dropping q8 have dropped fellblades to me, there are also even insc gold q8 fells. Ive dropped fell from chest (normal mode) in tyrian desert aswell as pongmei. I might have screens somewhere. I personally also dropped gold q8 15-21 insc fell from eotn ( Coffee Man has it now)

  • I am 99.999% sure it is true :D

    the fellblade from eotn is a different story. it does drop on the snowmen, which go as low as lvl 12 and consequently can drop as low as q3. an insc one is irrelevant for the os ones.

    for the remark of fellys dropping in areas that do drop q8 - I remember your screen from maguuma I think, but the drop was in hm from a locked chest. nm drop pool can differ - and in case of fellblade and raven staff for example it does.

    the drop on a chest in nm crystal desert would prove the point, but I would think it did not actually happen and you remember wrong. but please dig it up! I am not saying you are wrong, just that I am very VERY certain on my observations.

    I did run MANY chests in crystal desert, but a raven staff or fellblade definitely aren't in the pool for me.

    I WTB all kinds of Tower Shields and Defenders. I do drop research - if you find anything remarkable or want to see the results - check the thread or send a pm!

    IGN1 Red Fireball Rusher

    IGN2 Silberner Magier

  • I am 99.999% sure it is true :D

    the fellblade from eotn is a different story. it does drop on the snowmen, which go as low as lvl 12 and consequently can drop as low as q3. an insc one is irrelevant for the os ones.

    for the remark of fellys dropping in areas that do drop q8 - I remember your screen from maguuma I think, but the drop was in hm from a locked chest. nm drop pool can differ - and in case of fellblade and raven staff for example it does.

    the drop on a chest in nm crystal desert would prove the point, but I would think it did not actually happen and you remember wrong. but please dig it up! I am not saying you are wrong, just that I am very VERY certain on my observations.

    I did run MANY chests in crystal desert, but a raven staff or fellblade definitely aren't in the pool for me.

    I will test to see if I can get a NM Fellblade in the Maguuma region and I'd have to agree, I've never seen a Raven or Felly drop from the crystal desert Elonian Chests
