Please close - Q9 SSS 45^Ench 2^Stance

  • Hi all, Looking for feedback on this lovely shield (even though it is mismatched). I am still deciding if I will sell it but someone already has dibs on it ( know who you are :P).


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    Definition of "Collection": An Accumulation of objects gathered for study, comparison, or exhibition or as a hobby.

    Note: Definition does not specify rarity or value, although it could be a choice, it's not a requirement.

  • I have his brother. Paid 2a after no other interested and lots of time for sale.) SWS > SSS so id say 100-150e would be fair if there is anybody out there who wants these mods. A motivated buyer might pay more or attempt to bribe you with some of his bone marrow or a kidney. Just sell me it already! I see this one in my sleep, slowly floating towards me on a cloud. I stretch out my arms to grab it, my fingers brush the edges and it crumbles to dust Thanos style and I realize I'm having a nightmare ;(

    IGN: Pyro Loves Lobsters

  • Agent Chevy August 22, 2019 at 5:19 AM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Q9 SSS 45^Ench 2^Stance” to “Please close - Q9 SSS 45^Ench 2^Stance”.
  • cosyfiep August 22, 2019 at 7:10 AM

    Closed the thread.