
Bin shadow bow, scimitar, echovald, aureate daggers, dragon kamas, cele daggers
Hi there,
I'm interested on few items :
- Vampiric Flamberge
- Gothic sword
What do you mean by few ectos ? Like 1-2 ? If so, I'd take both for 4e.chrismc90 you were right, these items for free.Thanks a lot PyroLobster !
IGN : Enderia Kawan
I could put the q9 butterfly sword and scimitar to good use please. thanks for kindly donating. Nemrods he said those specifically are free, no ecto necessary.
jamie amare
ing. bo osa
Dual vamp shadow bow 30e
25e Chaos Axe
also I’d like to offer 25e for the scimitar and dadao sword. I know they’re for free but I’d really like them. -
if dragon kamas +5e are still there id take them
Gothic Axe and Gothic Dual Axe if still available, thanks
Hmm... Halo Axe as well if you don't mind. This happened to fill some niches in my small collection
Sold stuff removed. New giveaway stuff added. Anybody who requested items who haven't yet received please message me ingame for delivery
I’ll take the Tall Shield, IDS, & Jade Sword.
October 29, 2019 at 2:22 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OS Clearance + Free Stuff” to “OS Clearance + New Free Stuff”. -
Don't make me merch this stuff
ill remove from your merchant happy hands,
Sundering Grinning Axe 15^50 20/20 20^ogres
Brute Sword 15^50 +1 Swordsmanship
I'd readily take the tall shield :O
Last bump then the merchant will have his wicked desires
If nobody wants them, I'd take the Amber, Jade and Bramble bows, Grinning Dragon Axe, Feathered Longbow, Celestial Scepter (Fire) and IDS...
November 14, 2019 at 8:20 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OS Clearance + New Free Stuff” to “Free q9 OS Axes”. -
More stuff needs saving from merch!
i would love that chaos axe +15^ench
Nimbly Crow
I'd be really happy to have that naked and +15/stance chaos axe
ill take to q9 naked jade axe, chaos and dragoncrest! thanks
Ill buy the naked dragoncrest!!!!!!!! S/B 10e?
20e for the naked dragoncrest, if you accept bids :cool:
id love the 15 stance jade Axe, been looking for that actually
25e naked dragoncrest!!! get outta here mushroom :p ... this item is for blazers, not shroomers!
but i want that dank item
Enjoyed the bid war on a giveaway but needs to remain first come first serve free
Stance jade Axe still to be delivered.
Hi I'd need the vd hexed chaos axe
Ign : speed clear ele
ill take GDAs:
20 under 50
February 4, 2020 at 3:02 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Free q9 OS Axes” to “Random q9 OS Weps”. -
bump 4 new stuff
10e on chaos Axe IGN: Ar Dunain
Butterfly sword - 10e
Or just that skele mod on it for 5e
Q9 Chaos Axe 15^50 - 15e
Q9 Battlepick 15^50 - 5e
Longsword +5nrg - 3e
Gemstone Axe - 5e
Zodiac Axe - 5e
April 10, 2020 at 10:57 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Random q9 OS Weps” to “Q5 Enameled”. -
bump for new item
10a thx
15a on the Enameled
17a enameled