Selling 20/20 Wands, q8's, Prenerf mods, Prenerf weapons and more!
Pleikki -
April 19, 2020 at 3:58 PM -
March 4, 2021 at 2:07 PM Changed the title of the thread from “HUGE UPDATE 28/2! Reorder, New items, q7 FDS, q8 jitte etc! Mixed dyes, Prenerf mods, Prenerf weapons and more!” to “HUGE UPDATE! R/B added 4/3! New items, q8 15^50's, q8 jitte etc! Mixed dyes, Prenerf mods, Prenerf weapons and more!”. -
Bump! Added Reserve prices! Some stuff sold ig
March 5, 2021 at 10:05 AM Changed the title of the thread from “HUGE UPDATE! R/B added 4/3! New items, q8 15^50's, q8 jitte etc! Mixed dyes, Prenerf mods, Prenerf weapons and more!” to “HUGE UPDATE! NEW ITEMS 5/3! q7 Shields, q8 15^50's, q8 jitte etc! Mixed dyes, Prenerf mods, Prenerf weapons and more!”. -
150e hand axe
New items added
Q7 cele shield, q8 tower shield, prenerf truncheon!
New q8s:
G10, g17, g21, g22, g23, g24, g25
New purple q8 ironwing p10!
March 6, 2021 at 10:53 AM Changed the title of the thread from “HUGE UPDATE! NEW ITEMS 5/3! q7 Shields, q8 15^50's, q8 jitte etc! Mixed dyes, Prenerf mods, Prenerf weapons and more!” to “HUGE UPDATE! NEW ITEMS 6/3! q7 Shields, q8 15^50's, q8 jitte etc! Mixed dyes, Prenerf mods, Prenerf weapons and more!”. -
p1 100e
G16. 15a
Bump! Ty for bids
New q8 items g26 g27 and shields s14 s15 s16
25a q7 cele shield
March 8, 2021 at 3:33 PM Changed the title of the thread from “HUGE UPDATE! NEW ITEMS 6/3! q7 Shields, q8 15^50's, q8 jitte etc! Mixed dyes, Prenerf mods, Prenerf weapons and more!” to “HUGE UPDATE! NEW ITEMS 8/3! q8 SEPHIS AXE! q7 Shields, q8 15^50's etc! Mixed dyes, Prenerf mods, Prenerf weapons and more!”. -
Added q8 14^50 Sephis axe!
Few new martial weapons added
q8 jitte and stormbow sold IG
- Official Post
75a q8 sephis
s15 100e
g22 NEW R/B: 100e
g23 NEW R/B: 4a
g24 NEW R/B: 8a
g25 NEW R/B: 100e
g26 NEW R/B: 3a
IGN Alexa Jaide
10a on p9
Ty for bids! Added r/b's on some stuff like Cash allready took some xd -
q7 skeleton shield: 35a
IGN: Kanaxais Fate
Bump! Added some r/bs
new shields: s17 s18 -
March 11, 2021 at 6:22 PM Changed the title of the thread from “HUGE UPDATE! NEW ITEMS 8/3! q8 SEPHIS AXE! q7 Shields, q8 15^50's etc! Mixed dyes, Prenerf mods, Prenerf weapons and more!” to “HUGE UPDATE! NEW ITEMS 11/3! q8 SEPHIS AXE! q7 Shields, q8 15^50's etc! Mixed dyes, Prenerf mods, Prenerf weapons and more!”. -
S18 100e
S17 30e
March 12, 2021 at 2:53 PM Changed the title of the thread from “HUGE UPDATE! NEW ITEMS 11/3! q8 SEPHIS AXE! q7 Shields, q8 15^50's etc! Mixed dyes, Prenerf mods, Prenerf weapons and more!” to “HUGE UPDATE! NEW ITEMS 12/3! New Q7 FDS! q7 Shields, q8 15^50's etc! Mixed dyes, Prenerf mods, Prenerf weapons and more!”. -
Lowered prices on all prenerf sundering mods to bargains!!New items:
New Highlight q7 FDSNew q8 Halfmoon
New Purple q8s FDS & Feathered longbow
p1 100e
Added new highlights q9 20/20 Dom bo, q9 20/20 dom platinum staff, q8 10charr/-2e Reinforcedadded new q8 14^50 Forked sword
Added new shields s21 s22 s23 (q8 10ar/1/20 tower, q8 30 5/19 skull, q8 crude!) -
March 13, 2021 at 9:50 PM Changed the title of the thread from “HUGE UPDATE! NEW ITEMS 12/3! New Q7 FDS! q7 Shields, q8 15^50's etc! Mixed dyes, Prenerf mods, Prenerf weapons and more!” to “NEW ITEMS 13/3! q9 20/20 Earth BO, Perf q8 shields Etc! New Q7 FDS! q7 Shields, q8 15^50's etc! Mixed dyes, Prenerf mods, Prenerf weapons and more!”. -
NEW q9 20/20 Earth BO - 31a
q9 20/20 Earth BO - 32a
R/B on m5 and m9
NEW q9 20/20 Earth BO - 33a
March 15, 2021 at 3:45 PM Changed the title of the thread from “NEW ITEMS 13/3! q9 20/20 Earth BO, Perf q8 shields Etc! New Q7 FDS! q7 Shields, q8 15^50's etc! Mixed dyes, Prenerf mods, Prenerf weapons and more!” to “NEW ITEMS 15/3! q9 20/20 Earth BO, Perf q8 shields Etc! New Q7 FDS! q7 Shields, q8 15^50's etc! Mixed dyes, Prenerf mods, Prenerf weapons and more!”. -
Added R/bs on some older items, removed some sold stuff, added someting newNew:
q8's: g3 (q8 13st Summit hammer) q10 (q8 14st Stormbow)
new perfect q8 shields:
s18, s24, s25
new ele:
e10 (q8 ele foci)
s1 - 50e
s16 - 35e (r/b is 30e idk your b/o)
s21 - 1a
m2 r/b
IGN Dervish Donut -
Bump, added b/o r/b some of the highlights
q7 skeleton shield sold via pm. -
pm9 r/b
s5- 120e
Bump! Some stuff sold
March 20, 2021 at 6:47 AM Changed the title of the thread from “NEW ITEMS 15/3! q9 20/20 Earth BO, Perf q8 shields Etc! New Q7 FDS! q7 Shields, q8 15^50's etc! Mixed dyes, Prenerf mods, Prenerf weapons and more!” to “NEW ITEMS 20/3! Perf q8 shields, q7 Shields, q8 15^50's etc! Mixed dyes, Prenerf mods, Prenerf weapons and more!”. -
Bump! Updated thread some and added some new items and removed sold and added some r/bs!
New Highligh! q8 3 prof wand! Items like this cannot drop anymore ! (Nec wand with other prof mods! +q8 + 17%!!)
New q8 weapons q8 giantslayerhammer g19
New purple q8s p1, p2, p3! (Q8 Sephis axe etc!!)
New necro q7 offhand!
New shields!: s1, s5, -
5a g10