B/o -2we/+30 Plagueborn

please close
Purely -
August 6, 2020 at 8:34 AM -
Golden pillar 10e
Cane 10/10 illusion 10e
Amber communing 20e
Harmonic rod 10e
Wailing wand 20e
Dragon breath 20e
Defender ench -2 +45 q12 40e
Am tight tight fir money i wish i could offer more
Q8 motiv scarab : 30e plz
q13 communing dragon staff 20/20 - 10e
retract on plagueborn shield sorry, funds went elsewhere
10e q11 plagueborn sword dual vamp
prot/hex bladed - 20e
- q9 Longsword +5e - rb 10e
- q11 Longsword Dual Vamp - rb 10e
RB on both if both longer blade version
- q9t Gothic Defender -2wE, +45wE, 376gv 6a
q11 divine Bo Staff 20/20 Divine - 25e (If not sold yet)
Current activity:
Golden pillar 10e
Cane 10/10 illusion 10e
Amber communing 20e
Harmonic rod 10e
Wailing wand 20e
Dragon breath 20e
Defender ench -2 +45 q12 40e
- pending delivery Blind Was My Fury
- q9t Gothic Defender -2wE, +45wE, 376gv 6a BeastCf - Lowest I'm going to do is 10a on this. I'd rather bin it. Same goes for Embers .
q9s Bladed prot/hex - co 1a Praise - rb 4a - fyi: Snoop Snail
q13 communing dragon staff 20/20 - 10e Minani - pending delivery
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summit 200e
Q9 20/10 Deadly Cesta - 5e
November 14, 2020 at 6:00 PM Changed the title of the thread from “**NEW 11/7** >> 98 New OS & Inscribable Low Reqs << **NEW 11/7**” to “**NEW 11/14** >> 50 New OS & Inscribable Low Reqs (7/15 tact gold shields!) << **NEW 11/14**”. -
Ornate plants +30 - 1a
Bladed Shield -5/20 45stance - 20e
DV Dadao - 10e
DV Gladius - 20e
Nimbly Crow
- q10t Round Shield -2wE, +30 - rb 15e
- q11t Round Shield +10 Slashing, -2wE - rb 10e
- q13t Celestial Shield -2wE, +10 Lightning - rb 8e
RB on these three. IGN: Zombie Of Life
the avian axe - 30e
Current activity:
Coffee Man Q9 20/10 Deadly Cesta - 5e - willing to do 20e
Snoop Snail avian axe - 30e - willing to do 60e
q13 communing dragon staff 20/20 - 10e Minani - pending delivery
Thanks to everyone for trades! Stay tuned for more!
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Ornate Shield Q9 T +10vs plant/-20 blind 10e. Let me know if you got more 10vs/blind combos
November 24, 2020 at 10:20 AM Changed the title of the thread from “**NEW 11/14** >> 50 New OS & Inscribable Low Reqs (7/15 tact gold shields!) << **NEW 11/14**” to “**NEW 11/24** Shields<|>Weapons<|>Offhands<|>Low Req Insc **500+ Items**”. -
30e bladed +43/-2
Spiked Targe 12 Strength +30 +10 Dragons
Plagueborn Shield 13 Strength +29 +10 Demons
ty a lot
edit: retract
Bump! Click for first page!
Reserves added for most items!
Ornate Shield 11 Tactics +1 (20) Divine -2wS - rb: 5e
5e Gimi this :p
Also maybe this
Dragon Staff 11 Divine 20% HCT Healing - rb: 15e
Need to see how broke I am QQ
Amber Aegis 10 Strength - Dazed +10 Blunt - rb: 10e
Amber Aegis 11 Strength +30 -2wE - rb: 15e
Bladed Shield 10 Strength -2wS +29 - rb: 20e
Bladed Shield 11 Strength +43wE -2wE - rb: 10e
Diamond Aegis 10 Strength +28 -2wE - rb: 5e
Outcast Shield 11 Strength +28 -2wE - rb: 10e
Cockatrice Staff 10 Death 20% HCT Death - rb: 15e -
November 28, 2020 at 7:20 AM Changed the title of the thread from “**NEW 11/24** Shields<|>Weapons<|>Offhands<|>Low Req Insc **500+ Items**” to “** NEW 11/28 ** Shields<|>Weapons<|>Offhands<|>Low Req Insc ** NEW 11/28**”. -
15e q5 elonian daggers
Foehammer 7 Hammer 18-32 gold - rb: 20e
Runic Hammer 8 Hammer 18-34 gold - rb: 20e
Stonehead Hammer 8 Hammer 18-34 gold - rb: offer
Ivory Hammer 7 Hammer 18-32 gold - rb: offer20e each
Edit: also probably this
Echovald Shield 13 Tactics +1 (20) Healing -2wS - rb: 10e
along with these 2 i mentioned before
Dragon Staff 11 Divine 20% HCT Healing - rb: 15e
Ornate Shield 11 Tactics +1 (20) Divine -2wS - rb: 5e
Will poke u in game :p -
Heraldic - 3a
- Official Post
Platinum Wand 9 Fire 10% HSR 10% HCT 1a
Cane 9 Illusion 10% HSR 10% HCT 20e
Ornate Shield 9 Tactics +10 Ogres -2wE - rb: 75e Nimbly Crow
Round Shield 5 Tactics 13ar blue 10e
Lotus q8 purp 20e -
Runic Axe 9 DV - rb: 20e
Rb Q9 Channeling and eerie staff
runic qxe q9 dv 25e
Smiting Rod 10 Smiting +15/-1 10% HCT - rb: 8e
40e DV runic axe