Prices reviewed based on the sticky but I'm open to offers on just about everything. Contact me on here or in game on one of my various characters (IGN: Danoram Kanrom).
Greens (make me an offer)
- Galigord's Rod
- Galigord's Stone Scroll
- Brimstone Wand
- The Brimstone
- Ghial's Staff
- Wing's Axe
- The Shadestone
- The Mindsquall
- Villnar's Staff
- Gorrel’s Staff
- Wenslauss Faith
- Wilderm's Wand
- Kai's Sword
- Makdeh's Focus
- Tain's Corruption
- Murakai's Reaver
Random other things
- Nicholas Gifts x10 (3e each)
- Jade Wind Orbs 3e each (200e for all, total 72)
UNDED Green Mini Pets 4e each (or offer)
- Eye of Janthir
- Gwen
UNDED Gold Mini Pets 3e each (or offer)
- Rurik (x2)
- Water Djinn
- Lich (x2)
- Zhu Hanuku
- King Adelbern
- Black Beast of Aaaarrrrggghhh (x2)