Capitalist’s Remains
O shet
You can't leave us hanging like that man.
I know, right? If it provided some caster benefit I probably would have.
You can't leave us hanging like that man.
I haven’t seen another one of these, though I have heard rumors over the years.
And in my defense, I think I have 8-10 things that are actually interesting. Wouldn’t want to burn through them too fast.
If ... I probably would have.
Strong words lol
I agree with your functional approach to customization, though. If Teh Axe was for fighting, I ...probably... would've custo'd it, too.
But really, who swings relics like that at ibogas and such?
Tippy-top shelf, Cap.
Somewhere in the archives the lineage of this sword is listed. I know CoolyGuy owned it at some point. I bought it for 100e From a gentleman whose name escapes me. It was very early in the trading days for me, and I did not have 100e, I think I was 20e short. Lady Blue Steel fronted me the ecto and held onto the sword for me until I could buy it in full. It was like GW layaway for a couple weeks, but after a couple more paychecks, I picked it up formally.
So close.
I remember the Runner's Academy! What an organization. I don't remember who leaked the top secret training manual to me but I remember cracking it open like I was about to have the innermost secrets revealed to me, complete with my face melting off. All I remember is tall shield, dyed blue, req 10. This would've been the sword for a businessman of your stature to have
the custo crimes are real
Thats a good looking offhand Capitalist .Ive been looking for the q8 version for DF,prot or heal for ages for my monk collection now in variations. And all along someone else have it in their collection:)
That is sweeeet!
- Official Post
Keep ‘em coming Cap
I’ve been following your collection since I started. I used to spend hours in the collections thread on guru.
We met once I think.
Love the r7 axe 🪓 ❤️
Yeah MaxBorken, I think we spoke at some point when you were building your dual reduction collection and you wanted to acquire this shield
The Shadow Staff skin will always have a special place in my heart. As a new player, going into FoW or UW and just trying to defeat the first couple of groups was challenging, but getting a eternal shield, ghostly staff, shadow shield, chaos axe, or shadow staff made it worth it. It was just about the skins!
All that said, here is a restoration req on shadow staff for your viewing pleasure.
This thing is an absolute beauty
No way Nak! Riven and Ra say hi
No way Nak! Riven and Ra say hi
Ahhh what up Ty! I think I saw you online the other day for half a second when I logged on. Hope you, Ra and Riven are good. Maybe time for an RfE reunion tour?
definitely edited the wrong post.. but def RFE reunion one of these weekends
- Official Post
Yeah MaxBorken, I think we spoke at some point when you were building your dual reduction collection and you wanted to acquire this shield
I still want to acquire that shield 😉
Running the prenerf lost strongbox in the shiver-me-timbers-peaks delivered a never ending supply of junk. And one or two fun keepers like this guy.
Fun fact, I was running these chests when the nerf happened. I read that this chest had been removed so I kept my computer running and refused zoning to a town to avoid the update. Eventually, nothing showed up and I had to restart.
Blue Tyrian Serpent r8 10/-5 +22, just as it dropped from the box.
That's an odd looking shield you got there.
That's an odd looking shield you got there.
Gotta dream big
that's a thing right there. man.
Yeah that’s a thing of beauty. God damn.