Mix of OS items | Reinforced Buckler q9Tac 30hp 10 demons
EMBO1 : b/o 30e
EMBO5 : b/o 30e
ECHO1 : b/o 40e
WOOD1 : b/o 30e
CELE9 : b/o 30e
Have a nice day
IG : Reine Mathilde
B/o cele9
Blind Was My Fury IQ: TopheVendor you can contact me ingame for handovers, usually online late evenings CET
Rom Thanks for your bid, unfortunately tophe took b/o on cele9 first.
Blind Was My Fury IQ: still pending handovers.
lowered r/b and b/o on outcast.
added new inscr items:q9 Froggy Heal unid
b/o: 45a
sword inscr q8 15-21
dagger inscr q7 postnerf max:
dagger inscr q8 postnerf max:
axe inscr q8 postnerf max:
Q9 Heal Frog - 8a
160a outcast
Retract offer
tank u bid
boop ty u 4 bid
Deesse Mage accepted your bid, contact me ingame
FROG10 i take for b/o 80e
PLAG3 Plagueborn Focus (DF) [purple] 8 20% Bleeding HCT 18% (Heal) 20e on this foo
FROG1 b/o
to the top
Neutral_CH will be off until Tuesday, then can handover
B.o spawning wayward
CELE4 4a
INSCR18 100e
Hate Core
October 7, 2023 at 12:16 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Hundreds of items (OS, inscr) | Outcast Shield q9 Tac full ench (45/2) | q9 Tac Celestial 9 Demon 45ench | Martials (e.g., q9+5e Sunqua, Vertebreaker) | | q8 OS dualmod & inscr foci | q0 8-17dmg Scythes & q0 Spears” to “Hundreds of items (OS, inscr) | FDS q8 15vsHex | q9 Str Echovald Dual Stance | Martials | q8 OS dualmod & inscr foci”. -
added some new items, removed some, make sure you go through everything to not miss anything! -
ST1 b/o
GOLDDA1 Elonian Daggers
7-16dmg postnerf max8 inscr n/a 30e bo
GOLDDA1 Steel Daggers x2
7-15dmg postnerf max7 inscr n/a 30e bo
GOLDAX1 Barbed Axe
6-27dmg postnerf max8 inscr n/a 50e bo
M51 Vertebreaker 300gv 9 clean (no mod) n/a 50e M35 Great Axe 300gv 9 clean (no mod) n/a 20e -
defender dragon death 1a
??????? there's not a single req8 dual mod on this thread? 100g on the single mod req8s.
M2 2a
there are dual mod q8 Old Ascalon Spirit first looki looki, before complaining xD
sorry screen shot was butched before, thanks
+1 Dom Ominous 75e
q8 fds 10a
Dv bramble flatbow 2a
Raining Ecto Red Fireball accepted your offers.
ObsidiaN will add 2 GotHs later today to this post, stay tuned
Will update list of martial weapons within the next days.
added several new shields
updated list of martial weapons
ObsidiaN added 2 new GotHs
pending handovers
Raining Ecto -
3a DV Bramble Flatbow
as well as M56, M57, M60, M63 pls
5a on q10 goth
1a on q9 goth