Mix of OS items | Reinforced Buckler q9Tac 30hp 10 demons
C7 - b/o
Hate Core
November 13, 2021 at 1:59 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/many q9 martials) lot of the deep-items / high energy straw effigy (FC) / q8 Jug (DF, singlemod)” to “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/many q9 martials) lot of the deep-items / high energy straw effigy (FC) / q8 Jug (DF, singlemod) / froggy q11 dom”. -
bump, added:
F25) q11 Froggy Dom 20/20 - c/o: r/b: 24a b/o: 28a
f25 - 15a
bump, added:#
OS New
E12) q10 Truncheon HCT 10% / +5e wE - 10e
B41) q9 Celestial Sword (15-21 dmg) Dual Zeal - 5e
C22) q9 Celestial Staff (channeling) 19HSR / 20% HCT Prot - 10e
- very nice for your SoS/Prot heroes
Inscrip New
F26) q9 Frog Scepter (Froggy) Inspiration - c/o: 200e (ing) r/b: 3a b/o: 5a
F27) q9 Emerald Blade - c/o: r/b: 85e b/o: 100e
F28) q9 Astral Staff (Soul Reaping) - 8e
Hate Core
November 17, 2021 at 4:10 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/many q9 martials) lot of the deep-items / high energy straw effigy (FC) / q8 Jug (DF, singlemod) / froggy q11 dom” to “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/many q9 martials) & inscr items / high energy straw effigy (FC) / froggy q11 dom & q9 inspi / q9 Emerald Blade”. -
D16) bo
still have the celestial staff?
Hate Core
November 22, 2021 at 4:00 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/many q9 martials) & inscr items / high energy straw effigy (FC) / froggy q11 dom & q9 inspi / q9 Emerald Blade” to “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/many q9 martials) & inscr items / high energy straw effigy (FC) / froggy q9 inspi & curses / q9 Emerald Blade”. -
bump, added:
F29) q9 Frog Scepter (Froggy) Curses - r/b: 5a b/o: 7a
F26) q9 Frog Scepter (Froggy) Inspiration - b/o: 5a
10e plant chakram
Hate Core
November 29, 2021 at 1:05 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/many q9 martials) & inscr items / high energy straw effigy (FC) / froggy q9 inspi & curses / q9 Emerald Blade” to “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/many q9 martials) & inscr items / high energy straw effigy (FC) / q9 Emerald Blade”. -
update, added a lot of new items (OS and inscr z-chest):
A19) q11 Gothic Defender (Tac.) -3whex/+59hp w. hex - c/o:
D16) q10 Jug (DF) +1/17% Prot & HCT Prot 18% [purple] - c/o:
D17) q10 Plagueborn Focus (DF) +5 armor ^50% / +15e/-1eregen - 5e
D18) q9 Accursed Icon (Curses, Medusa a.k.a. Versace-skin) +1/20% Death Magic & +10 Ar. vs Lightning - 15e
E13) q10 Earth Wand HSR 20% Earth & +5e wE - 15e
B43) q8 Marble Hammer (18-33) - 15/-1hpregen "dual vamp" - c/o:
B44) q9 Celestial Hammer 15^50 - 15e
B45) q9 Composite Bow 15^50 - 5e
Inscr Items
- q9 Voltaic Spear VS: r/b: 160e b/o: 170e
- q11 Voltaic Spear VS r/b: 45e b/o: 50e
- q9 Chaos Axe 45e
- q9 Emerald Edge 10e
- q9 Draconic Aegis Mot x2 5e/ea
- q9 Hornbow (Mursaat Skin) 5e
- q9 Stormbow 5e
- q9 Magmas Shield (Str) 20e
Celestial Compasses (CC) - whole bundle price of 11x CC: 160e
- CC q9: Channel 45e
- CC q9:Spawn 15e
- CC q9:Blood 25e
- CC q10: Death 10e
- CC q11: Dom x2 40e/ea
- CC q11: Spawn 5e
- CC q12: Inspi 2e
- CC q13 Death x2 2e/ea
- CC q13 FC 2e
Ghostly Staves (inscr.) - whole bundle price of 7x Ghostly Staff 30e
- Ghostly Staff q9: Spawning x2 5e/ea
- Ghostly Staff q9: SR x2 5e/ea
- Ghostly Staff q9: ES 5e
- Ghostly Staff q9: Inspiration 5e
- Ghostly Staff q10: DF 5e
Hate Core
December 10, 2021 at 3:25 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/many q9 martials) & inscr items / high energy straw effigy (FC) / q9 Emerald Blade” to “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/ q9 martials) & various inscr. items (VS, CCs, Ghostly Staves..)”. -
D16) 25e
Ghostly staff ES -5e Ima take that pls.
spawning ghostly for 5e alex
B43) 10e
Marble 20e
marble 30e
Hate Core
December 23, 2021 at 11:28 AM Changed the title of the thread from “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/ q9 martials) & various inscr. items (VS, CCs, Ghostly Staves..)” to “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/ q9 martials) & various inscr. items (CCs, Ghostly Staves..)”. -
Thank you for the offers and merry xmas!
Added new OS:
B46) q9 Celestial Axe +5e - 30e
B47) q9 Summit Hammer 15/-5e - 5e
G1) Podaltur's Fury - c/o:
Jug sold to Woo for 25e
bump, added new stuff
D21) q9 Straw Effigy (FC) +44 ench & +5ar^50 - c/o:
B48) q9 Celestial Sword 15/50 404 gv - 15e
B49) q9 Clouded Maul 15^50 - 10e
B50) q9 Oni Blade 15 vs hex. - 5e
D20) q8 Paper Lantern [blue, unid] - c/o:
C9) q10 Fire Staff 20/20 - 10e
b/o clouded maul
b / o Paper lantern inc. ?^^ its os right?
D20 10e
D21 5e
D20 20e
bump added
A20) q13 Tac Exalted Aegis +1/20% Healing +56hp hex - 5e
A21) q9 Tac Exalted Aegis -5/19% & 20% bleeding - 10e
B51) q9 Zodiac Axe - DZ (15/-1eregen) - s/b: 1a c/o: - b/o: tba.
B52) q9 Zodiac Hammer naked - 5e
D22) q10 Flame Artifact +10 vs demon & 10% HCT - c/o:
Dhuum's Soul Reaper (DSR) - r/b: 50e b/o: 70e
DSR - 40e offer
Hate Core
January 9, 2022 at 2:53 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/ q9 martials) & various inscr. items (CCs, Ghostly Staves..)” to “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/ q9 martials) & various inscr. items (CCs, Ghostly Staves..) / q9 DZ Zodi Axe”. -
A20 - 5e
B51 - SB
DSR : b/o 70e
D22 10e
b/o d17, d18, e13
added a heavy shield:
A22) q13 Zodiac Shield (Str) -3/+59 wHex - c/o:
CC q11: Dom - 5e offer
added b/o-price for DZ Zodiac Axe
D20 (q8 paper lantern) & D22 (flame artifact) auctions end next Tuesday 8pm CET.
B/O DZ Zodiac Axe
- q9 Emerald Edge 8e/ea
- q9 Draconic Aegis Mot 4e/ea
- q9 Hornbow (Mursaat Skin) 5e/ea
1 of each of these please.
IGN: Necromancer Rav
auctions on D20 (q8 paper lantern) & D22 (flame artifact) end today 8pm CET.
Hate Core
January 18, 2022 at 1:28 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/ q9 martials) & various inscr. items (CCs, Ghostly Staves..) / q9 DZ Zodi Axe” to “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/ q9 martials) & various inscr. items (CCs, Ghostly Staves..)”. -
bump, new items:
B47) q9 Summit Hammer 15stance - 5e
B53) q9 Fellblade 15stance - 5e
A23) q8/16 Magmas Shield [white, unid; comes with a free"q9/16 pendant] - c/o:
D23) q3/8 Inscribed Chakram (dom) +32hp w. ench / +8% HCT [purple] - c/o:
- q9 Icicle Staff (SR) - 15e
- q11 Tentacle Scythe- 15e