Shadow shield hex - 5a

[New 16 march] Prenerf Dyed Bags set + Storage Cleaning -> OS Shields Perf / 20/20 Staves / OS Hammers + Swords + Axes / Q8 Gold inscri shields + offhands / Q0 Copperleaf / Q9 Emerald blade / Q9 Purple Elonian Daggers /OS Eternal / Q1 Scythe
300a amber
Gothic Q8/16 +27 : 10e
Dv celestial bow 2a
dv zodiac sword 1a
feathered longbow 150a
summit 25
Shadow shield -2 st +30 -> 3a
Shadow Shield -2st +30 - 5a
Aegis +30 -2st - 3a
Ornate -cripple -2en - 2a
GotH hex- 5a
ty for bids
To the top !
q7 chaos axe 20a
dv zodiac 2A
5a out cast chan
3a q10 DV Zodiac Sword
prenerf holy rod and ankh 1a each
dv zodiac sword 4a
Outcast Channeling 10a
June 2, 2024 at 1:34 PM Changed the title of the thread from “[All New] Prenerf crazy sales : Q8 15^50 Bows / Old Stuff from old good days / Q8 OS / Prenerf monk set / Q8 Summit Hammer / Q7 Chaos Axe / Q9 OS Shields Perfect / Jade Orbs / Dual Vamp / 20/20 Staves” to “[r/b met + b/o on bows q8] Prenerf crazy sales : Q8 15^50 Bows / Old Stuff from old good days / Q8 OS / Prenerf monk set / Q8 Summit Hammer / Q7 Chaos Axe / Q9 OS Shields Perfect / Jade Orbs / Dual Vamp / 20/20 Staves”. -
r/b met on bow + 24h timer
add b/o
gl !
DV Zodiac 5a
holy rod/ankh set 30a
dv zodiac 6a
DV Zodiac 7a
dv zodiac 10A
Gothic shield q8 gold and purple 15e/ea
305a on amber
8/8 shadow staff 5a
DV short sword 5a
channel outcast 20/20 15a -
outcast channeling 20a
channel outcast 25
Was my bid on amber invalid?
Have a nice day.
June 5, 2024 at 9:03 PM Changed the title of the thread from “[r/b met + b/o on bows q8] Prenerf crazy sales : Q8 15^50 Bows / Old Stuff from old good days / Q8 OS / Prenerf monk set / Q8 Summit Hammer / Q7 Chaos Axe / Q9 OS Shields Perfect / Jade Orbs / Dual Vamp / 20/20 Staves” to “[bids updated] Prenerf + OS Sales : Old Stuff from old good days / Q9 OS Shields Perfect / Q8 OS / Prenerf monk set / Q8 Summit Hammer / Jade Orbs / Dual Vamp / 20/20 Staves”. -
To the top
Hexy shadow 8a
Shadow hex 10a
GotH hex- 7a
Goth Hex 10a