ty bids, bump

WTS Bladed Shield Demon/43wE, Demon/30hp
October 23, 2022 at 7:28 PM Changed the title of the thread from “q12 Str Hexy Zodiac | Zodiac Scepter 20Curses/14/-1 | q12t Echovald 10vsDemon -2wE q12t | q11 Bladed 10vsOgres -2wE” to “q10t -2/+45 ench Exalted | q12 Str Hexy Zodiac | Zodiac Scepter 20Curses/14/-1 | q12t Echovald 10vsDemon -2wE q12t | q11 Bladed 10vsOgres -2wE”. -
10a ekza
25a exalted
Exalted 35
Ty bids, bump
b.o on exalted aegis
H0 10 a
November 3, 2022 at 2:25 PM Changed the title of the thread from “q10t -2/+45 ench Exalted | q12 Str Hexy Zodiac | Zodiac Scepter 20Curses/14/-1 | q12t Echovald 10vsDemon -2wE q12t | q11 Bladed 10vsOgres -2wE” to “Exalted, Bladed, Zodiac Shields | q11 Zodiac Water Staff | q9 +5e, 15^50 | New 03/11”. -
H6 125e
H8 75e
November 28, 2022 at 2:40 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Exalted, Bladed, Zodiac Shields | q11 Zodiac Water Staff | q9 +5e, 15^50 | New 03/11” to “q9 Fire Zodiac Scepter 10/10 | Crude, Exalted, Bladed, Zodiac Shields | q11 Zodiac Water Staff | q9 +5e, 15^50 | New 28/11”. -
bring it up
D15. Ironwing Flatbow 50e
ign Aaron D Ankle Bitur or Lord Apollo D Lupo
D12 x1 10e
IGN Sugita Kumiko
G1. guildwarslegacy.com/attachment/46411/
G2. guildwarslegacy.com/attachment/46412/
G3. guildwarslegacy.com/attachment/46413/
contact me to claim your items
December 13, 2022 at 4:26 PM Changed the title of the thread from “q9 Fire Zodiac Scepter 10/10 | Crude, Exalted, Bladed, Zodiac Shields | q11 Zodiac Water Staff | q9 +5e, 15^50 | New 28/11” to “Holy Rod Smite 20/19 | q9 Fire Zodiac Scepter 10/10 | q9 15^50 Zodiac, Chaos Axe |Crude, Exalted, Bladed, Zodiac Shields | q11 Zodiac Water Staff | q9 +5e, 15^50 | New 13/12”. -
H2, B/O please.
IGN Montrell Detox
January 2, 2023 at 4:30 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Holy Rod Smite 20/19 | q9 Fire Zodiac Scepter 10/10 | q9 15^50 Zodiac, Chaos Axe |Crude, Exalted, Bladed, Zodiac Shields | q11 Zodiac Water Staff | q9 +5e, 15^50 | New 13/12” to “Shadow Staff q9 Spawn 20/20 | Holy Rod Smite 20/19 | q9 15^50 Zodiac, Chaos Axe | Crude, Exalted, Bladed, Zodiac Shields | others”. -
30e for g2
15e for d12
IGN: Do Om Bringer
January 31, 2023 at 7:51 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Shadow Staff q9 Spawn 20/20 | Holy Rod Smite 20/19 | q9 15^50 Zodiac, Chaos Axe | Crude, Exalted, Bladed, Zodiac Shields | others” to “WTS q9 Bo Staff 20/20 - Heal | Prot | Smite”. -
Hello, im back after couple of weeks, decided to give up one of my collections and here we are. More monk staves will show up here, for now 3x perfect q9 Bo Staff. Good luck!