Minister Cho's Estate - Gate Skip Not Working

  • Just started farming this zone in HM today with D/N using Necrotic Traversal to teleport to corpses and skip dialogue from Master Togo. However, it does not seem to work anymore. Thus for, I am stuck defending Togo while trying to farm. Does anyone know if this was patched or if perhaps I need to use a new skill? Any info is appreciated!

  • Teleportation as a game mechanic was changed nearly 10 years ago in this update. Before this, teleportation allowed you to jump through walls or get to otherwise unreachable areas by jumping to a corpse. Since this update, they behave like shadow steps and obey the same rules (valid path to the target). The various old tricks that used these skills no longer work.

    IGN: Vengeful Was Unholy
    Discord: Unholy2295
    WTB Pre-nerf Greens -> Information
    My WTB Thread

  • There are only a few SaO* gate glitches for the Cartography titles or to look the unfinished and never implemented dungeon in EotN

    *SaO = Strike as One - Ranger elite Skill in beast mastery

    IGN: Mr Clean Value

    :!: Important: Please if i win an auction/or u want to sell me an item write me an PM so we can organize the Trade :!:

    ...................................................................( Thanks for understanding and appreciate the help <3 )......................................................................................................

    "Keep it clean!" 🧽💦

    WTB: x00g - Clean Value items - 360g Roundshield - 256g RAM-hammer - Waterwand with 20/20 Fire

  • also using a masterless minion or some waliing around foe/wild animal you can clip a hand full of things... I think this can be used to get through the minister cho gates iirc.

    I WTB all kinds of Tower Shields and Defenders. I do drop research - if you find anything remarkable or want to see the results - check the thread or send a pm!

    IGN1 Red Fireball Rusher

    IGN2 Silberner Magier

  • also using a masterless minion or some waliing around foe/wild animal you can clip a hand full of things... I think this can be used to get through the minister cho gates iirc.

    It depends on the model of the gate. There are portals that open vertically in the center, like the Luxon portal known for this, all the way down the Luxon side to ignore part of the Factions campaign. The space in the middle (even if it's only 1pxl) allows to pass through in case of a "bodyblock".

    On portals that open horizontally, this is usually not possible. Because there is no space to pass through, let's say the game considers it as a space in which you can't be thrown.

    I believe, if i remember correctly, that in Cho the portals are all horizontal. Now that teleportation doesn't exist in GW, even if they haven't changed the skill description, it won't be possible using a skill or a bodyblock.

    For the rest just go on youtube and search in the genre: glitch portail luxon - SaO portal jumping project - etc, etc

    Here, one page with all aera and % for more carthography with SaO ->…jumping_project