n3. 25a

close plz
Unholy -
August 4, 2022 at 8:36 PM -
n2 40a.
n3 26a
Ironwing flat bow B/O
n1 45a
n3. 40a
N1 46a
N3 41a
n3 45a
N1 55a
n3 46a
n1 60a
N1 70a
thanks for the offers. bids are up to date.
n1 75a
N1 100a
n2 : 42a
Retract on n18 and n15
n3. 50a
September 21, 2022 at 3:31 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Mid/High tier necro stuff (q8, celestial, 20/20, etc)” to “Mid/High tier necro stuff (q8, celestial, 20/20, etc) r/b & b/o added for some (48h)”. -
r/b met on noted items. will be sold 48 hours from now if no further bids. additional bids within the last day will extend it another day.
b/o added for several items
September 22, 2022 at 3:08 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Mid/High tier necro stuff (q8, celestial, 20/20, etc) r/b & b/o added for some (48h)” to “Mid/High tier necro stuff (perfect q8 truncheon, q9 20/20 death celestial staff, 20/20 wand, q8 foci, etc) r/b & b/o added for some. 24h left”. -
bump. 24 hours to go on noted items. new bids will extend the auction another 24 hours
September 22, 2022 at 3:10 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Mid/High tier necro stuff (perfect q8 truncheon, q9 20/20 death celestial staff, 20/20 wand, q8 foci, etc) r/b & b/o added for some. 24h left” to “Mid/High tier necro stuff (perfect prenerf q8 truncheon, q9 20/20 death celestial staff, 20/20 wand, q8 foci, etc) r/b & b/o added for some. 24h left”. -
b/o N11
September 23, 2022 at 5:44 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Mid/High tier necro stuff (perfect prenerf q8 truncheon, q9 20/20 death celestial staff, 20/20 wand, q8 foci, etc) r/b & b/o added for some. 24h left” to “Mid/High tier necro stuff. some r/b and b/o added”. -
n1, 2 and 3 are pending
I'll be out for a couple of days but will try to get the items traded as soon as I can
retract on n1
September 23, 2022 at 6:38 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Mid/High tier necro stuff. some r/b and b/o added” to “Mid/High tier necro stuff (perfect q8 prenerf truncheon, 20/20 & 20/19 wands, q8s, etc). some r/b and b/o added”. -
October 14, 2022 at 10:42 AM Changed the title of the thread from “Mid/High tier necro stuff (perfect q8 prenerf truncheon, 20/20 & 20/19 wands, q8s, etc). some r/b and b/o added” to “OS/Prenerf stuff (prenerf mods, runes, dead skin fire staff, blues/purples/golds), hundreds of greens, insc stuff, slaying mods, etc.”. -
revamped thread
up we go
n17 - 1A
P1 2a
P2 1a
P5 5a
P16 5a
P17 5a
P18 30a
P3 2a
P4 2a
P5 3a
P6 2a
p7 5a
P8 3a
P18 5a
W12 1a
n17 6A
Bow Giantslaying
Staff +1 Dom
20e for those two.
P3 : 400e
P3 750e
November 9, 2022 at 1:29 AM Changed the title of the thread from “OS/Prenerf stuff (prenerf mods, runes, dead skin fire staff, blues/purples/golds), hundreds of greens, insc stuff, slaying mods, etc.” to “Prenerf stuff (10/6 & 10/8 sundering mods, runes, dead skin fire staff with mesmer mods, +6 creature shield, q7 staff, blues/purples/golds), greens, other OS/insc stuff, slaying mods, etc.”. -
Have time to keep up with this again....up we go.
p 16 + p17
10a ea
May I buy all 4 adept heads for 8e in total?
p14, p15, p21 50e/ea
I’ll take sword demons