Xander's PvE Builds (Project under construction)

  • Hey everyone,

    I am sharing some of the PvE Builds that I have used so far in this game. Hope you guys will like them!

    I will be adding extra info further down the line (exact gear etc).


    Here are some new Dervish Healer Builds that I have been playing. Enjoy!:)

    Old Builds



    Attributes, Code and Gear

    One: OgOj8orLrSjRrE2Xjb6X0lri9gA

    Two: OgOj0orLrSaETf2Xjb6X0lri9gA

    Three: OgWisysMpEYfBeNupfRXuK2DCA

    Gear: +1+2 Earth Prayers | +1 Mysticism | Windwalker/Blessed | Rest is personal choice



    Attributes, Code and Gear


    Two: OgBDgsOMTkDMg5QtlfDhDugwlA

    Gear: +1+2 Air Magic | +1 Energy Storage | Blessed Insignia's | Vigor and Vitae Runes



    Attributes, Code and Gear

    One: OwET4Y4MZK8BnYpYNymkm8qQVEA

    Two: OwIT0YIjHyLa6rBkkIHE07uE5AA (I am using Infuse Health over Dwayna's Kiss here, but feel free to use whichever. I prefer the emergency heal spike more)

    Three: OwUS0YITeRTfNgkE5ggewlBB (I am using Infuse Health over Dwayna's Kiss here, but feel free to use whichever. I prefer the emergency heal spike more)


    One: +1+2 Smiting Prayers | +1 Divine Favor | Blessed Insignia's | Vigor and Vitae Runes

    Two & Three: +1+3(2) Divine Favor | +3(2) Healing Prayers | Blessed Insignia's | Vigor and Vitae Runes



    Attributes, Code and Gear

    One: OgETQN7eZasmHcqxwA34qYmk2AA (Please note that I am running with a q7 Sword, this allows me to put it that low (with candy corn). Feel free to drop Beast Mastery to add to Swordmanship if you dont have the Expertise Sword.

    Two: OgESc5MT8ahhnSOGVgwgzkxg

    Three: OgESc5MT8aWinSOGVgwgzkxg

    Four: OgESc5MTvSWinSOGVgwgzkxg


    One: +1+3 Expertise | +2 Beast Mastery | Survivor Insignia's | Vigor and Vitae Runes | -20%Blind Rune |___| Sundering Sword of Fortitude & Any Shield with +30hp (inscr personal preference)

    Two, Three & Four: +1+3 Expertise | +3(2) Marksmanship | Survivor Insignia's | Vigor and Vitae Runes | -20%Blind Rune |___| Zealous Recurve Bow of Fortitude 15^50 or 15^Stance



    Attributes, Code and Gear

    One: OQojExpzKTi10kmXcfDYViXFieA

    Two: OQASEZKT9F2kafGGTNXF0kie

    Three: OQATEV5WVyuQpQowooNaogmU0DA


    One: +1+2 Strength | Dreadnought Insignia's | -20%Blind Rune | Vigor and Vitae Runes |___| Zealous Scythe of Fortitude 15^50 or 15^Stance

    Two: +1+2 Swordsmanship | +1 Strength | Dreadnought Insignia's | -20%Blind Rune | Vigor and Vitae Runes |___| Zealous Sword of Fortitude & Strength Shield +30hp (inscr personal preference)

    Three: +1+1 Axe Mastery | +2 Strength | +1 Tactics | Dreadnought Insignia's | -20%Blind Rune | Vigor and Vitae Runes |___| Zealous Axe of Fortitude & Shield +30hp (inscr personal preference)



    If you have any questions, let me know:)

  • Okay so I have added the template codes and the gear that I have personally used:)

    More Builds to come later on most likely. Do we want more player builds or hero builds first? (including different team builds I have used)

    I would say more player builds 1st ☺️. The bars are really amazing. Have you tried new derv elite as caster ? Like mesmer spam skills or ritu heal? Really liked healing derv builds and that 100b combination

  • Was just messing around in-game a bit and started thinking....

    Why is there no D/E Support? :D


    At current attributes:
    +22 armor

    +46 armor vs Elemental

    50% to block melee attacks

    50% to block projectiles

    +8hp Regen

    All Party wide. I have to admit it looks kinda boring to play, but still might be fun who knows :D

  • As an ele main trust me I've thought about it too and it can certainly be strong but is very situational since:
    - It only really works with heroes since they all ball up anyways
    - It's only worth bringing against mainly ele enemies, dervs or death magic necs and against the first 2 you don't really want to ball up to begin with :D
    - consider bringing EBSoCourage vs Charr to get most of the buffs in one skill
    - Bit sad when SY adds more armor in a much much larger area without cast time, energy cost or chance to be rupted, etc.

    One under-used ward spell I however really like bringing is Ward of Stability against heavy knock areas like vs Jotuns, Summit Beast Masters, Stygians, Abyssals or similar :)

    You should still try it out vs some fire eles like in Sacnoth Valley or Hells Precipice :) Works wonders with the regen vs burning too

    IGN: Heavens Temptation | Purple Crystas, Zodicas, Tall Shields

  • Some heavy off-meta ele builds that actually surpised me and got me to play them a few times are:


    20/10/10 ES Staff of enchanting or 10/10/10 envoy for the first build and 40/20/20 Water Staff of enchanting for the second

    IGN: Heavens Temptation | Purple Crystas, Zodicas, Tall Shields

  • Alright guys, I am working on a Dervish GWAMM at the moment that turned into a Healer Dervish GWAMM. As it is closing into the end (mostly just vqs left), I will be looking for a next project.

    So far I have come up with the following builds that seem fun to play!


    Which one do you think I should do first? :)

  • The Monk build looks superior! 😍


    Directly after Derv healer another healer? 🤔

    I say go for Necro 💀 and then switch it up with a healer afterwards 🙏

    IGN: Mr Clean Value

    :!: Important: Please if i win an auction/or u want to sell me an item write me an PM so we can organize the Trade :!:

    ...................................................................( Thanks for understanding and appreciate the help <3 )......................................................................................................

    "Keep it clean!" 🧽💦

    WTB: x00g - Clean Value items - 360g Roundshield - 256g RAM-hammer - Waterwand with 20/20 Fire

  • Alright. I have done it again :D

    I have tried out multiple variations and different combinations of professions to arrive at this point. I have not yet tried out this version but thought that maybe some of you might like to give it a try. The thing that is new is the AotL Protter. Before I was personally playing prot and had a SoS prot hero but it just felt like wasted space and came up with this. I have tried E/Mo ER Protter but didnt like the reliance on enchants to keep up.

    I hereby present... "Signets, Spirits and Minions"!


    To give a short summary, this team provides:

    - 10 Offensive Spirits (including Ench strip, Blind, Interrupt and double dmg vs Hexed foes)

    - 19 Minions total (if I calculated correctly; 11 from AotL Protter and 8 from Keystone Bomber)

    - Great damage and Interrupts through the many signets and Keystone

    - Undisturbed Damage pumping from Visions of Regrets as there are no other Mesmer Hexes preventing full damage

    - Great Snares such as Deep Freeze and Binding Chains

    - Hex Removal: 1 (x2) | all hexes (x1)

    - Condi Removal: 0-11 Conditions (x2) (11 Spirits in total)

    I have tried this team mostly with Consets, however I have done Levels 1 & 2 SoO HM without Cons together with Emma without much issue.

    If you did want to try it, this should work on all classes that can effectively play SoS and should therefore be quite easy.

    If you have questions, let me know!

  • Alright, so Necro is my next focus. Monk is just 1 VQ away from GWAMM so I can start thinking about this (aka procrastinating the fact that it's a NF Deso VQ) ^^

    So I was thinking firstly what build I should play and then see what I can make around that.

    Or an Axe Necro (with the new elite skill, instead of using a scythe like everyone else :P)

    Here are some of the ideas atm

  • Here's a small adaption of the W/D Magehunter's Strike Build that I will be running for my next GWAMM project. I thought it was only appropriate to run this build after creating the armor set. Both Magehunter's Strike and Protector's Strike have a cast time of 1/2 second making them extremely fast on a scythe (they also recharge very fast, so after using both adrenaline attack skills, you can go back to smashing 1-2-3-4 on a loop if you hit enough targets). This fits very well with the Executioner vibes that the armor gives off :D

  • but IAS does also reduce the attack duration of attack skills even those with a defined cast time - no? so you might even fit another autohit (or attack skill) in the cycle of 3s for their recharge?

    I WTB all kinds of Tower Shields and Defenders. I do drop research - if you find anything remarkable or want to see the results - check the thread or send a pm!

    IGN1 Red Fireball Rusher

    IGN2 Silberner Magier

  • First off, I like the idea of the synergy that the skills have. What I personally don’t like is swapping weapons during combat (I tend to f*** it up so that’s probably why^^; I have escape key as close windows so I would close the UI stuff I have on before it would cancel the action, making you swap faster and cleaner).

    How much damage do you do? I’d imagine just taking scythe mastery attacks would do more damage than the whole swap to sword thing. What you might want to try is look at which skills count as a “melee attack” over a certain weapon attack such as “scythe attack”. That way you can use them even on another weapon than where the skill is listed. For example, Pious Assault is a scythe mastery skill that can be used with any melee weapon. This is also only possible because the warrior elite is that broken:)

  • First off, I like the idea of the synergy that the skills have. What I personally don’t like is swapping weapons during combat (I tend to f*** it up so that’s probably why^^; I have escape key as close windows so I would close the UI stuff I have on before it would cancel the action, making you swap faster and cleaner).

    How much damage do you do? I’d imagine just taking scythe mastery attacks would do more damage than the whole swap to sword thing. What you might want to try is look at which skills count as a “melee attack” over a certain weapon attack such as “scythe attack”. That way you can use them even on another weapon than where the skill is listed. For example, Pious Assault is a scythe mastery skill that can be used with any melee weapon. This is also only possible because the warrior elite is that broken:)

    I dont swap items, you can use nr 5 with sword and thats the trick :)

  • Then I was confused by the fact there was 6 points in scythe mastery, but that’s just to get up to 20 scythe then I guess?

    I like the idea, but from personal experience I prefer using scythe as the weapon of choice. It's just so broken with Strength (and the armor penetration from it) in combination with warrior attack skills such as Power attack that can go up to +50 on 3 targets xd

  • Why not also take sun and moon slash over Knee Cutter? I cant imagine you’d need it for energy since almost all attacks are adrenaline (esp with zealous sword), and the adrenaline “loss” you have from dropping it, you kinda get back from sun and moon slash (4 adrenaline with FGJ).

  • Why not also take sun and moon slash over Knee Cutter? I cant imagine you’d need it for energy since almost all attacks are adrenaline (esp with zealous sword), and the adrenaline “loss” you have from dropping it, you kinda get back from sun and moon slash (4 adrenaline with FGJ).

    Yes thats good point somtimes I needed that another attack and scythe skill is dependant on having ench up

    Edit. I kinda wanted to ve knee cutter for engery as I am using it rn on iron acc and I dont ve that many options to boost my base stats but I will try ur tip which seems great as always ! Gentleman Xander

    Edited once, last by Baklawa (September 15, 2024 at 7:56 PM).

  • Yeah I get it. I saw it was an Iron char on the screen u send:). If you’re looking for something else; you could run this build with an axe so you can inflict deep wound easier (without relying on bleeding; especially since there are mobs that don’t bleed) but that’s up to you what weapon you prefer (or want) to use:) This way, you can choose another ench to strip since you don’t necessarily need bleeding. And penetrating attack & chop and executioners strike deal good damage with high axe&strength. In addition, you’d have cyclone axe as well 😜


    I made a 100b build with YMLAD and Knee Cutter that you might like if you like that playstyle. It is a bit energy heavy, but you could add steelfang slash for even more synergy with the build. It doesnt help with energy but its a slot of adrenaline you get:D

  • Yeah I get it. I saw it was an Iron char on the screen u send:). If you’re looking for something else; you could run this build with an axe so you can inflict deep wound easier (without relying on bleeding; especially since there are mobs that don’t bleed) but that’s up to you what weapon you prefer (or want) to use:) This way, you can choose another ench to strip since you don’t necessarily need bleeding. And penetrating attack & chop and executioners strike deal good damage with high axe&strength. In addition, you’d have cyclone axe as well 😜


    I made a 100b build with YMLAD and Knee Cutter that you might like if you like that playstyle. It is a bit energy heavy, but you could add steelfang slash for even more synergy with the build. It doesnt help with energy but its a slot of adrenaline you get:D

    Great idea im going to make some axe builds too !

  • Here are some of the assassin build ideas I came up with. Made one with every martial weapon type.

    I assume the "?" is Shadow Theft?

    Would you recommend Critical Agility for IAS? :)

    Edit: oh sorry, just read the above, you use BU and pie

  • Here are some of the assassin build ideas I came up with. Made one with every martial weapon type.

    I assume the "?" is Shadow Theft?

    Would you recommend Critical Agility for IAS? :)

    Edit: oh sorry, just read the above, you use BU and pie

    Shadow theft is the open slot yeah.

    Critical agility is great if u dont want or dont use cons/pcons. One “downside” it has imo, is that it renews on crit (so it will be first ench to get stripped this way). Not that sin has much better options for IAS (besides WotA+daggers)

  • Wow! Thanks a lot!
    The A/P bar looks great, can't wait to try it out!

    It’s untested but it should work pretty well. Was nice to not worry about energy for once with spear:D Also high chance of DW on Vicious Spear. Elite skill is optional, but incoming seemed most useful xd Anthem of Guidance might also be a valid option if you’re bringing more heroes that benefit from this