I feel like something you were excited about in past is now just second to best in your big collection. Thats why I feel like the most precious item is something that gets used alot and in gordon ramsays words rustic, honest, simple, local etc

Your Most Precious Item!
- Official Post
That’s something most of us dream to ID. Amazing.
- Official Post
That’s something most of us dream to ID.
Yep. That’s the dream. Never seems to happen to the collectors they end up with though.
Every one of the awesome treasures we collectors collected was identified by someone else. Imagine being the one to identify the r8 +45-2 stance Mag, or a r7/16 bladed shield.... I think I’d fall off my chair.
Indeed! im privileged being one of the collectors whom self dropped and id epic q8 for ur own collection, i have to say id wish everyone could get the feeling! it feels great and the item is so special part of collection being self dropped. i still remember like it was yesterday!
Here lil throwback from January 24th 2015 when this happened! around 3.5years ago! -
Bump , nice thread
Oh btw , this is my most precious item
Oh btw , this is my most precious item
idk man all i can see is a 19%. would merch tbh
Display Spoiler
im SUPER jealous if it isnt clear
September 27, 2020 at 8:33 PM Moved the thread from forum Discussion to forum Collections. -
I started playing this game over 14.5 years ago with a few friends from school. We tackled PvE from Ascalon to the Fire Islands. Over that summer in 2005 we got the game and played through until countless hours of the night. We were somewhere fighting our way through Kryta when I got my first gold Q9 drop that was max damage:
From that point onward I carried this sword and used it without changing the mods because I was a very casual PvE player at the time floating school work and a lot of extracurricular activities not knowing what was 'good'. This sword has fought every single enemy from Kryta, to the Fire Islands, to slapping Wardens, dicing Outcasts, penetrating Urgoz, cutting Kanaxai, slaying Abaddon, and defeating the Great Destroyer.
After 2007 I stopped playing the game to return for a handful of months in 2010-2011 where I got into speedclearing only to disappear again. I've been back playing since 2017 and I have much appreciation for all the collectors out there and their wonderful items. I know mine isn't the greatest item in terms of rarity but without this sword there would be no Guild Wars for me.
This 674 KB picture is the most precious item that I ever received from GW.
Click to see what it contains
Some new additions have showed up lately, so it's probably time to make the picture a couple KB bigger..
I hope this fill the criteria for the thread? If not I'm sorry, but this is literally what defines what I love about this game, all the good memories and friends I've made over the years
Its sweet set of items
Heh i allways remember the fellblade i gave ya cus i dropped it 1st weeks of EoTN from dalada uplands.. so close xD
My most precious item must be my favorite dagger skin, and the very first q8 I got my hands on.
It's the item that prompted me to start my q8 15^50 dagger collection back in the days.
Unfortunately I've since lost the collection. But these Dragon Scythes, as they were called pre-Nightfall, are bound to my account. -
Nehjab's Thirst (yes, the fu—ing spoon).
Not because it's nice to look at, but because it dropped after 5 days and killing the boss over 120 times, I swore I'd never go back to that place again. Never.
my favorite of all time
Been my favorite since I got it many years ago.
- Official Post
Been my favorite since I got it many years ago.
I’ve been in love with that shield since I first met you all those years ago. It’s been firmly at the top of my shopping list since that day. To the extent I would check for your name on my friends list every day to see if it was still alive.
I'd say this would have to be my favorite
This is my all time favorite shield i've ever had
you all know wich one is the ONE. not sure it worth posting the same thing over and over but i figured its fun for the eyes
ill add this one since i consider its the holygrail of all shield
you all know wich one is the ONE. not sure it worth posting the same thing over and over but i figured its fun for the eyes
and this ill add this one since i consider its the holygrail of all shield
Yeb these shields are the holy grails indeed!!
Little bro SWS Says Hi! Gold value and req exacly 1 number worse ;P Every of these is x08g ;D -
tooburns Good to see my old warlord and Wazza's old diamond still bouncing around. Still have them safe and sound?
Here are some of the warlord's sexiest sisters...
...and the diamond's weirdo cousin
Just wanted to give your shields the family reunion they deserved
tooburns Good to see my old warlord and Wazza's old diamond still bouncing around. Still have them safe and sound?
Here are some of the warlord's sexiest sisters...
...and the diamond's weirdo cousin
Just wanted to give your shields the family reunion they deserved
lol that just took a familly turn here haha
and yes yes ofc they are safe
March 2, 2021 at 12:47 PM Moved the thread from forum Collections to forum Community. -
I started GW 2006 just before Factions was released. I created my warrior and went through the world with him. In the Southern Shiverpeaks I still didn't have good equipment. Then I went to the Sorrows Furnace for the first time with my guild at the time. And finally I had a beautiful shield.
I used it for everything and never gave it away. After countless hours in GW, my account was hacked in 2010 and, according to a statement, banned from support shortly afterwards. At first I wanted to quit GW but then I bought a new account and started from scratch. Sometime in 2016/17 I had a problem with my account and wrote to the support. Incidentally, I casually asked for my old account, as I still had the access data at hand. Surprisingly, they unlocked the account and gave it back to me. Unfortunately it was almost completely empty. Except for a few white minis, all characters were empty and naked. I've been using the account as a storage since then. At some point I looked at a small level 1 elementalist and THIS SHIELD was in my belt pouch. Since then, my new warrior has been using it almost every day. This item will not leave my account until the server is switched off.Now the text has become a little longer than intended.
About time this thread got bumped me thinks. Not sure about "most" precious but definitely very precious and wasn't sure where else to put it.
I wanted an example of a Q3 Club ever since I discovered and started collected Q3 in general. To get one max dmg with a max mod, I was super pleased.
Amazingly the character name "Spiked Club" was available so its hanging out there now. Will swing it around in the early levels on Shing Jea
PS. Kinda tempted to custo... -
- the Emboldened Carapace Shield from Hagnon Warblade that I've been using since 2005
- the 400 GV Desolation Sword
- the 532 GV Scepter of the Forgotten
- the 400 GV Chrysocola Staff with Earth Damage
- the Q9 Ancient Bow collection
- the Q2 / AR 10 Tactics shields for the Ele Air build in PvP