Offering up a Q9 Chaos Axe +.
R/B: 45a
B/O: 55a
R/B: 45a
B/O: 55a
10e zodiac bow
(The spawning/spawning wayward isn’t prenerf)
B/O on the cockatrice
Both green waywards 1a each
sp/Resto wayward
Bump, thanks for offers so far. Added additional items and some consumables.
Waywards 3 and 4a respectively
Up. Removed some items and added a few new ones.
Red and Green Candy b/o price. IGN: Lumia Nion
20/20 blood wand - 10e
20/20 curses wand - 10e
spiral rod 2a
Up. Appreciate all offers so far!
Defender 3a
Storm artifact 3a
divine symbol 1a
daggers of xuekao 1a
11e on cockatrice staff if delivery if original buyer falls through
25e on water bo staff
water bo 40e
50e on the Half Moon.
Up. Appreciate all offers so far. Will let these go a few more days and added b/o for most items.
Spiral Rod - 250e
Truncheon - 150e
Up, current items will run through Sunday June 4.
Bo wayward rit
Ig : blind was my fury
Final bump, current items will close in 24 hours.
retract, found something else
Tagged below are the items ready for pickup. Please send your IGN and I will arrange delivery.
SafeOfBlossoms - Wayward Wand Divine Favor (3a)
m4sc0tte - Spiral Rod (2a)
ivann - Divine Symbol (1a), Daggers of Xuekao (1a)
Hate Core - Water Bo (40e)
Woo - Half Moon DV (50e)
Also added a huge batch of storage liquidation!
50e on Chaos Axe 15/50
Buyout curses bo
100e on DZ Chaos Axe Q9
25e sws
Spiked Axe DV - 15e
2a ritual lord staff
+5 chaos axe
Summit Hammer 10e
Chaos Axe 15^50 65e