• Hi, thanks to Gentleman Xander and other people helps i started testing out builds for an 8 ritualists team.

    This is (i think) a good one i came out with so far, thanks to the help of everyone :

    R8TWAY :


    basically all S tier builds for rit : sos/sogm/dwg/st/spirit strenght

    bars of the build



    HERO 2 : SOGM RIT : OACiAyk84sPbbuv

    HERO 3 : PARA SP STRENGHT : OAmkEKkcpaiEymymG4DmvoFW9GOG





    Pros & cons + tips

    + BIP + flawless team mana management

    + Deep wound / weakness / cracked armor / dmg boost all aoe

    + lot of spirits

    + lot of weapons

    + Tanky / great heal / team heal

    + Team speed boost

    + Big aoe dmg

    + player build can be swap

    cons :

    - only 1 hex removal (self player can add 1 hex remove hex eater signet)

    - 1 rupt single target (self player can add one mesmer cry)

    - No ench remove (self player can add)

    - No stance remove (self player can add or put on hero para/necro for heavy area with mobs dodging attacks))

    - Terrain can be annoying, full DPS is based on physical attacks.

    Tips :

    swap your own build for more fun stuffs or even as a solo rit in your own team, if like me you hate playing SOS or SOGM (boringgggggggggggggggggggggggg)

    Spam your splinter weapon on the Ranger or GDW on both ranger and para.

    Spam painfull bond at the right places, the dps is huge with the spirits

    Focus in that order : mesmer > monk=rit > necro > ele > the rest

    I like ebon very much to boost my Spirit strenght heroes dmg they have a fairly good dps

    Hero SOS will spam splinter on ranger first then para. Para will spam "find their weakness" on ranger. You can do it once manually at the begining, i think it helps them to continue the same.


    looking for more fun here it is ! In most of the build there are no self weapons, DO NOT WORRY YOU WILL HAVE A WEAPON 90% of the time on you with the R8TWAY.

    please in any of the self build feel free to swap pve skills if you want



    sin code model : OAeiQydMhs5wwwcw8WuKOTOBBA

    + Well just a boosted dagger spammer, you are unblockable and deal huge dmg aoe, to play with zeal daggers of course. Just use red rock or what ever for attack speed max.

    Spam gdw on para/ranger

    You dont need a self weapon, hero do it for you.

    Use red rock or pie for attack speed.


    bomber promise code model : OAekQiisn+JEmzCEuDNYlj3UMpiI

    really fun build i recommend bomber promise everything is said here.

    note : if you miss your shadow promise you are fucked ! Or you can use a courage stone : D



    ranger code model : OAKjQyiYmSIbYMghWiMGwgvl5iA

    no gdw but you can swap a pve skill for it. Splinter is dealing 40 dmg with 8+3 in chan. Just spam it on yourself and watch the firework.

    use red rock or pie for attack speed.



    para Code model : OAmjQyiYpSIbag+iPYYMzkvl5iA

    no gdw, you can swap a pve skill for it, but if you want big dmg yourself that's the way to go

    I like ebon to also boost the ranger and para that will be near you, spam splinter on ranger then you.

    Use red rock for attack speed or pie.

    Team build adjustement to play war / derv

    incoming removed and put the equivalent on the para, channeling weapon added that will obviously be spammed on you and on the para





    war hammer code model : OAGkQOi8kWdU1WYRcUOJPxVxb5MJ

    My personnal favorite by far, you are litteraly a kd machine thanks to the hero spamming weakness and you deal zone dmg with every skill

    Also club of a thousand bears is fun. And adrenaline is flowing.

    use red rock or pie for attack speed you can put a earthbinding spirit on the SOGM instead of shadow melody

    sword :


    war sword code model : OAGjQyUaFSIbfaTN7g8EXFqizkA

    not my fav one, but ti works and you can spam whilrwind attack + no need of red rocks and you are also almost unblockable

    axe :


    war axe code model : OAGjQySaFSIbKFQF7g8EXFvlzkA

    same concept here



    derv code model : OAqjQyps6QIbQXDYPXVXvlqizkA

    Not much to say on this.

    Let me know if you have any suggestion on the team build to make it better ?

  • You might consider running “We Shall Return” on any of the Rt/Ps if you’re looking to have an instant ress. With BiP it shouldnt be too much of a problem.

    And always happy to help 😜

    Thank you def' should it fix one problem too. It's a very high mana skill tho, that might be a problem if hero doesnt have enough mana

    Do the shouts work on spirits ? And on minions ? I guess not it would be too op.

  • Do the shouts work on spirits ? And on minions ? I guess not it would be too op.

    Shouts dont work on spirits. I think they do work on minions though.


    Minions are just as much allies as the others, i.e. anyone who is "green" and "active", who can take damage from enemies, apart from spirits (who are considered dead or from another dimension?). But, some Shout or Chant targets party members only (e.g. "Never Surrender" or Anthem of Flame), as described above.

    Minis are also considered allies. But this only concerns the mini from launcher of Shout or Chant for the Skills bonus.

    I'd like to add a theory: the minis' movements and limits are coded and/or modelled on those of the players. This is also what causes the minis bug, having: an LvL, the number of characters in the group, via an icon above them or can die (see the wiki here). Because they're considered by the game to be allies and minis at the same time.

    Let's get back on topic :P

  • Thank you for the answers, i think there is definietly something to do with minions / rits paragons that's gonna be the next team imo

    Changed stuffs :

    added a volley ranger Gentleman Xander from your build, honestly one is great but 2 is overkill i prefer by far the rt/para for faster single target clear +deep wound + crit.

    I witnessed the volley ranger shoot x4 people with splinter weapon +" go for the eyes" +" find their wikness" lets just say it deals some DMG in aoe LOL

    still 2 splinter for hero, they actually place their weapons on people with martial weapons, at least for splinter weapons, which is great !

    Vital weapon added on ST rit to boost team hp + make sure that sp have at all time a weapon.

    2 painfull bond cause dps is done a lot by spirits, it's needed imo as hero dont place them well. That is best a player job anyway.

    also added : reponsabilisation on bip necro, gives +10 mana to both healer which isnt bad and helps BIP having better mana

    it's really fun to try all that : D

  • Sight Beyond Sight is redundant with AScan, except that it functions as a cover enchant.

    I'd be inclined to bring GDW to add some crowd control to your ranged units. This also may mean you won't need the second splinter on the BiP, which is significantly less good at 11 than 14+.

    Some of the listed attributes clearly aren't correct. Idk if you had intended that to be the case.

  • Kinda like the sight beyond sight, cause like you said it cover ench, which help me keep spirit strength safe.

    Asura scan makes you imblockable but you still can be blind.

    I agree with you tho it could be replace by something else.

    Drunken master can also be replaced by something else if I just take a red rock or something.

    I have troubles for the second splinter and painfull bond :

    Painfull bond : if the hero mess up the bond your spirits deal half less DMG... and they often do. I have still 8 attacking spirits.

    Splinter : what a pleasure to NOT have to spam on yourself or anyone else a splinter. Just go in the fight hero spam it on me.

    But yes it's less DMG, it stress my main healer and bip on the mana, and I am salty not to use a GDW as it's the best weapon in game by far.

    Let me know if you see any solution 😛

    In the first build i only did that : put GDW and painfull bond on player bar, so you can distress healer and place them nicely but then you can't be spirit strength anymore yourself 😛

  • Asura scan makes you imblockable but you still can be blind.

    Scan asura will work with Blind. Because Blind means a 90% chance of missing your attack. Only the "Line of sight" elements make the attack impossible.


    This hex only applies to attacks that would otherwise miss or be blocked; it does not prevent hits from straying, being obstructed, or being dodged.

  • Even if the PvXWiki site doesn't mention it, it's very practical in Imbagon. But unconventional for most players..

  • updated the build with what i have now i like this one with a para. I cleared the market, terrain can be a bit annoying sometimes, the healers are too stressed in big battle i need to remove the second splinter and the second painfull bond.

    Painfull bond really make the dps way higher if it's well placed.... and often it's not by hero. The best would of course be for me to play Sos but how boring.................. no i cant do it :p

  • Me realizing that there is no Great Dwarf Weapon atm


    IGN: Mr Clean Value

    :!: Important: Please if i win an auction/or u want to sell me an item write me an PM so we can organize the Trade :!:

    ...................................................................( Thanks for understanding and appreciate the help <3 )......................................................................................................

    "Keep it clean!" 🧽💦

    WTB: x00g - Clean Value items - 360g Roundshield - 256g RAM-hammer - Waterwand with 20/20 Fire

  • Can swap indeed the splinter from self player with gdw, which is by far the most op weapons anyway, ty tho i agree with you guys it has to be there. IF ONLY GDW COULD BE SELF APPLYABLE LOL.

    Other wise from the 2 VQ i did even for 3 Spirit strenght ritualist 2 splinter is enough. You will anyway have 90% of the time a weapon on you with the vital weapon on the ST rit.

  • how is ur rituway doing ? What is your current fav combination ? Are you going for 8 rt gwams ?

    happy new year !! it's going good i use it through all my vQ ! Am going for gwamm but only on one ritualist ! : D

    My favorites self player build are in order :

    hammer > spear > bomber > dwg>>>>>>>>>>>bow

    All build are there in the alternatives if you want to have a look : D I only really dislike the bow build wich i find really boring.

    I have put RT/P spear in my team instead of thr RT/R bow.

    If i play spear or hammer i remove the elite from my RT/P healer and put a weapon of fury instead, it's really fun and you deal a huge amount of dmg and is a kd machine for the hammer build.

    I think the most dmg goes to the rt/derv or rt/sin dagger spammer but well it's a bit less fun to play.