m2 12a

[close] Prenerfs, bugged(?) q8 stormbow, q8 insc, q9 dwarven eternal, OS q9 spiked club, q9 20/20 chan cele staff, q9t -2we +30 emblazoned, other misc. perfect shields/caster, q9 ancient flatbow
m2 20a
c2 10a
M8 20a
M8 25a
i15 7a
i21 20e
i25 45e -
bump, bids updated as of this post. Thanks for the interest so far.
Several items will be sold in 48h (from the time of this post) if there are no new bids.
New bids on those items will reset the 48h timer (from the time the bids are made) -
C2 15a
p3 5a
p4 40a
i32 - 20e
C6 - 35a
i20 - 10e.
IGN: Its Kurtz
C19 69e 😌
i15 8a
i15 9a
Most things with bids have just under a day to go assuming there are no further offers (these items have been marked in yellow with an updated time). All bids should be up to date as of this post (please let me know if I've missed something).
Ostona , I'm assuming you meant to say 9a on i15, so I've marked it as such. Lmk if that's not right -
c6 40a
i15 10a
m3 + m5 1a ea
C6 - 45a
i25 - 50e
c6 46a
i25 60e
p4 -45a
p4 50a
the initial 48h timer on most items has finished. Items marked as sale pending are ready to be picked up. Feel free to message me your IGN or pm me in game if you see me on. Images will be updated once items are sold. Thanks -
i15 11a
i25 61e -
C6 - 47a
i27 15e i28 20e c10 10e
M8 40a
i15 12a
i15 13a
bump, offers updated. Still quite a few things waiting to be picked up.
November 17, 2024 at 7:43 PM Changed the title of the thread from “11/7 - Prenerfs, bugged(?) q8 stormbow, q8 insc, q9 dwarven eternal, OS q9 spiked club, q9 20/20 chan cele staff, q9t -2we +30 emblazoned, other misc. perfect shields/caster, q9 ancient flatbow” to “11/17 - Last Day of bids for most items: Prenerfs, bugged(?) q8 stormbow, q8 insc, q9 dwarven eternal, OS q9 spiked club, q9 20/20 chan cele staff, q9t -2we +30 emblazoned, other misc. perfect shields/caster, q9 ancient flatbow”. -
bump, bidding has ended for a few other items. other bids newly accepted and will lock 24h from this post. couple other R/Bs and B/Os listed.
The following people have items to pick up still. PM whenever. (I'm online now)
m4sc0tte Nooice Hate Core Blind Was My Fury Abigail Savage Bubba Metimeatm Mr. Clean(-Value) Red Fireball Ostona WhiskeyTangoSierra
r/b M35
b/o c6
i27 1a
i28 2a
i30 1a
i25 75e
1a = 50e