Gonna be looking for some people over next few days, however will be working overnights so might not catch yall.
Gonna be looking for some people over next few days, however will be working overnights so might not catch yall.
Added req8 inscr Summit Warlord!
Sold Short Sword!
req8 GOLD inscr Stone Summit Shield b/o 15a
Sold some things
Hey ! Would take the cupcakes please
req9 Str Darkwing Defender 45e
req8 15 - 21 inscr GOLD Longsword 45e
req8 15 - 21 inscr GOLD Longsword 60e
req8 15 - 21 inscr GOLD Longsword 75e
req9 Str Darkwing Defender 55e
req8 15 - 21 Vabbian Scimitar 80e
req8 15 - 21 Ornate Scimitar r/b 500e (its a really really really nice skin.) 50e
req8 15 - 21 inscr GOLD Longsword 150e
req9 Str Darkwing Defender 60e
req8 15 - 21 inscr GOLD Longsword 155e
req9 Str Darkwing Defender 65e
req8 15 - 21 Vabbian Scimitar 80e
req8 15 - 21 Ornate Scimitar r/b 500e (its a really really really nice skin.) 50e
req9 Str Darkwing Defender 70e
Back from a business trip, gonna be looking for yall in game!
req8 15 - 21 inscr GOLD Longsword 155e
req9 Str Darkwing Defender 75e
req8 15 - 21 Vabbian Scimitar 80e
req8 15 - 21 Ornate Scimitar r/b 500e (its a really really really nice skin.) 50e
Added a bunch of new goodies!
13e for req9 Str Kappa Shield +28 +10vDragons
Added some REAL things to sell.
req9 Tact Gothic Defender +44 -2wEnch : 25e
5a dwarven
req9 Voltaic Wand 20%Earth 5^50
req9 Shadow Blade 15^50 5e
req9 Chaos Axe 15^50 5e
let me know if you have b/o in mind:)
15a on the dwarven
17a dwarven
Added r/b & b/o on Dwarven, removed a few items I sold in game!
req8 15 - 21 inscr GOLD Adamantine Falchion bo on that pls
req9 Voltaic Wand 20%Earth 5^50
req12 Tact Celestial Shield +45wEnch -2wEnch - 50e
req8 Tact Skull Shield +30 -2wStance OS r/b 1000e
req8 Storm Bow 18wHex & 15wHex (Rather sell together) r/b (Together) 1000e
r/b both of that
R/b on my dwarven
50E str exalted aegis
5e on 15-10 Chaos Axe
Most c/o will be sold as soon as I catch any of you online!
lexc sorry forgot to take that shield off, I sold it ingame
Hey Kairi,
req13 Str Kappa Shield +28 -2wStance - 10e
req9 DF Holy Branch 20/20 Prot - 10e
req9 Chaos Axe 15^50 - 10e
bought in game so bid redacted.
S/b on both at 10e
req13 Domination Celestial Scepter +5wEnch 10%
req9 Death Celestial Scepter 5^50 10%