Beta of our new theme!

  • Hello everybody,

    I think it's hardly a secret that we've been working on a new theme that would solve a few issues that people have/had:

    • Text too hard to read
    • Several items that are very hard or impossible to read
    • People might not like the dark layout

    In order to solve this, I started working on a new layout - codename for this was "Stormcaller". The alpha versions of those themes are still available, as "Stormcaller" and "bickycheese".
    However, I decided to use another theme as our base and started customizing it for our needs.

    That theme was MyIPB, which bases itself on the base theme of Invision Power Board. I modified it quite heavily, incoporating several new features (like the "Recent Activity" on top. I couldn't miss it ;3).

    Now, this new theme is available for all to test! Should we get no complaints, we'll put this theme as our default. The current default, Revolution, will stay available as a choice.

    You can enable the theme by going down on the page and choosing for "MyIPB" in the dropdown menu!

    So, please let me know your feedback!

    - Kev

    Hi there! I'm the Guild Wars Legacy admin, feel free to contact me if you've got issues.

    :ass: Inquisitor Karinda :der: Sunspear Elke :mes:Librarian Amber


    Edited once, last by Iaerah (October 7, 2016 at 11:12 AM).

  • I like the color choices/vibes. Definitely more fitting for Guild Wars.

    The multiple browns(the darker one of the "quick reply" bar I'm looking at right now vs the more red/lighter shaded one bordering posts) does come off a little funny though.

    Another complaint - readability is still shaky for me. With this board pulled up side-by-side with other forums, it's quite hard to read. The text is thinner and smaller than any other forum I can think of.

    [font="Arial"]Maybe a bolder default font, or a slightly larger default font size would help? [/font]

    [font="Times New Roman"]For example, I can read this far better(Times New Roman, size four.) [/font]
    [font="Times New Roman"]Five would be even better, but perhaps too bold.[/font]
    [font="Times New Roman"]Six is definitely too far, but I hope this scale gets the point across. [/font]

    [font="Georgia"]Georgia is a quite nice font too. This is actually my favorite font for writing, but TNR is more "standard". [/font]

    [font="Georgia"]If I could filter the site into my own font preference, Georgia 5 would be my choice.[/font]

  • I'm not really a fan of Times New Roman/serif fonts myself (though I do like Georgia). But I can create a small stylesheet for you that you can use with Stylish for example to change the fonts into Georgia 5. That way, you can browse this site like you want to :)

  • But I can create a small stylesheet for you that you can use with Stylish for example to change the fonts into Georgia 5. That way, you can browse this site like you want to :)

    That would be great as a solution for me and others interested in visibility, but if that is a regular complaint maybe a standardized fix to the font and/or text size would be useful. That was really my point.

    Even just the current font bumped up one size is far better. Right now our font/size combination is a little below the point of easy legibility, at least for me.

  • That would be great as a solution for me and others interested in visibility, but if that is a regular complaint maybe a standardized fix to the font and/or text size would be useful. That was really my point.

    Even just the current font bumped up one size is far better. Right now our font/size combination is a little below the point of easy legibility, at least for me.

    Add this in a Stylish stylesheet and it'll change all the post fonts to Georgia 18pt:


    @-moz-document domain("") {
    .post_body {
    font-family: Georgia;
    font-size: 18px;

  • What is up with the emperor invading your posts Kev?

    He's taking over! Can't read anything under him though.

    He's only here for a business trip, he'll be gone soon enough ;).

  • This new theme is surprising ! I like it ! It seems also a little more quicker than the dark one.
    Thanks you, Kevin.

    Yes, it should be a bit quicker, we're using quite a lot less images now.
    And you're welcome ^^ thanks for being a part of this site!

  • Yeah, I agree with Jayson. The off-white background is a tad bright.

    Edit: Also, the tabs for individual boards now read "Forums - Selling" (for instance). That's new, right? Suboptimal when you have a bunch of tabs open and can only see "Forums -". In my opinion anyway.

    Edited once, last by jimbo32 (October 11, 2016 at 2:16 AM).

  • Yeah, I agree with Jayson. The off-white background is a tad bright.

    Edit: Also, the tabs for individual boards now read "Forums - Selling" (for instance). That's new, right? Suboptimal when you have a bunch of tabs open and can only see "Forums -". In my opinion anyway.

    There are going to be different styles for this theme, some with a darker look. I'll tweak the whites some more here though.
    Good catch about the title, I'll see if I can fix that.

    Beautiful. No complaints from me.

    Kind of jealous of your sick admin background, though. Nice touch!

    Yeah, it came out quite nice! Very simple in itself, but looks great.

    Hi there! I'm the Guild Wars Legacy admin, feel free to contact me if you've got issues.

    :ass: Inquisitor Karinda :der: Sunspear Elke :mes:Librarian Amber
