Fashion Wars / Show your Character
am i pretty daddy
am i pretty daddy
Looks great
- Official Post
- Official Post
Post-searing & Pre-Searing
Post-searing & Pre-Searing
Damn why you picked yeti smash over frenzy
? Still that build must be sick in pre. Congratz
Damn why you picked yeti smash over frenzy
? Still that build must be sick in pre. Congratz
I have pie, no need for frenzy 😁, yeti is an aoe attack even without the conditions for knockdown
True Warriors in Presearing plays Hammer !
True Warrior with Tomes plays hammer in pre
Paragon Ninja!
i present to you my babies:
This reminds me of the first time I tasted fudge pound cake!
Is that the Elite Templar Armor?
And welcome here!
Is that the Elite Templar Armor?
Yep, it is.
And happy to finally be here. 😊
Hi everyone! My first post.
Been playing for a bit, and decided to join in. Here's my warrior. Currently very happy with this ensemble. She is like a Golden Paladin. 🦄
Looks great
and welcome
Hi everyone! My first post.
Been playing for a bit, and decided to join in. Here's my warrior. Currently very happy with this ensemble. She is like a Golden Paladin. 🦄
great look!
does some1 have a pic for me with a male para with fow armor & a stylish scarv?
wow cool, thank you Mr. Clean(-Value)
My current necromancer look.
My current necromancer look.
Damn Thats nice to see vabiann pants mixed with something other than obsy
She looks sick!
She looks sick!
She looks like a badass arena fighter / gladiator kind of thing :p
Well, this would be my contribution
-The Monk-The Sin
Now I know, full obby armor, how original right?
Well, I'm more into colours than the items themselves so I've been trying to dye with multiples of a single colour with a fourth different one etc, because dying it black never sat right with me, it feels like the colours gets dull... So What do you do? You PAINT THEM WITH THREE BLACK DYES, (a splash of white might've been involved), AND VOILA! I Call it obsidian purple, the most expensive paintjob currently for sale ingame. (Excluding pre-nerf dye, please don't bash me).
The monk is just a smiter Balthazar would send your way when he feels like you've been bad and should be double RoJ'ed while right wall blocked.
Edit: And while fooling around with skins and dyes, I recently found out that Envoy Axe, oddly enough, is the only Envoy weapon that can be dyed.
*Cry in dervish*
Well, I'm more into colours than the items themselves so I've been trying to dye with multiples of a single colour with a fourth different one etc, because dying it black never sat right with me, it feels like the colours gets dull... So What do you do? You PAINT THEM WITH THREE BLACK DYES, (a splash of white might've been involved), AND VOILA! I Call it obsidian purple, the most expensive paintjob currently for sale ingame. (Excluding pre-nerf dye, please don't bash me).
I do that also quite often. Preferably on dervish cause the cloth armors tend to come out very nice in colour