Got these 2 Items while doing The Frostgate Mission in HM ... The Crude got my Heart jumping .... sadly just for a short time

How did Guild Wars treat you today?
Got these 2 Items while doing The Frostgate Mission in HM ... The Crude got my Heart jumping .... sadly just for a short time
I had my heart broke by a crude today too!
But then it was promptly fixed..... kind off...... not really.....
Tried to collect the item for nicks after watching Reborn video, finally got 15 after several runs, went back to outpost...
Said hello to the merchant to sell some unwanted item, and accidentally sold the nicks item too...
Log off.
Pongmei Valley drops. Daggers from today and Focus yesterday
I was going through the heroes on all my characters and found these tucked away on a one I stopped playing. Nothing crazy(i dont think?) but cool none the less!
Very nice Chalice you got there!
The first decently modded Magmas I've gotten in awhile!
Nice! You running south from Seafarers in SS? I haven't done that one in ages I should try it again sometime, maybe i'll get lucky
My best jellyfish I ever got was a 10/10 earth one, I forget the req tho.
For nearly 2 years i've waited and hoped for a friend of mine to login, if he would be so kind that he would trade me hes q8 10/10 Blood cele staff vs my q8 10/10 Curses one that ive held hoping just for that. So i could finally get one q8 10/10 Staff of each necro attritube.
Today finally was the day when he logged in after very long time, and he was so kind to accept my offering and fulfill my collection.After that i finally got the triplet finished
After waiting for so long couldnt be happier when finally got it done , just like i wished all these years!
Besides the staff i wanted, also got to catch up with old bud and see some epic items, the day couldnt have been better!
I guess you didn't custo that blood cele yet, because you are planning to pass it on to me?
Very useful for that Rt/E/N Build
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Had this drop a couple days ago and didnt want to ID it.
Finally did today and wish I didnt ID it lol. I know its still a req8, but at this point all I want is the best of the best, anything else is trash to me xD
One day I will get one skin that'll be the first +5 of its kind, but until then, this trash will do
Had this drop a couple days ago and didnt want to ID it.
Finally did today and wish I didnt ID it lol. I know its still a req8, but at this point all I want is the best of the best, anything else is trash to me xD
One day I will get one skin that'll be the first +5 of its kind, but until then, this trash will do
gz! The only question though is... what was the unid value?
gz! The only question though is... what was the unid value?
Can u belive this guy? he didnt look, dont worry i allready ripped him ingame for that...
he wont do same mistake again....
Can u belive this guy? he didnt look, dont worry i allready ripped him ingame for that...
he wont do same mistake again....
nothing more to do then
Where did it drop?
nothing more to do then
Where did it drop?
I'm sorry oh great drop overlord
it came from vultures chest run!
Been chestrunning recently and while I've got some reasonably nice things so far, this dropped for me this evening.
Undercity chest running
So close. Chest running in boreas seabed
Finally after getting 6 or 7 Bladed Shields with imperfect mods or just single mods, I got another gem for me
I'm continuing
Guild Wars got uninstalled today. But don't worry! It's only temporary whilst I attempt to clean my computer up! It will be back up and running smoother than ever hopefully!
Guild Wars is reinstalled and it treated me to a Superior Vigor Rune!
More Chest Runs
A friend treated me to an early Christmas present, a lovely new PvP shield!
We want a screen !
Not at my home PC! It was a nice shiny SotW Req8 insc!
A friend also treated me to a gift which is really more than a gift.
Q7 Short sword 15/-10.
Now to find a nice shield to match!
i already ad a short sword same as that ! it was fiting good with a wooden buckler
Gotta find one to compliment it's class though 😎
Can't decide if I'm happy about this drop. Wish it wasn't 'vs Hexed'
Slow progress finally paid off! Got my 4th GWAMM this morning, when my mesmer joined to other family
This time i followed zm/zvq cycles, just did 1 miss a day 1st for HM missions then nm, after that moved to vqs doing 1/day eventually got my gwamm now
Made ~60 Gold zcoins meanwhile, wonder how id invest all this money-Pleikki
Attempted some JQ for the first time in a while. Surprised to have gotten in as many times as I did. Glad to see that some of the PvP has a bit more of a presence in the game again.
Won 3 of 4. All in all, not a bad time.
maybe it's because you faced not a single human in those games
JQ is full of bots sadly
maybe it's because you faced not a single human in those games
JQ is full of bots sadly
No, had a few good convos actually!
Not asking for much, just a second mod.... any second mod PLEASE!