Looking for a selection of staves with the inherent modifier -20% cripple duration.
Ghostly Staff: Spawning Power/Channeling Magic
Bo Staff: Domination
Platinum Staff: Fire Magic
Looking for a selection of staves with the inherent modifier -20% cripple duration.
Ghostly Staff: Spawning Power/Channeling Magic
Bo Staff: Domination
Platinum Staff: Fire Magic
Am trying my luck here, but that's why you should always put an IGN i have no other meaning to pm you :
I have q9 plat staff req illusion with cripple mod,
pm ig or here if you want it !
IG : Blind Was My Fury
Oops sorry was away. Yes I want if ok price.
updated op for a more detailed list of wants.
Thank You to those who have both sold and asked on staves so far.
Hi, i have q13 blood zodiac staff with cripple reduction 20% if you still have interest.
Hi, i have q13 blood zodiac staff with cripple reduction 20% if you still have interest.
yes I am interested. ty for asking.
ign: Witch of Drascir
I have a q10 spawning Zodiac PM: Teh Andi
omfg I merched 10 of these in last month
All I get is condition staffs, will save next few for you
Just golds or purples too?
Not on your list but I've got a r9 fire staff (core) with -cripple. To merch or not to merch?
omfg I merched 10 of these in last month
All I get is condition staffs, will save next few for you
Just golds or purples too?
just golds as they are max and look pretty or something
Not on your list but I've got a r9 fire staff (core) with -cripple. To merch or not to merch?
no want on the core skin unless maybe if its cathan one. ty for asking
q10 Channeling Cripple Zodiac Staff, let me know if your interested
q11 Hypnotic staff req ILLUSIONMAGIC :cool:
(and 20% cripple ofc)
q10 Channeling Cripple Zodiac Staff, let me know if your interested
no but ty for asking. Got a spawning power one from andy.
q11 Hypnotic staff req ILLUSIONMAGIC :cool:
(and 20% cripple ofc)
no but ty for asking.
updating list.
Bought a twin serpent staff with -%cripple today as well.
i got a q9 curses cockatrice with the -20% cripple. If u want it.
Q9 fire Plagueborn - 20% crippled, pm offer interested not asking much
i got a q9 curses cockatrice with the -20% cripple. If u want it.
Q9 fire Plagueborn - 20% crippled, pm offer interested
not asking much
No needs but ty for asking.
I have crippling q9 death raven staff if interested
I have crippling q9 death raven staff if interested
No need, ty for asking.
I've got a Hale Forbidden Staff if interested:
q13 Death Magic
20% Cripple
I've got a Hale Forbidden Staff if interested:
q13 Death Magic
20% Cripple
No need, ty for asking.
Still looking for cripple reduction staves (list updated) but now also looking for,
Blessed Chalice: r8-r9
Serpentine Reaver: Any requirement
Got a Blessed Chalice q9.
I'm online throughout the day but usually tabbed out. Shoot me a pm, might take a moment for me to react.
bought the blessed chalice now looking for the serpentine reaver.
bought the serpentine reaver now and am continuing the search for cripple staves, ty for the items found so far 🙂
I don't need the staff but I will give you 1e anyhow because I need the enchant mod.
Hey, I know it’s not on your list, but I have a zodiac fire q10 with crippling reduction. Let me know if you’re interested, or if you’re still going for the platinum fire.
Hey, I know it’s not on your list, but I have a zodiac fire q10 with crippling reduction. Let me know if you’re interested, or if you’re still going for the platinum fire.
A good stepping stone so I will offer 30k.