Reserve right not to sell, etc etc.
Celestial staff q9 fire 20/19 matching
Zodiac staff q9 air magic, 20/20 matching
Zodiac staff q9 water magic, 20/19 matching
Misc +5e OS
Ceremonial daggers, q9
Celestial daggers, q9
Gavel of the nephilim, q9
Zodiac axe, q9, gold value 284
Frog scepter, q11 illusion , insc
Jade wand q9 divine, 10 hct, +5 ^50
Wayward wand, q9 communing, 10 hsr, +5e^50
Zodiac scepter q10 illusion, 10hsr +5e^50
Zodiac q9 death, +5e below 50, 10% hct (dual inscription)
Featured Shields
Tall Shield, q10 tactics, matching -2 / +45 health while enchanted. S/o20e
Zodiac shield, q9tac, +10 piercing, -3while hexed.
Zodiac shield q10str +45 stance, -5 19%
Bargain shields
Bladed q11str, earth +1 19% -2wE
Celestial shield, q9 tac, 5/19, +44 enchanted
Celestial shield q13, -5/20 +45 stanced.
Gothic shield, (PURPLE lol) q9 tact, +8 vs demons, -2 stanced
Reinforced buckler q10 tac, +10 trolls, -2 stanced
Tower shield, q10 str, +27hp, -3wHexed
Wooden buckler q12, -2stance, +44stance
Featured Offhands
Straw effigy, q9 SR, +1/19 blood, hct 19% blood
Straw effigy, q11 fc, 10 hct, +44 enchanted (dual focus core mods)
Non replicable Offhands
Grim cesta, q12, cripple reduction, +5 armor/-5e
Idol q11 blood, blood +1 19%, hct 20% curses
Inscribed chakram, q9 dom, hct 19 dom, +5a^50
Inscribed chakram, q13 dom, bleeding redux, +57 hexed
Inscribed chakram, q11 dom, hct inspiration 19, 10% hsr
Featured martial
Battlepick q11 14% with health degen -1 (dual vamp) (it’s the piercing axe skin, but much more exotic since it’s a battlepick)
Celestial daggers, q9, +15 while enchanted
Zodiac daggers, q9, +15/-5 (gold value not divisible by 100)
Martial (bows, daggers, hammers, axe, sword) non- +5e
Ironwing flatbow 15^50, q9 & q10 | b/o 10e q9 and b/o 5e q10
Iron wing 15/-5 q9
Zodiac longbow, 15/-5 q9
Zodiac long q9 15^50
Plagueborn hornbow q9 15/-5 b/o 5e
(Various q9, q10 zodiac longbows and ironwing flatbows inscribable)
Jade daggers, q9, 15^50
One hand
Brute sword q9 15 stanced b/o 3e
Kaineng axe q9 15^50 b/o 7e