20e on A1
IGN : Xin Yhu
20e on A1
IGN : Xin Yhu
D1 & D2 1a/each please
Ign Red Fireball Rusher
e6 1a
st11/12: 15e each
R1) Q9 Tac [10 vs Plants -2 Ench]-
30e on E5
20e on W3
SK2 SK3 SK4 30e each
A1 35e
E1 30e
SK 2,3,4,5,6 50e/each
BL1 BL2 25e/each
ST2 25e
S1, S2 20e/each
A1 : 40e
S1 : 30e
S2 : 30e
150e s1 and s2
bl6 - 1a
Bump, 1 more day for these.
bl2 30e
bl7 35e
a2 20e
t2 20e
w5 20e
T1 20e
A1 50e
BL2 35e
Ornate 20e
W2 10e
RB1 10e
SK1 150e
A1 : 1a
S5 : 10e
Sk1 160e
Echo1) Q11 Tac [10 vs Plants +45 Ench]------------------------------------------------------------10e
^ All bids are final, I'll be available to trade items ~ 10 hours from this message. IGN: Embers In Ashes
q9 outcast 30e
retract s1 and s2
I'll Start
B9) Q9 Air (20/20 Earth)------- 15e
B13) Q9 Water (20/20 Earth)---------------- 15e
F1) Q9 Earth------------ 15e
A1) - 300e
1e 2e each on all dual profession Bo Staves (B2-B6, B8, B10, B12, B14-B16)
D5) Q13 Divine, 50e
A3) 400e
A4) 200e
A5) 100e
a7) 50e
F1/F2/F3 - 40e/ea
A6) 1a
F12) 1a
A3 10a
A4 5a
a5 -150e
f12 - 100e
A3) 15a
a4) 6a
a9- 1a
A10 50e
D4 2a
Also A2) 1a
A1 10a
A1 20a
A5 5a
A4 7a
A2 3a
A6 3a
A20,A21 30e ea
A18 20e
D1,D3,D4 35e ea
a5 6a
A2) 5a
A6) 5a
D3) 50e
Bump, thanks for the bids so far. I'm receiving a lot of private messages about these staves but will not take private offers. Remember this ends Saturday July, 10 @0800 CST.