30e on unids q8's !

Close pls
3a for the unid set
4 =10e. Let me know the b/o , thanks
Ign : Evil Boy Gu
4. 50e
5. 10e
9. 30e
10. 50e
11. 100e
12. 100e
13. 100e
5a for all together
500e 11/12/13
4. 75e
150e on 11
150e on 12
lets make it easier to bid
the bundle bids get confusing
4. 150e
11. 200e
12. 200e
Excite Blue
September 2, 2021 at 11:04 PM Changed the title of the thread from βCutes/Clean/Gambling :)β to βCutes/Clean/Gambling :) some 20/10β. -
BuMp! Added some 20/10 and a new Q8
14. 200e
BuMp! Some b/o added
B/O all Q8 Offhands
BuMp! Last b/o added
BuMp! Last chance.
B/o gothic and long sword clean.
BuMp! New Items
shield 2 +3 20e ea
15e on the cute Snek Axe
Excite Blue
September 10, 2021 at 12:16 PM Changed the title of the thread from βCutes/Clean/Gambling :) some 20/10β to βCutes/Foci/Shields/Caster/DV-DZ/Gamblingβ. -
DZ 6 = 50e
Excite Blue
September 10, 2021 at 12:20 PM Changed the title of the thread from βCutes/Foci/Shields/Caster/DV-DZ/Gamblingβ to βCutes/Foci/Shields/Caster/DV-DZ/Q8 Gamblingβ. -
Number 3 caster ( celestial staff q10 spawning 20% HCT resto)
5e Lily
q13 dv crenellated 10e
Shield 2 + 3 all for 35e
Hi if you gonna merch them ill save both celestial for rit !
Will 45e do for both ?
DZ Cele q9 60e
shield 1=20e
Ign Evil Boy Gu
shield 1 2 3
22ect each
shield 2 +3 30e ea
shield 3 35e
shield 3 40e
sorry i have to retract for 2+3 i really have no space