CLOSE -OS shields, staffs, wands, low q-shields
Cute -
June 5, 2021 at 12:47 PM -
10a curse outcast
- Outcast q12 tac, +30-2ws 50e
Echovald q9 tac, +60-3wh ~~~ current offer: 3a
Ending 15/8.
Skin photo for earth-staff added
Echo q10 tac +29hp demons 30e
Outcast earthmagic - 5/20 20e
Gothic smite - 2wE 20e
Stormdaggers q10 30e
Echo q10 tac +29hp demons 50e
Ending 15/8, ending time will be announced in tomorrows bump, incl. rules etc.
GL (:
froggy q13 blood 2e
froggy q13 death 2e
OS chaos axe q9, +5e 5e -
Outcast q10 tac, +42ws -2we
Outcast q11 str, +10 vs cold +42we
amber aegis q12 tac, +10 vs piercing -2we
5e ea
Check first post for closing time & rules etc.
For the time, time stamp will count.
GL (:
q10 stormdaggers insc. = 50e
froggy q13 blood = 25e
froggy q13 death = 25e
froggy q12 water = 25e
OS airstaff q9 20/20 = 10e
BDS q11 smite = 110e
OS chaos axe q9, +5e = 35e
Echovald q10 tac, +10 vs demons +29hp = 55e
Echovald q10 tac, +10 vs demons +29hp = 60e
Echovald q10 tac, +10 vs demons +29hp = 65e
Echovald q10 tac, +10 vs demons +29hp ~~~ current offer: 70e
- OS cunjuring staff q8 spawning 18/20 resto, 11-21 dmg (gold) --> C/O 5e
- OS dragon staff q8 spawning 18/10 , 11-21 dmg (gold) --> C/O 5e
- Outcast q11 tac, +10 vs demons +41ws --> C/O 10e
- OS cunjuring staff q8 spawning 18/20 resto, 11-21 dmg (gold) --> C/O 5e
Echovald q10 tac, +10 vs demons +29hp = 1a
Echovald q10 tac, +10 vs demons +29hp = 85e
Ishida don't me have to smack you xD
Echovald q10 tac, +10 vs demons +29hp = 90e why u come late to the party xD @Luminariah
11e pillar. did I do it right?
November 13, 2021 at 9:05 AM Changed the title of the thread from “Curses OUTCAST q9 t & earthstaff q9 20/20 and more !!!” to “Low q shields, OS-shields and more! :)”. -
added new items!
more will come soon -
S14 30e
IGN: I Zes I
S3 - 30e
S4 - 30e
November 13, 2021 at 2:42 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Low q shields, OS-shields and more! :)” to “Low q shields, OS-shields, 20/20ies :)”. -
Earthwand with fire mods 20e
Up (:
First sell coming soon
Zes , Fixy ’ Mr. Clean(-Value)
Give me your ign. I’ll text u the next time im online for the trade. Items are yours.
Will update everything tomorrow.
January 5, 2022 at 12:15 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Low q shields, OS-shields, 20/20ies :)” to “OS shields, staffs / low q shields / double v. / z. :)”. -
New list
Outcast q11t, -2we +10 vs cold. 1a
Archiac axe q11, double vamp. 20e
Gothic axe q10, double vamp. 20e
Echov q9t, -2we +42we 50e
Amber wand curse 10/10 : 10e
Tall shield q9t, +10vs lightning -3wh 25e
5e on each guardian os
20e on palate lantern
20e on q9 golden pillar
Outcast q9s, -3wh +10vs fire - 30e
Colossal pick - 30e
Q9 Colossal Pick - 50e
Q9 Silverwing - 1000e
Colossal pick - 100e