Bid Away
C/o 150a b/o 175a
sold in game for b/o
Bid Away
C/o 150a b/o 175a
sold in game for b/o
1a each
100e each sword
2a each
200e each
5a each
7a each
Wing 25a, other 10a
Up up up. R/b met on both swords. Still unsure if I want to sell the shadow staff so just seeing how the market is. All items will run until next Friday. GL!
12a forked sword
13a to get a fork with my spoon.
15a forked sword, meld stop bullying me
the final bump i reckon. GL thx for bids so far
5a on shadow
Up up
3a on the plagueborn
4a on plague
up up
Up up
Last bump. Will sell plagueborn in 24 hours if no more bids.
up up update
Have more to add but will let this clear out a bit
Purp Ancient Scythe : 3e
ign : Figo La Rana
2a wroth
5e ancient scythe
10e ancient scythe
50e clean chaos axe
150e clean chaos
IGN Alexa Jaide
#6 and #7, 10e each.
15e ancient scythe
10e each on 3 & 16
#15: 15e
#6 15e
#6 20e
###6 , update 50e
5a wroth, 250e chaos
275e chaos
#6 55e