bump, added b/o prices for most of the items.
Mix of OS items | Reinforced Buckler q9Tac 30hp 10 demons
B/o s16, I’ll be online later today but infrequently over the coming weeks.
B/O on ST7
b/o ZODI1
M20 Tyrian hand axe 30e
IGN Its Just Kyle
Kyle Ecto Sacrifice Aporia 6chdirect mossonbarkoncommand Cloud Strife ObsidiaN
you purchased items (see first page).
I'll try to catch you, please also contact me ing when you see me online: Hate Core MesmerAdded new arrivals (small selection below):
Hate Core
August 10, 2022 at 12:36 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OS (various items) / q9 Dom Amber & Jade Staff 20/20 / q9 DV Cleaver / q9 15/50 Colossal Picks / q8 postnerf max & inscr. items (froggies, bds, dryad etc)” to “OS (various items) / demon shields / q9 Jade Staff 20/20 / q9 DV Cleaver / q9 DZ GDA / q9 15/50 Colossal Picks / q8 postnerf max & inscr. items (froggies, bds, dryad etc)”. -
PAPF1 25e
DIAM3 - 50e
Amber Staff (Earth) 20/20
20% HSR
20 % HCT (Earth)90e
IGN Fuzzy Butt The Pup or Aaron D Ankle Bitur
EMBO4 40e
EXAL2 60e b/o
BLDE2 50e b/o
Gotd2 50e
Goth3 50e
ECHO9 Echovald Shield 9t 10 ogres -2wE b/o 80e
ECHO1 Echovald Shield 11t 45hp wS -2wS b/o 40e
Exalted Aegis Dom 50e
Amber curse 75e
Hate Core
August 28, 2022 at 8:37 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OS (various items) / demon shields / q9 Jade Staff 20/20 / q9 DV Cleaver / q9 DZ GDA / q9 15/50 Colossal Picks / q8 postnerf max & inscr. items (froggies, bds, dryad etc)” to “OS (various items) / Zodiac shield 30hp/10dragons / q9 Jade Staff 20/20 / q9 DV Cleaver / q9 DZ GDA / q9 15/50 Colossal Picks / q9 20/19 Cele Staff Channel / q8 postnerf max & inscr. items (froggies, bds, dryad etc)”. -
Exalted +1
Amber +1
1a each
Exalted Dom 200e
Zodiac +10 Dragons +30 250e
ECHO3 Echovald Shield 12t -2wE 10 dragons --> 50E
Amber Aegis
43hp wE
1/19 Death40e
bump, added 1 item
Teh the Echovald is actually q10t, not q12t - I adapted the overview. My apologies.
Hate Core
August 29, 2022 at 8:14 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OS (various items) / Zodiac shield 30hp/10dragons / q9 Jade Staff 20/20 / q9 DV Cleaver / q9 DZ GDA / q9 15/50 Colossal Picks / q9 20/19 Cele Staff Channel / q8 postnerf max & inscr. items (froggies, bds, dryad etc)” to “OS (various items) / Zodiac shield 30hp/10dragons / q9 COCKatrice 20/20 Curses / q9 DV Cleaver / q9 DZ GDA / q9 15/50 Colossal Picks / q9 20/19 Cele Staff Channel / q8 postnerf max & inscr. items (froggies, bds, dryad etc)”. -
ST1 Cockatrice Staff (Curses) 20/20 9 20% HSR 20 % HCT (Curses) 1a La Rana
GOTD3: b/o
b/o ECHO5
F A L Q U E Cloud Strife mossonbarkoncommand Amazon Of Melandru Ecto Sacrifice Aporia Blind Was My Fury ObsidiaN
Today last chance to pick up your items before my 2 week vacations.
PLEASE NOTE: I am on vacations & ing-offline from 01-09 to 18-09 -> no handovers of items possible in this time. Thanks for your understanding.
You still can reach me here via PM.
JEWL2 Jeweled Chakram (Illu) 8 + 5 Ar wE HSR 10% -30e
INCH1 Inscribed Chakram (Dom) 8 + 5 Ar vs phys +1/19 Dom - b/o
ST5 Fire Staff (Canthan) 20/20 10 20% HSR 20 % HCT (Fire) - b/o
ST12 Jade Staff (Dom) 20/20 9 20% HSR 20 % HCT (Dom) - 1a
st 4 st 5 b/o
CELE1 Slash/-2ws bo 25e
INSC22 q11 Dom cc bo 35e
Cockatrice 6aThanks ondenoire
M40 20e
B/O M11 (Req 9 +5e Jade Sword)
Cockatrice 6a
Thanks ondenoire
Will have to retract, my bad.
BROZ2 Bronze Shield 9s 45hp wS -2wE - b/o
ORNT2 Ornate Shield 11t -2wS 45hp wS - b/o
M30 Jade Sword (15-21 dmg) 8 15^50 - b/o
lowered and added many b/o's
750e zodi 1