Area in Cantha with farmable Fire elementalists ?( Potential Paperlantern Farm)

  • Hello Guys 'N Gurls,

    Wiki says: " Paper Lanterns drop from elementalist foes in Factions "

    so far i came to the conclusion that this is just partially true. Since Shrine Anjeka Farm aka Dragon Moss farm never dropped a paperlantern. these use no FIRE skills

    so all mobs that dropped Paper Lanterns for me had 2 things in common. 1. Elementalist 2. Fire skills on the bar

    Saltspray Dragon

    Jade Brotherhood Mage

    Temple Guardians (thanks to Pleikki )

    Burning Brush :?: with a question mark :?: need further confirmation on this one ➜ This one maybe has a area with a lot of them that u can farm easy???

    Afflicted Elementalist:?: with a question mark :?: need further confirmation on this one

    either this foes or chests related to that foes dropped paperlanterns to me/or friends i chested with.

    SIDE NOTE: I farmed hours and thousands of items on WoC. Dropped Jugs and Paperfans but no Paperlanterns. There is a Fire-Version of the Ministry Mage BUT on WoC farm only the Earth and Air version accures.

    NOTE: wiki is wrong on saying the leviathan chest dropped a paperlantern. it is 99.99999% a Saltspray chest that guy ment. like leviathans don't even come as elemenatalist and that would be 4th wall breaking that wars, rangers and mesmer now also could drop it ^^ so the easiest and most likely true assumption is : that statement of "leviathan dropped paperlantern" is just wrong.

    So i would really like to have more Opinions/experiences with that topic. so feel free to add urs in the comments :)

    THE REAL QUESTION NOW IS: where is a Farmable or good chestrunable area with a lot of fire elementalists. ? :/ 8o

  • okay so the whole Fire elementalist experiance may needs to be overthought ^^

    from my gaming experience it at least worked. So if Dragon moss (water eles) Drop the paperlantern then the Fire ele only drop it theorie is busted and just a weird drop exp i got ^^

    IGN: Mr Clean Value

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    "Keep it clean!" 🧽💦

    WTB: x00g - Clean Value items - 360g Roundshield - 256g RAM-hammer - Waterwand with 20/20 Fire

  • Ppl doing WoC farm seem also get lanterns sometimes tho, guildy of mine got this there few years ago that i've got now.


    but as said its absurbly rare offhand, over the 16years ive got probably only couple of dozen lantern drops from all those 60-70k+ cantha chests.. So farming in general is just luck xD

  • Okay i see :D so then just my luck was just not there in terms of paperlanterns ^^

    but then its clear that ALL elementalist foes can drop it. !!!

    and the rest is just luck ^^

    Thanks for Help on the topic :) :thumbup:

    IGN: Mr Clean Value

    :!: Important: Please if i win an auction/or u want to sell me an item write me an PM so we can organize the Trade :!:

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    "Keep it clean!" 🧽💦

    WTB: x00g - Clean Value items - 360g Roundshield - 256g RAM-hammer - Waterwand with 20/20 Fire

  • I've had them dropped directly by ele bosses who use no fire skills. I've also had them from chests around which are zero ele foes. (have screenshots if necessary) Neither of those is a requirement. As mentioned above, they are extremely rare (arguably the rarest canthan skin). Only thing of maybe comparable rarity are spiked clubs.

    In that past year, vanquishing all of cantha about 3 times over, running a handful of new alt chars through the campaign and running thousands of chests in various areas, I've had 2 lanterns. One req 9 gold and one req 13 purple (and the purple was just yesterday). They're just not something you can realistically farm for.

    IGN: Vengeful Was Unholy
    Discord: Unholy2295
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  • they are unarguably rare. i mean on normal play dropping a bladed shield or the (to me) more rare iridescent aegis or diamond aegis also seems nearly impossible. But once u know where they drop ( warriors, cantha, and humans having a good drop rate of shields) u can start to increase the chances ( WoC farm u can technicaly farm them, but they still rare ).

    the same things i tried to maybe improve the chances of paperlanterns, even when after the improvements the chances still are low, no doubt about that.

    The for me very interessting part is that CHESTS with NO elementalist foes at all are able to drop these. that would erase all previous "knowledge" or ideas on dropping patterns. So are they dropping true Random all over the cantha ?

    as i see atm the Fire skill theory is busted and the elementalist theory also. :(

    EDIT: Do you still know what the Chests with no ele foes where related to ? like was it Afflicted or jadebrotherhood ot something ? Unholy it melts my head :D

  • I can also vouch for dragon mosses dropping these. But it’s probably the area I have farmed the most since 2006 and I have seen ONE drop. Like OP I didn’t believe they could drop until it happened.

    I guess it’s true that they drop from any ele foe. So the best place to farm the is ele enemies with an otherwise limited drop pool. Temple guardians seem like a good choice, I’ve had my fair share of jugs and paper fans from mantids which have a similar drop pool (celestial plus necro and monk stuff and that’s pretty much it - obv no eles here so no lanterns but I think the logic follows). I guess kappas follow the same logic?

    Anywhere that drops armors or more varied skins (dragon moss drop gothic skins, amber skins and echovald unique skins plus ele stuff) will then surely decrease your chances.

    Unholy Interested to see the chest drops with no ele foes around, no doubt it’s true. But do the foe groups have eles in their creature type? I can see a lantern dropping from jade brotherhood chest even if no mages, but not from an am fah chest (as no eles outside of WoC and Chung the attuned). Or do all human ‘kaineng’ enemies just have the same chest drop pool. Indeed, it is a head scramble.

  • I've also had one from solitary wallow/island guardian chests in pongmei, though this was some time ago. Not sure I have a screenshot of that one.

    There are no "dropping patterns" to erase. Drops that are tied to certain species will require a chest to be near those species to drop related items (echovalds near plants, a common example). Because lanterns, like jugs and paper fans, are not tied to any particular species or creature type, they can drop just about anywhere. Here's proof for the "no ele" chests.


    IGN: Vengeful Was Unholy
    Discord: Unholy2295
    WTB Pre-nerf Greens -> Information
    My WTB Thread

  • ...Interested to see the chest drops with no ele foes around, no doubt it’s true. But do the foe groups have eles in their creature type? I can see a lantern dropping from jade brotherhood chest even if no mages, but not from an am fah chest (as no eles outside of WoC and Chung the attuned). Or do all human ‘kaineng’ enemies just have the same chest drop pool. Indeed, it is a head scramble...

    exactly this 2 thoughts also flashed thru my head. but the Vermine + Paperlantern screen from Unholy just crushes all my (Paper)-Braincells with a big smash :D

    okay i see other people had similar thoughts then me and tried to see a pattern that seems not to be there. People love order and Paperlanterns are just like the universe: beautifil, mindblowing and filled with a lot of (yet?!) not understandable things ;)

    EDIT: and ofc really thanks for the screen Unholy :)

    IGN: Mr Clean Value

    :!: Important: Please if i win an auction/or u want to sell me an item write me an PM so we can organize the Trade :!:

    ...................................................................( Thanks for understanding and appreciate the help <3 )......................................................................................................

    "Keep it clean!" 🧽💦

    WTB: x00g - Clean Value items - 360g Roundshield - 256g RAM-hammer - Waterwand with 20/20 Fire

  • Thanks Unholy

    Well great - an interesting question with a boring answer! So they drop from kaineng ‘classic’, vermin and temple guardian celestial, echovald generic, jade sea generic, forbidden chests.

    That leaves things like Oni, warden, outcast, naga, kaineng mantid. These are variants of the above. I guess the question I’m asking here is are there chests to avoid if you want to increase your odds.

    What is also clear from certain extreme cases of chest running - the rheas crater outcast run - is that some chests only drop in purple for some items. Purple lantern drops doesn’t equal gold ones.

  • I used to do the Wajjun Bazaar farm vs jade brotherhood in ~2008-9 and I got at least two gold paper lanterns that I remember. The farm isn't very heavy on enemy volume but I always found the drops to be quite reliable when I put time into the farm.

    FWIW, I got dozens of bladed shields/Bo staves in the time it took to get 2 lanterns, so I concur with others that they are super rare.

    Newer(Winds of Change) farms may be strictly better for these skins, not sure. The Jade Brotherhood have shockingly good drop tables though!

  • Thanks Unholy

    Well great - an interesting question with a boring answer! So they drop from kaineng ‘classic’, vermin and temple guardian celestial, echovald generic, jade sea generic, forbidden chests.

    That leaves things like Oni, warden, outcast, naga, kaineng mantid. These are variants of the above. I guess the question I’m asking here is are there chests to avoid if you want to increase your odds.

    I have gotten a paper lantern from the Mantids outside Nahpui Quarter, and have also heard from other people who have got one there too. Unfortunately I did'nt take a screenshot though, so you'd have to believe me on my word in this case. If I happen to get another I will take a screenshot for proof.

  • It would be super weird, but I thought I’d have it clarified - we’re working on the understanding that only elementalist foes can drop elementalist foci (excluding skins that drop with multiple prof requirements) which I certainly believe to be true more generally even for common skins.

  • Good to know - just to check, it was a chest that dropped it, not an actual mantid, right?

    I guess paper lanterns are part of the celestial chest drop table, end of story.

    It was a drop from a Mantid, not from a chest.

    I doubt the Mantids themselves can actually drop Paper Lantern, at least not gold ones. I have farmed a lot there, and never seen one. The chests are a different story, of course.

    I've farmed them a lot aswell and have never got one until recently, it really surprised me. Also found a Bladed Shield and a Paper Fan from them aswell.
    Their loot table is quite interesting.

  • It was a drop from a Mantid, not from a chest.

    I've farmed them a lot aswell and have never got one until recently, it really surprised me. Also found a Bladed Shield and a Paper Fan from them aswell.
    Their loot table is quite interesting.

    Bladed Shields, sure. Never as golds though, and rarely at any rate. But they're not elementalists. I'll need to see a screen to believe they drop Paper Lanterns.

  • Bladed Shields, sure. Never as golds though, and rarely at any rate. But they're not elementalists. I'll need to see a screen to believe they drop Paper Lanterns.

    Vermin are'nt elementalists either, yet Unholy provided proof of them dropping a Paper Lantern. Vermin and Mantids have a similar loot table aswell, so it's not too far fetched. I personally believe Paper Lanterns have better odds of dropping from or near Elementalist mobs but they can still drop elsewhere too.

  • Vermin are'nt elementalists either, yet Unholy provided proof of them dropping a Paper Lantern. Vermin and Mantids have a similar loot table aswell, so it's not too far fetched. I personally believe Paper Lanterns have better odds of dropping from or near Elementalist mobs but they can still drop elsewhere too.

    That was a chest drop.