100e q8 sws

[New 16 march] Prenerf Dyed Bags set + Storage Cleaning -> OS Shields Perf / 20/20 Staves / OS Hammers + Swords + Axes / Q8 Gold inscri shields + offhands / Q0 Copperleaf / Q9 Emerald blade / Q9 Purple Elonian Daggers /OS Eternal / Q1 Scythe
Q10 Irridescent Aegis +10 Percing -2 ench 200e
Have fun.
IG : Reine Mathilde
100e on each q8 accursed icon (diamond shape)
q9s Emblazoned 45-2wE - 22A
r/b purple accursed icon, retract other offers
3a Skull
16a goth
20a guardian
< 100e
12h left before ending of that 3 Oni blades, dont forget to bid before (and stop pms :p)
Bump !
q7 oni blades 6a/ea
Q7 Oni 10a ea
q9s Emblazoned 45-2wE - 23A
Fire Celestial Scepter 50e
August 27, 2022 at 11:18 PM Changed the title of the thread from “[New Stuff] Low Req Oni Blade +5 / Q5 Oni Daggers / Q5 Enameled / OS Diamond / OS Irrid / OS Oni Daggers and more” to “[New Stuff] OS GotH / Towers / Dual Vamp - Zeal / Various OS”. -
Add new stuff
@T Miles MarkTheAmFah Ketuja ObsidiaN Gaetan Petit TopheVendor Ash23 genox ondenoire MINI_ XXX goes Tentacion Toshi_01
Q13 Tower +10 Charr +30 3a
Q9 Tower +45 Stance -5/20 1a
Q10 Tower +45 Ench +10 Dwarves 1a
Q9 Runic 15-1 5a
Q9 Shadow Blade 15-1 5a
Q9 Butterfly Sword 15-1 3a
Q9 Spiked Axe 15-1 3a
Q9 Gothic Axe 15-1 3a
q9 -5/19% GotH - 1a
Q9 Chaos 15-1 3a
Goth 5a
GotH 7a
Shoo Cloud Strife
goth 9a
Dv chaos axe 5a
5a req 13 30/10 tower
Tower shield +1 fire 1/20 +30hp
100e GOTH4
tower q13 10 charr 30 10a sry Captain Krompdown
tower q9 -5/20 45wS 200e()
tower q10 45wE 10vs dwarf 2a()
tower q11 30 10 dwarf 1a
tower q9 10 cold -2wE 50e
tower q13 30 1/20 fire 3a
I'd need these pretty please C:
Lotus Shield q8 str purple
DV Chaos axe 7a
GotH 10a
dv chaos 10a
DV Chaos 12a
dv chaos 15a
Red Fireball do you really really need this one tho? Can I have this pleaaae 3a25e
20a req 13 str 30/10 tower
In the immortal words of Adam Sandler's morher, "Share, Baby" 😄
3a lightning GoTh
Cloud Strife sadly... I want it - yes!
q13 tower 30 1/20 fire 4a
q13 tower 10 charr +30 25a
Captain Krompdown you want to share it? you have the q13 giant - I get the charr
DV chaos axe 16a
Zodiac Shield +30 +10v dragons 300e
DV Short Sword 3a
IGN Heavens Temptation -
Q13 Tower Shield 1/20 fire 5a
5a GotH demon -2