#65 101e
[r/b + b/o] Q6/Q7 Oni Blade / OS Perfect Shields (Crude/Eternal/Outcast/SwS and more) / Q9 Dual Vamps / Q8 Inscri Swords / Clean Gv / OS Staves 20-20 / OS Perf Paper Fan + Jug / Q8 Dragon Kamas and more
Earth echo 20a
#52 - 50e
#49 - 25e
#55 - 50e
29 - 20e
33 - 30e
59 - 30e
60 - 30e
28 - 5a
#55 - 150e
celestial shield 2a
celestial sword 2a
47 11 tactics +30hp +10 dwarves 15e
51 11 Tactics +10 dwarves -2 stance 15e
ign angelan vo
Earth echo - 30a
27 - 1a
#27 200e
27 2a
add 20e/ea on 3 5 8 11 12 14 17 18 19 25 35
#7, 100e
#68, 50e
#SP3, 50e
#49 - 200e
Thanks for bids !
10 e each
ign Angelan Vo
65/ 1a
26/ 100e
31/ 100e
65 200e
5 30e
DV Verte : 1a
Cele shield demon : 3a
28 6a
65 225e
celestial shield 4a
celestial sword 2a
Cele shield demon : 5a
dv verte 2a
DV Verte : 3a
cele shield + vamp sword 10a/ea
vamp verte 10a
ING: Vanya Harlow -
celestial shield 11a
celestial sword 11a
cele shield + vamp sword 15a/ea
vamp verte 10a
ING: Vanya Harlow
celestial shield 16a
celestial sword 16a
cele shield + vamp sword 20a/ea
vamp verte 10a
ING: Vanya Harlow
celestial shield 21a
celestial sword 21a
celestial sword 25a