Miles -
March 30, 2022 at 7:47 PM -
sws vs tengu 25e
March 30, 2022 at 10:32 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Huge OS WTS (Shields - Martials - Caster) Q8-13” to “Huge OS WTS (Shields - Martials - Caster) Q8-13 *IMAGES FIXED*”. -
Q9 +5e Jade Sword - 5e
Q9 +5e Runic Axe - 5e
Ironwing flatbow -> 15 ectos
Echo q 10 str vs fire 15e
echo q10 str +43we +10vsFire 50e
Q8 pleaguesword -> 5e
dom +15 enery amber wand 50e
First 2 amber wand in wand section :
20 and 40e
Jug q10 spawn 50e
Channeling wand let me know the skin pls
Paper fan necro 50e
Ig : blind was my fury
15^50 Hooked Daggers 5e
15^50 Jade Daggers 10e
q12 tac Amber +30hp -5/20% = 40e
q10 str Echo +30hp Dazed 20% = 60e
Bladed Shield -5/20 45 Stance - 15e
Nimbly Crow
B! Thanks alot for the offers.
q8 10% single mod lantern, 15e
Vengeful Was Unholy
April 1, 2022 at 10:04 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Huge OS WTS (Shields - Martials - Caster) Q8-13 *IMAGES FIXED*” to “Huge OS WTS (Shields - Martials - Caster) Q8-13 *NEW 1/04* Q8/16 Tower Shield +43e Healing +1 20% 136gv”. -
lets start off the tower at 1a 337g
SotW q9t -2wS/+29hp 25e
2a Tower
300e tower q8
B! Please no ecto offers on the defender for obvious reasons.
3a tower
400e tower q8
450 tower
500 tower
10a q8 Tower
April 5, 2022 at 12:41 AM Changed the title of the thread from “Huge OS WTS (Shields - Martials - Caster) Q8-13 *NEW 1/04* Q8/16 Tower Shield +43e Healing +1 20% 136gv” to “Huge OS WTS (Shields - Martials - Caster) Q8-13 *NEW* 5/4 Q8 15-22 Gothic Sword +19% Below 50% 200gv”. -
April 6, 2022 at 12:41 AM Changed the title of the thread from “Huge OS WTS (Shields - Martials - Caster) Q8-13 *NEW* 5/4 Q8 15-22 Gothic Sword +19% Below 50% 200gv” to “Huge OS WTS (Shields - Martials - Caster) Q8-13 *NEW* 6/4 Q8 11-21 Dom Cane 19/19 + some r/b & b/o”. -
bramble bow +5e q8 40e
Amber Aegis Q11 Str +10 Slashing -2 W/E 30e
Echovald Shield Q9 Tac +9 Demon -2 W/E 80e
Embossed Aegis Q10 Tac +10 Demon -2 W/E 80e
Embossed Aegis Q9 Str+10 Slashing -2 W/E 80e
Jade Sword 15-21 196 Gold Value Naked 10e
IGN Montrell Detox
Q9 +5e Jade Sword c/o 5e
10e retract on the Jade, already have one
R9 Vamp Dadao +5e 10e
R9 +5e runic axe 10e
12a on q8 tower
B! Some items sold, also contacted some buyers.
6-27 +15/-5 runic axe 15e
11-21 accursed staff 25e
Q10 amber blunt 20e
ign: I Ravenshaw I
10a new wand....made me fucking log in for this @Miles >:( also 3a for the q8 15-22 gothic