Some random new stuff. Bids welcome, only a few have an r/b.
(cleavers are tyrian)
m5 20e Forty Second Rogue
m11 1a Anti
m12 1a PB168
Some random new stuff. Bids welcome, only a few have an r/b.
(cleavers are tyrian)
m5 20e Forty Second Rogue
m11 1a Anti
m12 1a PB168
Vokur's Cane - 10e I will take this one
BO on q9 15^50 Golden Phoenix Blade please
q10 Eternal Shield/ +1 Water 20%, -poison 25e
q10 20/19 Celestial Staff (fire) 10e
i'll also B/O a GpB as well
I'd like the following:
Red Asuraline Staff - 5e
Staff mods:
+30 wrap x2 - 1e/ea
+1 - 1e/ea
IGN: Eowina Lovely
I would like to buy:
IGN: Zeli Ra / Zelir A
q9 Onyx Scepter (dom) - 10e
+ all undead mods for bow
+ demon mods for axe and hammer
Urgoz's Longbow - 2e
Urgoz's Flatbow - 5k
Urgoz's Shortbow - 5k
Kaolin Accursed Staff - 5e
Baubao's Shell - 1e
Ill take these please
1 bow grip of skeletonslaying
1 bow grip of pruning (plants)
1 sword pommel of pruning (plants)
PM me here or in-game to set up a time for trade
q11 20/20 Celestial Staff (divine) - 75e
q8 15^50 Sephis Axe (6-24) - 50e
I’ll buy this!
q9 Skeleton Shield/ +10 cold, +45 enchant 100e
q10 Cerulean Edge - 10e I'd like to take this please
q9 Celestial Compass (curses) - 15e
q9 Suntouched Spear - 3e
Aegis of Aaarrgggghhh - 10e
Everlasting Crate of Fireworks 5e
q9 Fellblade - 10e
ING: Blackwork X
-5/20 x2 - 1e/ea
IGN: vi malleus
Jacado's Staff - 5e
Ghial's Staff - 5e
Ill take these as well
q10 DZ Chaos Axe - 25e
q9 15^50 Celestial Daggers - 20e
will be getting some of the items with bids to their bidders when I see them
highlighted items will be removed this time tomorrow
q13 DV Feathered Longbow
Milius' Pillar - 5k
Illyana's Mirror - 5k
Bogroot Focus - 5k
Wenslauss' Chalice - 5k
Kole's Gauntlet x2 - 5k/ea
Ill save these from that merchant guy
I’ll take all the +30 staff heads
I would like Rago's Flame Staff 30e please.
IGN: Keit Infinitus or Kirah Nerys (dirrent accounts)
Alsin's Walking Stick
I'll take one of these please.
<-- IGN
q9 Serpentine Reaver - 10e
q9 Earth Staff (obsidian) - 20e
Would be happy to take these if you still have them
I'd like to take the vampiric dragon sword and both of Kepheks refuge pls
maybe maybe maybe
N11 500e
N17 250e (if glove skin, thanks)
N1 25a
N3. 20a
N11. 750e
N14. 6a
N1 35a
N4, N5, N6 2a each
N18 1a
N15 4a
ign: midget sacrifice
n2 10a
N1 40a
N2 15a
N3 22a
no2 20a
n2 21a
N2 26a
n2 35a