The Hunt for Jormungand

  • To my knowledge Jormungand is the rarest boss in the game (which also makes his green hammer the rarest post-nerf green in the game).

    Surprisingly, wiki info on him is still super scarce despite EotN being 15+ years old. So let's change that!

    He's kind of like Maw the Mountain Heart in that he can spawn in several places in several maps, but only very rarely does. But unlike Maw in Dreadnought's, Jormungand has no set spawn location at all.

    In all the time I've spent in EotN since it released, I've seen him exactly 3 times. All 3 times were in Bjora Marches. Unfortunately the screenshots of these spawns are on old machines I no longer have, but I'll go ahead and mark their locations on the Bjora map.

    The idea here is for anyone else who encounters him to post screenshots of the location so we can have a better record of them (to then mark on wiki). I'll update the maps with spawn points as the screenshots come in (hopefully we're lucky enough).

    Bonus points if any of the sightings can confirm whether or not there were other spawns of a single Frozen Elemental or Frost Wurm on the map in the instance you got Jormungand to spawn. Wiki suggests those might be mutually exclusive with Jormungand spawning. The two "recent" times I saw him, I didn't see either of the single spawns. When Jormungand spawns, he will always spawn with 2 other Frost Wurms.

    Wiki also only mentions the 4 maps below, but if anyone can prove that he can spawn in Jaga Moraine or Ice Cliff Chasms, please do!

    Bjora Marches

    Display Spoiler

    Drakkar Lake

    Display Spoiler


    Norrhart Domains

    Display Spoiler


    Varajar Fells

    Display Spoiler


    IGN: Vengeful Was Unholy
    Discord: Unholy2295
    WTB Pre-nerf Greens -> Information
    My WTB Thread

  • Have seen him here in Norrhart Domains during a vanquish.

    Remember him popping up whilst killing Baglorag Grumblesnort and I got his green hammer instead of Jormungand's :(

    Used to run Darkrime lots and regularly ran though Bjora Marches.

    Have seen him here, on the corner by a tree.

    Also seen him several times in the most northen point on your map.

    IGN: Pyro Loves Lobsters

  • Hello,

    I once sunk a significant amount of time into learning about Jormungand and the nature of his spawns.

    As far as I know, I’m the most knowledgeable person on his spawns in Bjora Marches.

    Copy of Jormungand Spawn Tracking
    Spawn Map

    Here’s a link to my work including spawn locations, documentation of 100 spawn runs, and screenshots of spawns (both mine and from the internet).

    As I have come to understand, there are three regions of spawn points: northwest, southwest, and east. Each of these three regions gets 1 “special spawn” each time the explorable area is loaded. A “special spawn” can be either an Ice Elemental, a Frost Wurm, or Jormungand himself. As far as I could tell, the regions are independent of each other. You can just as easily get 1 Frost Wurm in each region as you can 1 Ice Elemental in each region.

    Once you know this mechanic, you can somewhat efficiently do a run of the region and rule out a Jormungand spawn. The goal is by running and flagging heroes to check all the spawn points in each region until you find the special spawn. Ice Elementals are great because you can spot them from a distance and immediately know you’ve cleared the region and can go to the next region. A Frost Wurm, particularly in the East region, can take a while to pop. Once you find your 3 special spawns, you know Jormungand isn’t one of them, so you can rezone.

    I did this 100 times and plotted and mapped results. In those 100 runs I got 6 Jormungand spawns. The first 50 runs or so I was still uncovering some spawn points. I’d occasionally not find a special spawn at all, thinking at the time it was possible for nothing to spawn. As far as I know now, there are always 3 special spawns total.

    I did MANY runs after that which were not logged.

    I am not sure how the RNG math works on the back end, so I’m not sure how a Jormungand spawn is calculated. Therefore, I’m not sure if it is more efficient to check all 3 regions, or to zone through the south portal and only check the Southwest region.

    You can also speed the process if you have a partner zoning for you.

    If he does spawn, you’ll want to kill the 2 Frost Wurms and obviously flag your heroes away to solo Jormungand to get the highest drop rate for his hammer. I used a SS D/Rt that allowed me to maintain max running speed and never failed to allow me to solo Jormundy. Bar is in the screenshots.

    I had a lot of fun doing this. An old friend just reminded me so I had a look and saw your post. Hopefully someone can put all my work to use and enjoy it. I farmed greens for collectors a lot because it was a unique and changing task. Never did get this darn hammer though.


  • we went today to hunt him thanks to the info from of Morythe Bly (rly ty btw)

    Unfortunately 0 fcking pop he seems very rare to pop.

    We certainly missed some spot, and sometime we couldnt find any special pop so i dont know.... maybe some zone dont have a special pop but most of the time it does.

    if anyone is intrested in hunting him hit me up, that's definetly something to do in grp to speed up the whole process !

  • Sorry to revive this thread. I decided to give it a try and wanted to share my findings:

    1. Confirmed Jormungand spawn at 39. I did not see that in any of your run logs.
    2. All runs except 1 so far have always had 3 spawns. With exactly one spawn in each region. This corresponds with the region hypothesis.
    3. The one run that did not correspond was:
      1. Frozen Elemental at 30
      2. Wurm at 38
      3. I ran the north west region 3 or 4 times and never found another elemental or wurm. Here is a screenshot my map from that run.

    Lastly, have you considered making a textmod with the exact spawn locations? Your map is amazing but I'd love a way to see the spawns in game. I have experience making such text mods however your map is not quite exactly what I'd need it to be. If I gave you the full texture files could you mark them with the exact locations? I could then turn that into a text mod for players to use.

    EDIT: Also confirmed Jormungand at 6, 18, 30, between 11 and 15, between 43 and 48, and just north of 34. Sadly no luck with drops yet.

    Edited 5 times, last by XTFOX (May 2, 2024 at 3:53 AM).

  • Well after around 60 or so runs, Jormungand finally showed up for me, and then left a less than ordeal drop xD I guess he is not a ghost afterall.

    Some observations while hunting this guy:

    • The map that showed all the possible spawn points was very helpful. I also followed the route of checking south east > south west > north west locations. If I saw a Frozen elemental, I simply proceeded to the next location. Basically, if I didn't see the Frozen elemental in one of the three areas, I just combed that area until I popped a frost wurm.
    • A lot of times, but not all the time, I found that there will be a locked chest in a location near where the frost wurm will pop or where the frozen elemental is.
    • This being my first time to pop the Jormungand boss, he also spawned 2 frost wurms with him, which made me wonder:

      1. Does he always spawn 2 frost wurms with him?

      2. Does this mean that he could pop up next to a frozen elemental still?

    Either way, its not that bad... I will just run into the frozen elementals aggro to check that theory just in case. I am just glad I was finally able to pop this boss. I was starting to think I was doing something wrong or I needed some quest or something active for him to show up, but nope! The grind continues!