• You dont rlly need rainbow rocks to do speedclears. I got a stack in my chest since 3 years and barely touched it.

    In normal gwen speedclears you are in fact fine only popping a cupcake, while 90% of the time sb else pops cons for free.

  • and still nobody is talking about solos.

    I didnt actually mention it in the post but my frustrations were with how open ppl were about botting or rmt even though they were in the leaderboards. Openly posting about rmt, or their main accounts with bots running in the background(while talking about the ease of monitoring bots), or even them showing the programs themselves whenever they had problems.

    I had a random sudden change of heart so it doesn't bother me as much anymore. also I met this quirky player named kiki but probs unrelated.

  • and still nobody is talking about solos.

    I didnt actually mention it in the post but my frustrations were with how open ppl were about botting or rmt even though they were in the leaderboards. Openly posting about rmt, or their main accounts with bots running in the background(while talking about the ease of monitoring bots), or even them showing the programs themselves whenever they had problems.

    I had a random sudden change of heart so it doesn't bother me as much anymore. also I met this quirky player named kiki but probs unrelated.

    I can understand this, though i personally just go with it and enjoy the game in a way i still can, which is playing the game more casual, alone or with casual people that dont need consumables and other stuff. Sucks, but you cant change it nowadays.

    Edited once, last by Marty Silverblade: removed personal attack (May 1, 2024 at 6:52 AM).

  • You can enjoy the game for what it is without ever trading anybody, btw. None of that stuff matters.

    Reverting q7/q8 prenerf updates would be much more complex than releasing the minis like mkg / ig / panda / etc. and rare tonics.

    If they did release minis and tonics, I'd be grabbing my bucket of popcorn to watch the most entertaining day in GW history.

  • I really hope next year anniversary they release MKG, IG, Kanaxai and other non obtainable items like El henchmen, reindeer, coke items, revert q7/8 prenerf just so we can enjoy the game for what it is and be over with rmters

    Reverting req7/8's to drop will just be the final nail in the coffin, while they are at it they should revert unconditionals and reintroduce keyless grotto chestruns.

    Removing exclusiveness will kill off any reason to even still play this game.

    A better solution is to allow people to uncustomize items for a hefty price i.e 100 armbraces or new/more 'gambling currency sinks' for armbraces, ectos, if there are any devs still working on GW1 they should really look into successful games that have adapted currency sinks that manage inflation like PoE.

  • I really hope next year anniversary they release MKG, IG, Kanaxai and other non obtainable items like El henchmen, reindeer, coke items, revert q7/8 prenerf just so we can enjoy the game for what it is and be over with rmters

    Reverting req7/8's to drop will just be the final nail in the coffin, while they are at it they should revert unconditionals and reintroduce keyless grotto chestruns.

    Removing exclusiveness will kill off any reason to even still play this game.

    A better solution is to allow people to uncustomize items for a hefty price i.e 100 armbraces or new/more 'gambling currency sinks' for armbraces, ectos, if there are any devs still working on GW1 they should really look into successful games that have adapted currency sinks that manage inflation like PoE.

    Why not ? Make everything obtainable. Noone care it's a 19 year old games. When I take a look at how some people express themselves on this forum, fresh air would help them in their real life. Especially if the only thing that keep them playing is a bunch of virtual nonsense.

  • Every single game is virtual nonsense your not making any sense in your argument, you do realize Anet would never allow such thing to happen as long the game doesn't lose them money.

    As soon as they make everything obtainable then nobody WILL actually care and the game will be actually be sent to the graveyard permanently.

  • Every single game is virtual nonsense your not making any sense in your argument, you do realize Anet would never allow such thing to happen as long the game doesn't lose them money.

    As soon as they make everything obtainable then nobody WILL actually care and the game will be actually be sent to the graveyard permanently.

    Agreed.. what would be the incentive or reward if they just allowed everything to be obtainable naturally through the game? I get some players play to have to fun and don’t care about rare minis/weapons. But there is a large majority of players who strive for that reward. The hunt to find that missing weapon for their collection or saving up several years to finally get that rare mini they have always wanted. There would be a lot of upset players if they just allowed rare minis and pre nerfed weapons to be naturally obtainable again. Steven, if you’re reading this, please don’t do this lol 😭

  • Every single game is virtual nonsense your not making any sense in your argument, you do realize Anet would never allow such thing to happen as long the game doesn't lose them money.

    As soon as they make everything obtainable then nobody WILL actually care and the game will be actually be sent to the graveyard permanently.

    Agreed.. what would be the incentive or reward if they just allowed everything to be obtainable naturally through the game? I get some players play to have to fun and don’t care about rare minis/weapons. But there is a large majority of players who strive for that reward. The hunt to find that missing weapon for their collection or saving up several years to finally get that rare mini they have always wanted. There would be a lot of upset players if they just allowed rare minis and pre nerfed weapons to be naturally obtainable again. Steven, if you’re reading this, please don’t do this lol 😭

    today there still are possible item drops, that never actually did drop cuz the chance of them dropping is insanely low. they could implement the possibility and make sure the drop rate is extremely low and more important its not botable (which is possible to do)

  • Agreed.. what would be the incentive or reward if they just allowed everything to be obtainable naturally through the game? I get some players play to have to fun and don’t care about rare minis/weapons. But there is a large majority of players who strive for that reward. The hunt to find that missing weapon for their collection or saving up several years to finally get that rare mini they have always wanted. There would be a lot of upset players if they just allowed rare minis and pre nerfed weapons to be naturally obtainable again. Steven, if you’re reading this, please don’t do this lol 😭

    today there still are possible item drops, that never actually did drop cuz the chance of them dropping is insanely low. they could implement the possibility and make sure the drop rate is extremely low and more important its not botable (which is possible to do)

    Like what?

    Everything that can drop has dropped 15+ years ago, literally nothing new has dropped besides from unintended bugs.

    I'd rather they implement new exclusive stuff then reintroduce req7s and certain req8s to dropping again.

  • today there still are possible item drops, that never actually did drop cuz the chance of them dropping is insanely low. they could implement the possibility and make sure the drop rate is extremely low and more important its not botable (which is possible to do)

    Like what?

    Everything that can drop has dropped 15+ years ago, literally nothing new has dropped besides from unintended bugs.

    I'd rather they implement new exclusive stuff then reintroduce req7s and certain req8s to dropping again.

    OS wooden and stone chakrams, aureate chalices, knife skin idoli and claw skin grim cestas for example! In nearly 20 years i still havent seen all of these even with usable dual mods, and only handful with any dual mods!

    I dare to say theyre rarest OS items and even rarer than q8s ;)

    On topic i also agree some armbrace sink would be needed, but it would need to be someting that isnt "easy" obtain even for botters so it wouldnt completely change the market, like 1000a+ someting that changes every week like nick items :D

    • Official Post

    On topic i also agree some armbrace sink would be needed, but it would need to be someting that isnt "easy" obtain even for botters so it wouldnt completely change the market, like 1000a+ someting that changes every week like nick items :D

    It would kinda be unreachable for 99.99% of the players though :p

    Hi there! I'm the Guild Wars Legacy admin, feel free to contact me if you've got issues.

    :ass: Inquisitor Karinda :der: Sunspear Elke :mes:Librarian Amber


  • On topic i also agree some armbrace sink would be needed, but it would need to be someting that isnt "easy" obtain even for botters so it wouldnt completely change the market, like 1000a+ someting that changes every week like nick items :D

    It would kinda be unreachable for 99.99% of the players though :p

    True, but the benefits from deflation of Arms would help everyone if there was a sink for currencies, and even more ppl Who would like to farm new things every week for ppl using the sink and gain wealth by selling them;)

  • im sure there are some floating somewhere, the population is literally 1% or less than the original player base, i'm still seeing shit that i never seen before when i check this game out every few months.

  • there is literally no way to get rid of the botters. even in games where they actually invest money into fixing that issue this problem exists in a similar intensity.

    botters will just keep buying new accs, as people will keep rmt ing

  • q8 colossal scimitars and q8 diamond aegises werent present pre 2016 i think, where the first cs got thrown up .

    even if they arent unique, looking at the possible drop chance over 16 years or smth, the drop rate has to be somewhat small - even with the possibility to bot them.

  • It would be easy to make doa unprofitable for botters. Just make an entrance fee thats higher than the profit of the bots. Normal groups wont be affected much since they do all of doa and have a much higher profit per entrance

  • so first you suggest to remove bots, and then you come up with a symptom fix, which just spread the desease to other body parts? doa botting was a problem the last 2 years, but botting was a problem since the beginning of gw, drastically increasing in 2012 when they stopped caring. botters will find other ways to make money again. still the whole pcon market is supplied by botters

  • im sure there are some floating somewhere, the population is literally 1% or less than the original player base, i'm still seeing shit that i never seen before when i check this game out every few months.

    q8 colossal scimitars and q8 diamond aegises werent present pre 2016 i think, where the first cs got thrown up .

    even if they arent unique, looking at the possible drop chance over 16 years or smth, the drop rate has to be somewhat small - even with the possibility to bot them.

    q8 colossal scimitars were present when HM was introduced in NF. this was 2007.

    req8 diamond aegis's also dropped along time ago.

  • q8 colossal scimitars and q8 diamond aegises werent present pre 2016 i think, where the first cs got thrown up .

    even if they arent unique, looking at the possible drop chance over 16 years or smth, the drop rate has to be somewhat small - even with the possibility to bot them.

    q8 colossal scimitars were present when HM was introduced in NF. this was 2007.

    req8 diamond aegis's also dropped along time ago.

    in 2016 a q8 colossal scimitar was sold on this platform, quoted from a few high end traders to be 1 of a kind, so i guess "colossal scimitarS" were possible to drop in 2007, yes, but actually didnt drop in masses like you propose :P

    also q8 diamond aegises were stated to be "possible drops" but not actually dropped yet in a thread i recently read. i can try to find those 2 threads if you want.

  • q8 colossal scimitars were present when HM was introduced in NF. this was 2007.

    req8 diamond aegis's also dropped along time ago.

    in 2016 a q8 colossal scimitar was sold on this platform, quoted from a few high end traders to be 1 of a kind, so i guess "colossal scimitarS" were possible to drop in 2007, yes, but actually didnt drop in masses like you propose :P

    also q8 diamond aegises were stated to be "possible drops" but not actually dropped yet in a thread i recently read. i can try to find those 2 threads if you want.

    There have been several q8 colossal scimitars over the past years, they're not as rare as you might think. And q8 diamond aegises have dropped. I own a non max, but max ones exist aswell.

    For reference:

  • q8 colossal scimitars were present when HM was introduced in NF. this was 2007.

    req8 diamond aegis's also dropped along time ago.

    in 2016 a q8 colossal scimitar was sold on this platform, quoted from a few high end traders to be 1 of a kind, so i guess "colossal scimitarS" were possible to drop in 2007, yes, but actually didnt drop in masses like you propose :P

    also q8 diamond aegises were stated to be "possible drops" but not actually dropped yet in a thread i recently read. i can try to find those 2 threads if you want.

    i'm sure you are speaking out of your ass at this point, req8 colossal scimmys popped up on the regular pre 2008-9, req8 dead swords were also one of the very common req8s that dropped from that era.

    I'm not sure if you even played during that time.

  • in 2016 a q8 colossal scimitar was sold on this platform, quoted from a few high end traders to be 1 of a kind, so i guess "colossal scimitarS" were possible to drop in 2007, yes, but actually didnt drop in masses like you propose :P

    also q8 diamond aegises were stated to be "possible drops" but not actually dropped yet in a thread i recently read. i can try to find those 2 threads if you want.

    i'm sure you are speaking out of your ass at this point, req8 colossal scimmys popped up on the regular pre 2008-9, req8 dead swords were also one of the very common req8s that dropped from that era.

    I'm not sure if you even played during that time.

    Surge goes pre
    June 28, 2017 at 9:21 PM

    this q8 colossal scimitar was called 1 of a kind passed through several high end collectors and approved by the communtiy aswell, idk what you are on about. you got any facts about your "q8 colossals popped in a regular basis" or are you just caping?

    and san i clearly said

    "q8 colossal scimitars and q8 diamond aegises werent present pre 2016 i think, where the first cs got thrown up .

    even if they arent unique, looking at the possible drop chance over 16 years or smth, the drop rate has to be somewhat small - even with the possibility to bot them."

    so yes i said they arent unique or anything, but shall show that there are still items that are quite rare eventhough still dropping. And i am pretty certain, that in a discussion with a few of our high end farmers and collectors, we could figure out a few items that are theoretically possibly to drop and still didnt do that.

  • Im sure you actually started this game post 2016 if you think the first colossal scimmy popped up in 2016, your opinion and experiences are literally worthless, no offense.

  • i didnt say it dropped in 2016, i said it popped up. obviously the thread i just posted states it was in the hands of a few traders before. yet it states it was one of a kind until then and you fail to bring any facts or arguments else than trying to defame me :P shows a bit , that you are out of arguments.

  • OS wooden and stone chakrams, aureate chalices, knife skin idoli and claw skin grim cestas for example! In nearly 20 years i still havent seen all of these even with usable dual mods, and only handful with any dual mods!

    I dare to say theyre rarest OS items and even rarer than q8s ;)

    My attention was called to this thread; however, I question its value since it has been obvious for years that the economy has been effed by cheaters of all sorts. There's nothing new under the sun. Whether you hack or bot or RMT, it is obvious. Those who front and fence for the hackers, botters, RMTers and other cheats are no better and all contribute to the diminution of this game. It's sad. I'm more loyal than your average bear and have more stick-with-it-ness than most, but the state of the economy and rampant cheating has been enough to turn me almost completely off. It's just too hard to keep up through the good ol' wheeling-and-dealing that formed the backbone of every honest collection out there, and I'm not willing to compromise. {[PhD]}.

    Why almost? Because the beauty of the game is undeniable and, underneath all the BS, the heart of it still beats. Tied to family and friends as it will always be for me, I hope it never ends. Here's an underappreciated beauty from the vaults to raise the spirits:

    • Official Post

    It would kinda be unreachable for 99.99% of the players though :p

    True, but the benefits from deflation of Arms would help everyone if there was a sink for currencies, and even more ppl Who would like to farm new things every week for ppl using the sink and gain wealth by selling them;)

    To be honest, I wouldn't like to see them add extra rewards in exchange for arms, but rather a new currency that is harder to bot instead. That way the arms still have their current use but a new currency is introduced with actually valuable rewards.

    What you could do is allow a limited conversion of arms to that other currency (limited weekly, like 5 arms in exchange for 1 of that currency) to offer regular players some profit of it, but make it wildly inefficient for bots to amass the new currency.

    They would need to make sure that that new currency is harder to bot, though, or monitor it heavily.

    I do agree that arms need to get a huge deflation, but the value given to it is just done by us players. If there is a better way to solve this, we'd probably move away from it (and leave botters with their huge supply of it that is rendered almost useless). Be it raising the gold limits that a user/account can have, or just an item that has a 10k value that is fixed and can be sold back for 10k.

    Something else they can do is to make Arms untradeable or add a way to get them for Zaishen Coins. Just make it not worth it anymore, there are many ways to do it though.

  • Bots have more accounts than your average person. I don’t see how that solution is better when a botter with 10 accounts can then just exchange 5 arms (that they botted) on each account for 1 of some “new currency” every day to reach their limit 10x and still end up with more than the normal person.

    I also don’t agree making arms untradable is the right idea because that just screws everyone who plays legitimately and has armbraces.

    I don’t agree that there are “many ways to do it”. There isn’t even one easy solution imo and botters in ANY game will ALWAYS find a way to get ahead - that’s just reality.

    I have no solution to suggest of my own because other than ANET investing in bot detection and banning I don’t think there is anything that can be done that isn’t just an ineffective bandaid, and waste of development effort, in the long run.

  • Rather than new currency they can have npc vendors that sell mods/cons in exchange for armbraces, this could quickly curb armbrace inflation.

    Mods such as 20% hsr inscriptions on offhands, 15^50, +x elements/phys and cons can be anything from red candies to summoning stones.

    Basically anything that can let you exchange armbraces for perishables would quickly deflate ambraces and technically increase its value in smaller quantities.

    For example, like 1 armbrace could be exchanged for 10 red rock candies as a base, but the vendor exchange amount works like any other vendor npc based on demand and supply.

    Basically anything that lets you delete armbraces in the game in exchange for useable cons/items would be beneficial.

    Zaishen Keys is good example of a currency that regulates itself due to its intended use, armbraces on the other hand has a very limited use before it becomes useless, never got why this currency go so inflated in the first place.

    Edited once, last by zxc (June 2, 2024 at 1:07 PM).