1a for Echovald Shield q10 str -2we +45e
WTS OS Shields : Outcast, Echovald, Amber, Ornate, Plagueborn, SSS, ... come have a look :D
Fadam -
January 13, 2019 at 6:35 PM -
6a sun and moon
2a on the enchant echo
10a S&M
Bump !
Current bidding and highlighted items :- q8/16 str Sun and Moon Shield c/o 10a Jack
- q8 6-27 (max for inscr) Icy Blade Axe c/o 10e
- Gothic q10 tac +10v ogres -2we -- c/o 1a
- Echovald q10 str -2we +45we c/o 2a Obsidian
- q8 6-27 Jeavy Winged Axe
- q8/16 tact Crude Shield
- q8/16 tact Woven Shield
- q8 6-27 (max for inscr) Icy Blade Axe 25e
- q8 6-27 Winged Axe 25e
October 8, 2019 at 3:51 PM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS Gold inscr q8/16 tac Crude // q8/16 str Sun and Moon // q8 max inscr Axes q8/16 - q7/15 Inscr Gold Shields” to “WTS Gold inscr q7/15 tac Adamantine // q8 max inscr Axes // q8/16 - q7/15 Inscr Gold Shields”. -
October 18, 2019 at 9:33 AM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS Gold inscr q7/15 tac Adamantine // q8 max inscr Axes // q8/16 - q7/15 Inscr Gold Shields” to “q8/16 q7/15 Gold max inscr shields sell out”. -
Added the following items
- q8/16 tac gold inscr Stone Summit Shield
- q7/15 tac gold inscr Adamantine Shield
30e on embossed aegis vs blunt
ign Lilith The Spinner
October 21, 2019 at 2:43 PM Changed the title of the thread from “q8/16 q7/15 Gold max inscr shields sell out” to “WTS q8/16 tac Stone Summit Shield q7/15 tac Adamantine”. -
March 14, 2020 at 7:34 PM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS q8/16 tac Stone Summit Shield q7/15 tac Adamantine” to “WTS Low Req inscr Shields - Updated Post :)”. -
Time to Bump this post after a while!
Embossed Aegis q12 tac -2we +10v blunt 35e
ign Hippos Khloros
6 - q8/16 purple Oaken Aegis
Offer : 6a
Bump !
#32 30e pls
Buuump! Don't hesitate to pm me ig
Pure Pwned Xunlai
30 - q9 dom 20/10 Dragon staff
q8 15-22 butterfly sword (Inscr Purple) - 1a + 25e
q8/16 Oaken - 7a
IGN: Old Man Accolade
thank you
Again.. after a while.. bump
Added :
- OS q5/12 str bladed shield +30hp -2ws
- OS q9 20/20 smit Smiting staff
Feel free to pm anytime
Buuump !
Added :35 - q8/16 str Sun & Moon gold
May 10, 2020 at 10:42 AM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS Low Req inscr Shields - Updated Post :)” to “WTS Low Req inscr Shields - q7/15 tac Inscr Gold Sun & Moon !”. -
Buuump !
Added :36 - q7/15 tac gold inscr Sun&Moon
50e q7/15 tac Sun&Moon
If the str q8 sun and moon is still there, my offer remains.
2a on q7 one
Buuump !
My offer for the req 8 Butterfly Sword still stands
q8 6-27 (max for inscr) Icy Blade Axe 30e
Ign: Dady Bern
q8 6-27 (max for inscr) Icy Blade 35e
Buuump !
I'm rlly sorry if I'm slow to getting in contact with you.
Don't hesitate to pm me in game ; Pure Pwned Xunlai or Pure Pwned Lea ! -
May 13, 2020 at 12:50 PM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS Low Req inscr Shields - q7/15 tac Inscr Gold Sun & Moon !” to “WTS unded Isaiah - Low Req inscr Shields/sword !”. -
4A q7/15 tac Sun&Moondidn't see it was sold IG -
4->2a tall shield
10e on the 5/12 bladed
May 18, 2020 at 11:50 AM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS unded Isaiah - Low Req inscr Shields/sword !” to “WTS unded Isaiah // q9tac Outcast +10v demon +28 hp // Low Req inscr Shields/sword !”. -
Buuump !
Added a q9 tac Outcast +10v demon +28hp -
Hello 1a offer on outcast demon
hi 2a on demon
June 4, 2020 at 10:07 AM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS unded Isaiah // q9tac Outcast +10v demon +28 hp // Low Req inscr Shields/sword !” to “WTS Low Req inscr Shields/sword & OS Stuff :)”. -
Hello ! Bump, added new stuff
Feel free to pm on this forum so we can get in touch IG faster -
3a on outcast demon
30 - Embossed Aegis q9 tac +45we Dazed 20% - 15e
Buuump !
Up we go
1e on any outcast !