Q0 Kamas 125E
Q9s: Dom Darkhorn | DV Brute | Jade Air Staff | Metal Earth Staff | Troll shields | +some q8/q3 (updated 20250227)
q0 kamas 1a
Q0 Kamas 125e
152e/1a on ancient scythe purp gold skin to start?
50e on 13-19 dead
Prot Iocon 50e
1a for communing +1 (10%)
November 13, 2022 at 7:12 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Purple oddities | low req gold inscs | non-max mods (updated 20220826)” to “Some OS q9tac shields | non-max mods (updated 20221113)”. -
Hi, just looking if anyone is interested in these, some recent drops and some dusty from storage.
20a illu echo
1a water amber
2a water amber
Amber wata 3a
November 14, 2022 at 2:37 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Some OS q9tac shields | non-max mods (updated 20221113)” to “Some OS q9tac shields | non-max weapon upgrades (updated 20221113)”. -
January 22, 2023 at 6:45 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Some OS q9tac shields | non-max weapon upgrades (updated 20221113)” to “Q6 7-14 gold savage daggers / blue steel daggers | q9 giants crude | q7 gold max insc divine staff | 7-21 white reaver | misc os shields | non-max weapon upgrades (updated 20230122)”. -
Bump new drops
1+2 50e/ea
#3 - 50e
#3 100e
#4 100e
9 100e
#8 - 100e
February 25, 2023 at 1:57 AM Changed the title of the thread from “Q6 7-14 gold savage daggers / blue steel daggers | q9 giants crude | q7 gold max insc divine staff | 7-21 white reaver | misc os shields | non-max weapon upgrades (updated 20230122)” to “OS shields | low req ancient shield/dead sword/icy axe | non-max weapon upgrades (updated 20230225)”. -
Bump new & old stuff
8 - 50e
18, 19, - 10e each ( Emma ?)
bump added q5/13 tactics ancient shield
Each low q dead sword 25e ea
#13 Reinforced buckler Q9T -2 St / 45 St : 2a
Have a nice day.
IGn : Reine Mathilde
#21 - 3a
21 5a
Other dead swords 30e ea
#21 - 7a
Restract on #13 sorry.
Have fun
3a #14
I still have those mesmer focii you were interested in. I am interested in #18 as well. Maybe we can come up with a trade that works for us both.
#1 25e
#19 2a
July 11, 2023 at 6:29 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OS shields | low req ancient shield/dead sword/icy axe | non-max weapon upgrades (updated 20230225)” to “Q9 Crude +30 +10Giants | Summit cuties & other low req | non-max weapon upgrades (updated 20230711)”. -
Summit axe q5 +5e 5a