Sundering Sword Hilt 2e/ea x3
strength and honor x7
Sundering Sword Hilt 2e/ea x3
strength and honor x7
birthday bump day 2
r9 Gothic Axe 14/-1e 1e
birthday bump day 3
10e on serpent axe
5e/ea on colossal picks
ign Obsidian Warmaster
Wing's Axe: 3e, Lian's Lantern: 4e, Setikor's Scepter 1e, Forgotten Fan: 3e, Siska's Staff: 3e, Focus of the Master: 2e, Woe Spreader: 3e, Chimor's Daggers: 2e, Jarimiya's Daggers: 1e, Kaya's Daggers: 2e, Ungues of the Oni: 5e, Urkal's Kamas: 3e, Oola's Staff: 2e, Spiritspeaker: 2e
36e total (but check my math) and again will offer 12 on the righteous fury (just think of all the inventory space ive freed for you over the past couple weeks!)
IGN Alexa Jaide
2k q13 reaver
10e bramble blade
Chumabs Pride 2e, Ettin Club 2e, Grelks Hammer 5e, Robahs Axe 2e, Incetols Focus 5e, Antiquated Focus 1e, Drikards Rod 3e, Droajams Storm 5e, Ilsundurs Rod 1e, Loks Scepter 5e, The Earthturner 5e, Whyks Wand 5e, Demented Artifact 2e
43e total
IGN Alexa Jaide
put s/b on SF collection back down to half of what it was
Lowered price of all SF greens by roughly 33% permanently
bday sale and Cash giving me all the inventory space
whomst else is tryna be a lad?!
Spear Grip of Enchanting 5e x1
I have the Power 3k/ea x2
Wingstorm 10e x1
Aegis of Arrrgghhh 10e x1
ign: Lucky Dotdotdot
The Soulwailer 2e
IGN Alexa Jaide
I will take a few of those SF greens off your hands:
Icebreaker 4e
Drago's flatbow 50e
Brohn's staff 33e
Rago's flamestaff 46e
Kindlerock 26e
for 159e total
EDIT: thanks for the quick trade!!!
I'll take kaolin dom staff....that turd just wont drop it.
Alexa Jaide
Strongroot's Shelter i will buy this one
r9 Holy Branch, 20/20 Prot
ign barnard gumble
Bump, added an unded/ded ghostly hero and some more greens.
s/b on ghostly hero
Skullshield 10e
I'll take the staff wrapping of mastery! IGN: Shi Komko
Fanatical Devotion - 25e - Nimbly Crow
I'm interested, please, in Victo's Maul (x1) in case you still have it.
QuoteMiscellaneous Greens:
Victo's Maul (x2): 2e/ea
Well hello there
Muraaat hornbow
Dwarven axe
r9 Eternal Bow
r9 Mursaat Hornbow x1
r9 Stormbow
r9 com Draconic Aegis x2
r9 str Draconic Aegis
r9 tac Draconic Aegis
r9 str Magmas Shield
r9 com Shadow Shield
r9 tac Shadow Shield x1
r9 Broadsword
r9 Dusk Blade x2
S/b r9 chaos axe
R9 com Draconic aegis 1e
R9 tac Draconic aegis 1e
R9 str draconic aegis 1e
R9 magmas shield 1e
Wizard terror
dusk blade x1 SB + 1ecto
please leave one for me purely !!
IG : Blind Was My Fury
Eternal Bow r9 5e
Bump. Bidding closes at 1pm central tomorrow. (UTC+5 I think? 18 hours from now..) or 10 minutes after the most recent bid if there are any last minute bids.
(Serpent Axe is Tyrian, yes. All insc ones are Tyrian, at least according to wiki. But yeah it's the bigger boi)
r9 com Draconic Aegis x2 - 10e (5e/each)
r9 Mursaat Hornbow x2 - 4e (2e/each)
r9 Chaos Axe - 2e
r9 Serpent Axe - 1e (If Tyrian)
r9 Eternal Bow - 6e
r9 Stormbow - 2e
r9 Mursaat Hammer - 1e
r9 str Magmas Shield - 2e
r9 com Aureate Aegis - 1e
Q9 serpent axe 5e
Q9 mursaat 1x only 5e
Q9 magmas 5e
Q9 stormbow 5e
r9 Serpent Axe - 6e
r9 Mursaat Hornbow x2 - 12e (6e/each)
r9 str Magmas Shield - 6e
r9 Stormbow - 6e
r9 str Magmas Shield 10e
r9 Stormbow 10e
r9 Eternal Bow 10e
r9 Magmas 15e
r9 FDS 1e
s/b on:
2x Shadow shield tac
1x Shadow shield str
1x Fellblade
1x Guardian of the Hunt tac
Ign: Freaky Origin
2e ea q9 Tac shadow