Fixy send crudes 😍
Already have this one but that's a really nice crude. Hope it finds a good home.

How did Guild Wars treat you today?
i regret that i clicked on the warning.. how dare you.. that shield needed atleast 5 warnings
matching set i guess
Today, [PhD] turned 15 years old ♥️
Oh dude. Thank you for not being a 15-1 hp. id be so insanely jealous. That +5 though. :3
What an.. urm.. lovely dual mod q8 game.. thanks.
Got a cute Q9 death jade staff, i guess it's worth nothing since the skin has been botted to hell, but still i'm glad
Not too shabby I guess... Any rit lovers around?
Try Kara Fierceaxe. Maybe.
Hey there,
Today I reached the 20k chests openened while farming during favor (but GW did not threat me as I intended)
After that, I runned a lot of Pongmei NM since friday to achieve my R6 lucky title.
My title was mostly did during chest running (only 400k~pts during events), and I'm happy to be done with this too ! (but GW did not threat me good for this too)
By the way, I also got those 2 while farming my last 10k pts
EDIT : My Mo in the first screen only did the "Halcyon Job" since years, it's not my main Mo on this account haha. Get a lot of XP and skill pts !
nearly fell out of my chair and choked on my beer when this beauty dropped a few minutes ago!
Not too shabby
wow thats really... cruel
don't merch - I'll take it
don't merch - I'll take it
The 16s cancel eachother out.
Then divide the q8 by the 4g left and get a 2 for the -2wE it should have.
You can fix it! Honest!
don't merch - I'll take it
are we seeing the start of a new Q8 single mod vs. collection?
are we seeing the start of a new Q8 single mod vs. collection?
nop. just continuation
The 16s cancel eachother out.
Then divide the q8 by the 4g left and get a 2 for the -2wE it should have.
You can fix it! Honest!
I'll contact customer service - they definitely missed that one!
are we seeing the start of a new Q8 single mod vs. collection?
No, it's just Red Fireball playing Pokémon with red shields as usual.
He caught a baby Charizard!
My first dualmod Plagueborn Scepter, not too shabby
I feel like this one might draw some attention.
a bit of a disappointment but i still like it
First gold drop I ever got in 05 was a Truncheon... This was a cool one for me.
Followed up with this immediately after!
Some interesting drops when VQ'ing Minister Cho today
Bundesfinanzamt explains a lot
repot all thees nub tey ruin dis gaem for all
Still trying to get some centurions 🫣
Still trying to get some centurions 🫣
centurions are 1,1k at the trader if u are lucky and catch one. people searching for 5e in kama...
centurions are 1,1k at the trader if u are lucky and catch one. people searching for 5e in kama...
No szit sherlock
No szit sherlock
y yu yell in germen we normal peopol an u yell. y u yell germen