WTS OS Items, 0/lowQ items, Greens

  • Hello and welcome to my humble thread.

    Please see below for items that are currently available for sale.

    B/o(buyouts) tbd(to be determined) for items without any

    New items

    OS Items:


    Q9 Air Jade Staff Naked


    q9 feathered flatbow naked


    q9 wingblade naked


    q9 sunqua blade naked


    q9 recurve bow naked


    q9 longsword naked


    q9 spatha naked


    q9 runic hammer naked


    q9 split chakrams naked


    q9 jade sword naked



    Q9 Dead Bow 15wE


    Q9 Half Moon 15wE


    Q9 Longbow 15wE


    Q9 Shadow Bow 15wE


    Q9 Composite Bow +5e


    q9 composite bow 15^50


    Q9 Longbow 15^50


    r9 shortbow 15we


    q9 shortbow 15-10ar


    q9 shortbow 15-5e


    q9 half moon 15ws


    q9 platinum longbow 15wS


    q9 platinum longbow 15vh


    q9 plat longbow 20vh


    q9 amber longbow 15ws


    q9 amber longbow 15we


    q9 longbow 15ws



    r9 earth wand hsr fire 19% hct water 19%


    q9 fire wand +5^50 hsr 10%


    q9 eerie rod +5^50 hsr communing 19%


    q10 blood pronged rod 10/10


    q10 earth hct fire 19% hsr air 19%


    q10 fire wand +5e^50 hct fire 20%



    Q9 Smite 20/10 Plat Staff


    q9 water staff 20/10


    Q9 Death Bone Staff 20/10


    Q9 Earth Dead Staff 20/10


    q9 earth staff 20/10


    q9 earth staff 20/10


    q9 fire plat staff 20/10


    Q9 Water Plat Staff 20/10


    q9 fire staff 20/10


    q9 death dragon staff 20/10


    q9 curses bo staff 20/10


    q9 air bo staff 20/10


    r9 smiting staff 20/10


    q9 commune eerie staff 20/10


    q9 air staff 20/10


    q9 fire dragon staff 20/10


    Q10 Bone Staff 20/20



    q9 chromium shards 15 -5e


    q9 dirks 15^50


    q9 golden talons +5e


    q10 dragon kamas 15we



    Q9 Tac Crude Shield -5 20% +43hp wE


    q9 t spiked targe -2 +41 we


    q9 s bladed +42ws +10v dragons


    q9 skeleton shield -2ws +1 fire 20%


    q9 t tall shield +44we +10v cold


    q10 t round shield +10v earth -2we


    q10 s spiked targe +41we -2ws


    Q10 Tac Wooden Buckler +29hp -2wS


    Q10 T Ornate Buckler -5 20% +44wS


    q11 t round shield +1 blood magic 19% +29 hp


    q11 t ornate buckler +45 ws -3 wh


    Q11 T Spiked Targe +1 19% earth +10vDragons


    Q11 Tac Wooden Buckler +10vs lightning -5 20%


    q11 t ornate buckler -3wh +10 v blunt


    q12 t tall shield +10v earth -2ws 212 gv


    q12 t reinforced buckler +1 fire 20% -2we


    q12 s goth +59wh +10vdragons


    q13 t sotw +59 and -3 wh



    Q9 Spatha 15 wS


    Q9 Short Sword 15wE


    Q9 Gladius 15wS


    q9 gladius 15-5e


    Q9 15wE Shinobi Blade


    q9 katana 15we


    Q9 Falchion 15wE


    Q9 Oni Blade 15vH


    q9 long sword 20v50


    q9 dadao 15^50


    q9 broadsword 20wh


    q9 fds 15we


    r9 wingblade 15we


    q9 falchion 20v50 400gv


    Q10 Broadsword +5e



    q9 plagueborn maul 15we


    q9 break hammer 20wh


    q9 warhammer 15we


    q9 marble hammer 15ws


    q9 jade hammer 15ws


    q9 jade hammer 15-10ar


    q9 jade hammer 15we


    q9 runic hammer 15ws


    q9 ram's hammer 15vh


    q9 twin hammer 15^50



    Q9 Great Axe 15wS


    Q9 Battlepick 15wS


    q9 battlepick 15we


    q9 archaic axe 15vh


    q9 hand axe 15vh


    q9 battlepick 15^50


    r9 summit axe 15vh


    q9 summit axe 15we


    q9 sickle 15-5e


    q11 spiked axe 15dz




    Q9 gold unless stated otherwise

    r/b half the b/o or 1e if there is no b/o

    T Spiked Targe EoTN

    T Diamond Aegis

    S Emblazoned Defender

    ghostly staff spawning

    fuchsia staff

    Clouded Maul

    Dusk Blade b/o 25e

    Golden Phoenix Blade b/o 10e

    Various Amethyst Aegis:

    C x2 b/o 20e

    Low Req Items:



    caged shortbow blue insc


    short sword blue insc


    scimitar blue insc


    longbow blue insc


    spiked recurve bow blue insc



    short sword blue insc



    smiting rod blue insc


    Stillettos 7-16 Blue Insc


    dom cane blue insc


    short sword white nf drop




    Sharktooth Shield blue insc

    r/b 10e b/o 20e


    sotw blue insc

    r/b 30e b/o 50e


    q0 daedal shield blue insc

    r/b 15e b/o 30e


    tall shield blue insc

    r/b 15e b/o 25e


    defender blue insc

    r/b 15e b/o 30e



    prot icon blue insc


    holy vial blue insc


    t spiked targe blue insc eotn version



    t skeleton shield blue insc



    t tall shield gold insc


    t reinforced buckler gold insc


    t wooden buckler gold insc


    divine symbol gold insc



    prot icon (purp insc)



    t Wooden Buckler Shield Blue insc

    r/b 15e b/o 25e

    c skull shield blue insc


    insp jeweled chalice gold insc

    healing ankh gold insc



    prot icon white proph


    q8 death grim cesta hsr curse 16%


    q8 t gothic defender white


    q8 storm artifact blue +4ar -20hp


    blood idol blue insc




    The Rockmolder

    Falahorn's Split Chakrams

    Sehden's mark

    Vah's Hornbow

    Lok's Scepter

    Zoldark's Focus

    The Bonehewer

    The People's Resolve

    The People's Will


    The Righteous Hand

    Tarlok's Flagon

    Hanjuu's Bludgeoner

    Mungri's Flame



    feng's focus


    johon's longbow

    destructive hornbow

    tureksin's spear


    mohby's artifact

    reefclaw's refuge

    onata's shards

    the darksong

    Sold Items:


    Q8 dragon skin hornbow 15 -5e -Sold to Test 3a

    Q10 Canthan Sickle +5e -Sold to Oldschool Cool 10e

    Q13 Spawning CC -sold ig 4e

    Q9 Kamas of Warding 15WS -sold ig 10e

    Q0 Scythe already modded sold to F a l q u e 55e

    Q3 11AR Tall Shield 30e sold to bsoltan

    Q9 Str Diamond Aegis 27hp -2WS 10e Ashesofthedead

    Q6 Sun and Moon 18e sold ig

    Q9 Dom CC 20/20 modded 8a sold ig

    Q12 Curses CC 5e sold ig

    Q10 +28 and Q12 tac Ornate Buckler +29 both +10v charr both for 25e sold ig

    Q8 Insc Frost Artifact 30e sold to Fenrir Aslifeburns

    Imperial Dragon Tears x2 5e/ea sold ig

    Q9 Plagueborn Daggers +5e sold 10e Cash

    Q9 Stormbow insc 10e sold ig

    Q0 blue adamantine, reinforced, and purple round sold for 45e ig

    Q8 blue Tribal Spear, Q7 gold Blood Idol, and Q5 gold Divine Scroll sold for 80e ig

    Q9 Butterfly Knives 20v50 5e to Kugini

    Q5 Tac Militia b/o 40e ig

    Q12 Dom CC 2a sold ingame

    Tarnok's Longbow and Forgerunner for 50e in game

    Q4 Tac Tall Shield 10e O Nei L

    Q9 Bramble Blade 10e and SooSC Bramble flatbow 7e Zes

    Q9 Dom Jade Staff 20/10 sold ingame 15e

    Q9 Summit Warlord Shield sold in game for 35e

    Q1 8-12 Suntouched Spear 8e MysticZeal

    Q0 Crude, Tower, Sharktooth grape, Skull, Goldleaf grape, Goldleaf, Sun and Moon sold ingame 140e bulk deal

    Q0 Plated Shield, Wooden Buckler, Reinforced Buckler sold ingame 75e bulk deal

    Q9 Serpentine Reaver 10e sold ingame

    Q9 Butterfly Knives 15-10, Gilded Daggers 15wE, Golden Talons 20vH, Axes(Great 15-5, Spiked 20v50, Sephis 15-5) sold 5e/ Kugini

    The Brimstone and Brimstone Wand sold ingame 10e

    Q5 Sharktooth Shield gold 35e sold ingame

    Q10 Forked Sword 15-5e Q13 Brute Sword 20v50 5e ea

    Q0 8-16 Embossed Scythe 20e sold ingame

    Q0 8-16 Suntouched Scythe purple Modded 30e sold to getsome11

    Q9 Spiked Club 15-5e 300GV sold 5a Kabong

    Q11 Tac Wooden Buckler +45 wE -2 wE sold 15e Woo

    Q7 T Spiked Targe b/o 60e bsoltan

    Q9 Dead Bow 15wE sold ingame 5e

    Q0 8-16 Duskblade Scythe 25e sold ingame

    Q9 Sephis Axe 15^50 300 GV 25e Back in my Days

    Q10 Inspiration CC 5e sold ingame

    Q12 Wingblade Sword 15 -5e 5e kugini

    Q10 Split Chakrams 15^50 5e Seven

    Q9s short sword naked 1e, Vertebreaker 15wE 3e, Gladius 15vH 2e, Scimitar 20v50 2e, Long Sword 15vH 2e, Wingblade 15vH 2e, Ram's Hammer 20v50 2e sold to Cash

    Q9s Forked Sword 15vH 2e, Sephis Axe 15wE 2e, War Hammer 15 wS 1e, Break Hammer 15 w/e 1e, Feathered Longbow 15 -10AR 1e, Golden Talons 15 wE 2e, Kris 15^50 4e, Brute Sword 15^50 5e, Short Sword 15^50 3e, Forked Sword 15wE 2e, Spiked Axe 15^50 3e, Hand Axe 15^50 4e, Sephis Axe 15 -10ar 2e sold to Cash 4e discount, partial items in discounted section

    Q8 insc Smiting Hallowed Idol and Spawning Ceremonial Cauldron both for 7e

    Q9s Water and Spawn Dead Staves 20/10 1a+1e sold to Joker

    Q9 Plagueborn Axe 15-10 ar Q13 Scimitar +5e sold to Kugiini 5e ea

    Q13 Chan CC 5e sold ingame

    Q13 Dead Bow +5e sold 5e S A A T

    Q10 Obby Edge 100e sold ingame

    Q9 purple Eternal Bow 14%wE sold 5e Cornbread

    Q9 Plagueborn Daggers 15 wS sold 10e ingame

    Nakeds Q9 Smiting Dragon Staff, Q9 Fire Raven Staff, Q9 Death Bone Staff 15e sold in game

    Naked Q9 Butterfly 5e sold in game

    Q0 8-12 Banded Spear sold 20e in game

    Q9 Jade Sword 20wH sold 2e Cash

    Wayward Wand (Fire) Green sold 25k in game

    Q4 Tac Ornate Buckler 18e sold in game

    Q9 Tac Crude Shield +1 water 19% -2 wS sold in game 15e

    Q10 Hand Axe 15wS sold in game 5e

    Q9 Illusion Dead Staff 20/10 20e to Joker

    The kindlerock sold 11e in game

    Q0 8-16 Crenellated Scythe Blue Insc sold ingame 22e

    Q7 Communing Eerie Focus 15e sold to Snoop Snail

    The Holy Avenger WIK Green 10e Sold ingame

    Q9 Sephis Axe 15^50, Q9 Warhammer 15wE, Q9 Short Sword 15wS, Q9 Chromium Shards 15wS, Q8 S White Tower Shield proph, Q9 Crude Axe 15vH, Q9 Twin Hammer +20wH, Q9 Break Hammer 15 -5e Sold for 15e ingame

    Q12 heal cc 5e sold in game

    Q5 6-12 Arrowblade Daggers Gold insc 20e sold in game

    Q0 8-17 Briarwood Scythe blue insc sold in game 250e

    Q0 Hooked Scythe Blue Insc 25e sold in game

    Q6 Long Sword Gold insc 40e sold in game

    Q7/15 T Spiked Targe Blue Insc +30hp +10v pierce 60e sold in game

    Q8 T Reinforced Buckler blue insc, Q7/15ar T Skull Shield blue insc sold both in game 30e

    Q0 8-15 Elegant Scythe 10e sold in game

    Q9 Sephis Axe +5e 12e sold to Cash

    Q5 Channeling Focus Gold Insc 7e Snoop Snail

    Q10 Obby Edge 100e sold in game

    Q9 Warhammer 15wS Spiked sold 3e to Cash

    Q10 Dom CC 20/20 sold 100e in game

    Q0 8-16 Duskblade Scythe sold 25e in game

    20% slaying Trollslaying Sword 3e sold in game

    Q13 Sephis Axe +5e 1e sold in game

    Q6 6-14 Crescent Blades Gold Insc 40e sold in game

    Q2 10-15 Crenellated Spear blue insc 10e sold to Pyrolobster

    Boulderbeard's Shortbow 10k, Gardock's Staff 1e sold to I Casamir I

    Q8 t SoTW blue +14 hp 8e sold to Oldschool Cool

    Q0 8-16 Briarwood Scythe blue insc 30e sold in game

    Q0 8-12 Clouded Spear blue insc 15e sold in game

    Q0 4-7 Savage Daggers Blue insc 10e sold in game

    Q0 4-7 Sai Blue insc 10e sold in game

    Q9 T Draconic Aegis 30e sold in game

    Q0 8-16 Hooked Scythe blue insc 40e sold in game

    +1 channeling 4e sold in game

    Q8 militia and reinforced buckler blue insc 40e sold in game

    Q7 Resto Writhing Focus Gold Insc 10e Snoop Snail

    Q7t aegis and Q8t militia both for 45e blue insc sold in game

    Q0 Pronged Spear blue insc 10e sold to Pyrolobster

    Q0 Skull Shield blue insc 15e sold in game

    Q8 M Vabbian Defender White + Q8 C Heraldic Shield White 3e ea sold in game

    Q9 Kukris 15vH sold 3e to Cash

    Q9 Chromium Shards 15wS and Q9 Warhammer 15wS sold for 10e in game

    Q8 Caged Shortbow Gold Insc 20e to Snoop Snail

    Q9 Chaos Axe 15^50 300 GV Q9 Protective Icon +1 19% DF HCT 9% 300GV both sold in game for 40e

    Q0 Daedal Shield blue insc x2 for 25e sold to Cataphract

    Q0 8-16 Briarwood Scythe blue Insc 25e sold in game

    Oroku's Slicers 15e sold in game

    Q9 Sephis Axe 15^50 10e sold in game

    Q0 Spiked+SoTW blue insc, Q3 T Sun and Moon grape insc, Q5 T Sun and Moon blue insc 160e to bsoltan

    q12 Channeling Staff 20/20 sold in game

    Flint's Artifact 5e sold in game

    Q0 8-15 Briarwood Scythe blue Ins 15e sold in game

    Q9 Earth Staff 20/10 10e sold to Encoder

    Q10 Dusk Blade 20wH sold to Kugiini 15e

    Q12 Composite Bow 15wE 300GV sold in game 1e

    Malinon's Skull Crusher, Korr's Focus, Ivor's Icon sold all for 12e in game

    Q11 War Axe 14%DV 10e sold in game

    Q9 Platinum Sickles 15wS sold 10e to Coffee Man

    Q12 T Ornate Buckler+41wS +1 20% Tac 300GV sold 2e in game

    Q9 Butterfly Knives 15-10ar sold 3e Cash

    Q9 Sephis Axe 15 -10ar sold 5e in game

    Q9 Hornbow (Mursaat) 15-5e, Q9 Flatbow (Feathered) 15wS, Q9 Sephis Axe 15-5e, Q9 Split Chakrams 15wS, Q9 Sai 20wH sold to Cash for 25e total

    Q5 T Round Shield Gold Insc 50e sold to nate_usa

    Q0 Shields blue insc Daedal, Tower, Crude, Tall, Reinforced Buckler, Spiked Targe, Goldleaf Defender sold in game for 250e package deal

    Q3 S Tower Shield grape insc 10e sold to PyroLobster

    Q9 Magmas Arm 15^50 sold 5e in game

    Torivo's Rage sold 3e in game

    Q12 blood cc sold 10e in game

    Q3 C Heraldic Shield grape insc sold 10e to ardunain

    Q9 Gladius 15-10ar 3e, Q9 War Hammer (Spiky) Naked 3e, Q9 Golden Talons 20wH 3e, Q9 Fellblade 20wH 5e sold to cash

    Q9 15^50 sephis axe 7e sold in game

    Q9 Eternal Bow 14^50 grape 10e sold in game

    Q9 Ivory Bow 15-5e 300 GV sold 7e to Cash

    Q9 Golden Talon 15-10ar sold 2e to Cash

    Q13 S Magmas Shield -3wH +28hp 10e sold Crayon

    Q9 Sai Naked 3e kugiini

    Q9 T Bladed Shield +29hp -2wE sold 200e purp

    Q9 Butterfly Knives 15wS sold 3e Cash

    Q9 Bludgeoner 15^50 sold 7e Cash

    Q0 Reinforced Buckler blue insc 10e, Q4 Str Tower Shield blue insc 10e, Q8 Dom Wooden Chakram Gold Insc 80e sold Fixy

    Q9 S Magmas Shield -5 19% +1 Water 20% Sold 15e Cloud Strife

    Q9 T Ornate Buckler +30 -5 19% 50e and Q9 Naked items 5e ea: Longbow, Wolf Hammer, Dom Inscribed Staff, Flatbow, Death Wailing Staff, Air Staff (core), Butterfly Sword, Earth Staff (metal), Com Eerie Staff sold to T Miles

    Q9 Earth Staff (core) 20/10 2e abaddon

    Q9 ES CC 40e sold ingame

    Q6 T Round Shield Gold Insc 250zkeys sold ingame

    Unded Yakkington 200e sold ingame

    20% demonslaying bow 5e

    Q9 Golden Talons 15vH sold 6e Nimbly Crow

    Q0 Buckler blue insc 10e sold in game

    Aegis of the Condemned 5e sold in game

    Q11 Death CC 10e sold in game

    Q11 Dryad Bow sold in game 100e

    Q9 War Hammer (spiky) 15wS sold 10e to MysticZeal

    WG Axe sold 8e

    Q8 9-40 Briarwood Scythe blue insc 30e b/o Fenrir Aslifeburns

    Unded Kuuna 12a sold in game

    Q9 Comm Platinum Wand HSR Spawning 19% HCT Channeling 20% 10e Oldschool Cool

    Q9 Dead Bow +5e 25e T Miles

    Q5 Channeling Focus Gold Insc b/o 25e b/o Fenrir Aslifeburns

    Q5 Flatbow Gold Insc Wooden Skin B/O 40e MysticZeal

    Q11 S Tower +10v Dwarves +29 sold 100e O O O Yoji O O O

    Q12 S Defender +1water 20% Reduce deep wound, Q10 Str Tower Shield -3wH +1 20% Inspiration sold 10e ea Red Fireball

    Q11 Dom Topaz Scepter sold 80e ingame

    Q6 Tall Shield Gold Insc 80e O Nei L

    Blisterbark's Staff 10e, Crystal Focus 4e, Destructive Shield 4e Sold The Encoder

    Q9 Runic Maul 15wE 5e sold ingame

    q9 composite bow naked 5e, q9 war axe 15vh, q9 half moon 15dv 30e 5e, q9 hornbow 15ws 5e sold cash

    Q9 Dom Dead Staff 20/10 20e agent chevy

    q9 flatbow 15we, Q9 Dead Bow 15^50 8e Anur

    q9 t crude shield +25 -2we grape 5e dadan

    Q9 Archaic Axe Naked, q9 short sword naked, q9 cleaver naked sold 5e ea T Miles

    q8 t aegis blue unid proph sold 3e Montrell Detox

    q9 cleaver +5e 45e sold in game

    q12 s magmas shield -3wh +10ar v blunt 50e cloud

    q0 SoTW Blue insc 30e xin yhu

    Q2 T Spiked Targe grape insc 70e encoder

    q12 s defender +10v slash -2we 300gv 20e Ishida

    Q13 T Ornate Buckler +1 Curses 20% -2wE 20e Zes

    Q9 Stilettos 15wS 10e sold in game

    Q8 Stilettos 15-10 post-nerf 25e q13 dom cane 19%hsr 15-1e 15emysticzeal

    q9 stilletos 20wh 300gv, q9 kamas 15^50, q9 gilded daggers 20wh 5e ea nimbly crow

    q7/15 t round shield blue insc 15e sold 15e ingame

    Q0 Ornate Buckler Blue insc 15e ea x2, Reinforced Buckler blue insc 10e, Wooden Buckler Shield Blue insc 15e the encoder

    Q8 Dom Inscribed Chakram blue insc x2 for 25e sold in game

    Q9 Hornbow (Stoneshard) 15wE 10e sold in game

    Q10 Longsword +5e 10e sold in game

    q10 div embercrest staff 15e sold in game

    Q9 Fire Staff (core) 20/20, q9 water staff 20/10, q9 shortbow 15^50, q9 flamberge 15^50 35e sold in game

    Q9s plat sickles 15we, Split Chakrams 15^50, Plat Sickles 15^50, Butterfly Daggers +5e, Gilded Daggers 15wE, stilletos 15^50, sai 15^50 35e lot sold in game

    Q9 Wingblade 15^50, q13 div paper fan +1 smite 19% hct heal 19% 15e sold in game

    q9 warhammer (lion) 15^50, q9 flamberge 15vh,, q12 t aegis -2ws +10vblunt, q13 s wooden buckler +1 ill 20% -5 19%, Q10 T Tall Shield +43wE +10vplants 400GV

    Q10 Earth Wand 10/10, Q8/16 S Bladed Shield blue unid from factions, Q8 T Bladed Shield white, q8 s bladed white 45e lot sold in game

    q9 insc broadsword 5e sold to Vi Verum

    q1 short sword blue insc sold 20e pyrolobster

    q11 t tall shield blind reduction +10 v blunt sold 30e praise

    Q10 S defender +10 v dragons blind reduction 25e red fireball

    q5 spawn ceremonial cauldron gold insc 50e snoop snail

    q0 clouded spear blue insc 1a manuS

    q9 Korambits 15^hex - 10e, q9 Sai 15-5e - 10e Nimbly Crow

    Arachni's Staff 3e, amadis's air staff 3e, The Stonereaper 1e, drago's vamp flatbow 3e, magmus staff 1e Forty Second Rogue

    Q9 Twin Hammer 15wS q9 hand axe 15ws 15e sold ig

    q9 stone crusher 15^50 10e sold ig

    Q10 Dusk Blade +5e 55e mysticzeal

    q5 sai gold insc 60e San

    q9 divine staff hct 20% heal 30e q6 flame artifact grape +5ar we hct 9% 15e mysticzeal

    Flint's Wand 10e T Miles

    q9 fds 15^50 20e, q9 fds 15we 20e, q9 earth staff insc obsidian skin 1e Blackwork X

    Q9's Chromium Shards 15wS, korambits 15ws, dirks 15ws, golden talons 15ws, q0 stilletos blue insc sold ingame 100e

    q9 cleaver 15^50 20e Gone Shootin

    Q0 militia shield blue insc 60e, sun and moon blue insc 40e bsoltan

    Q0 crenellated scythe 8-16 blue insc 60e percy

    q0 spiked targe blue insc 45e manuS

    q10 t summit warlord shield -5 19% +10 v dwarves 35e mysticzeal

    q4 t sotw grape insc 150e Xin Yhu

    q8 ivory bow blue insc 40e, q7 channeling focus gold insc 200 gv 40e, q9 t skeleton shield +10v blunt +1 insp 20% 50e blind was my fury

    WTS Thread

    IGN: Anaconda Bladeking

    Edited 486 times, last by Anaconda (February 15, 2025 at 3:45 PM).

  • Anaconda July 26, 2020 at 10:05 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “WTS OS Items, unded minis” to “WTS OS Items, 0/low req shields added 7/25, Etc”.
  • Anaconda July 28, 2020 at 12:19 AM

    Changed the title of the thread from “WTS OS Items, 0/low req shields added 7/25, Etc” to “WTS OS Items, 0/lowQ shields, Q0 Scythe added 7/27, Etc”.
  • Anaconda July 30, 2020 at 6:48 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “WTS OS Items, 0/lowQ shields, Q0 Scythe added 7/27, Etc” to “WTS OS Items, 0/lowQ shields, Q0 Scythe, low Q Offhands added 7/30, Etc”.
  • Anaconda August 3, 2020 at 4:35 AM

    Changed the title of the thread from “WTS OS Items, 0/lowQ shields, Q0 Scythe, low Q Offhands added 7/30, Etc” to “WTS OS Items, 0/lowQ items, Q0 Scythe, z chest drops added 8/2”.
  • Anaconda August 5, 2020 at 11:02 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “WTS OS Items, 0/lowQ items, Q0 Scythe, z chest drops added 8/2” to “WTS OS Items, 0/lowQ items, new modded q0 scythe and z chest drops added 8/5”.
  • Anaconda August 13, 2020 at 2:31 AM

    Changed the title of the thread from “WTS OS Items, 0/lowQ items, new modded q0 scythe and z chest drops added 8/5” to “WTS q9 Dom CC, OS Items, 0/lowQ items”.
  • Anaconda August 17, 2020 at 4:36 AM

    Changed the title of the thread from “WTS q9 Dom CC, OS Items, 0/lowQ items” to “WTS q9 Dom CC, OS Items, 0/lowQ items, Greens”.
  • Anaconda August 18, 2020 at 6:18 AM

    Changed the title of the thread from “WTS q9 Dom CC, OS Items, 0/lowQ items, Greens” to “WTS OS Items, 0/lowQ items, Greens”.
  • Anaconda August 31, 2020 at 4:15 AM

    Changed the title of the thread from “WTS OS Items, 0/lowQ items, Greens” to “WTS OS Items, 0/lowQ items, Greens, daily updates”.