q9 Purple Crysta 10a

[New 16 march] Prenerf Dyed Bags set + Storage Cleaning -> OS Shields Perf / 20/20 Staves / OS Hammers + Swords + Axes / Q8 Gold inscri shields + offhands / Q0 Copperleaf / Q9 Emerald blade / Q9 Purple Elonian Daggers /OS Eternal / Q1 Scythe
b/o purple eternal bow
b/o purple serpent
Echo purple q8 250e
Q6 Oaken B/O
Q5 Oaken B/O
q9 purple crysta 11a
blue tatto B/O
q9 purple crysta 12a
q9 purple crysta 13a
Dazed goth r/b
ty for bids
some items ready to be pick
you can pm me
Flo La Moniale
b.o q8 15ar cele shield
r/b zodiac q9str 30 -2stance
20a Q8 15vs. Hexed Foes Celestial Sword
60a Q8 Celestial Shield
b/o Q9 Round Shield +30 +10 Tengu
b/o Q9 Exalted Aegis -2 Ench +30
last chance for q8 dual mod celestial
ornate q9 +10 demons +43 we 2a
Rb cold echovald stance
exalted demons +44en :25a
q5 Oni Blade 15a
q9 DV Vertebreaker 10a
q9 DV Zodiac Axe 8a
q9 DZ Zodiac Axe 5a
q9 DZ Zodiac Sword 5a
q9 DF Shadow Staff 2a
Exalted Shield R9 str +44hp ench +10demon 26a
Zodiac Shield R9 Str +10lightning -2ench 9aShadow Staff R9 Fire 5a ; R9 Earth 5a ; R9 Channeling 5a
IGN : High Elf Archer
exalted shield r9 strengh +44hp en +10 demons 30a
zodiac vs lightning- 10a
Zodiac vs lightning 11a
Exalted b/o 40a
zodiac vs lightning 12 a
the storm artifact q8 and accursed icon q8 rb (1a each) too please
Zodiac Hammer DualZeal B/O
Zodiac sword DualZeal B/O
Zodiac Axe DualZeal B/O
Zodiac Axe DualVamp B/O
r/b : 5a
r/b : 3a
r/b : 2a
December 1, 2022 at 5:33 PM Changed the title of the thread from “[New Stuff] Q5 +5Energy Oni Blade /-/ Q8 OS Celestial Set /-/ 20/20 Staves /-/ Low Q Seksy Shields /-/ OS Focus /-/ OS Q9 Shields /-/ Q9 Crysta /-/ Q9 Serpent Axe” to “[New Stuff] Q5 +5Energy Oni Blade /-/ Q8 OS Celestial Set /-/ 20/20 Staves /-/ Low Q Seksy Shields /-/ OS Focus /-/ OS Q9 Shields /-/ Q9 Serpent Axe”. -
don't forget to mp me if you want to grab your stuff :
in game (Flo El Ange)
or discord Mango#8534
r/b 12a q8/16 adamantine Shield ign Dracona Lilly
ornate shield q9t 43ench r/b 4a
IGN: Eezy Leezy
I got the q8 focuses
bo 8a ornate Q9t +43 we +10 demons
IGN Lampa De Cheveto
Serpent axe r/b pls
December 6, 2022 at 9:42 PM Changed the title of the thread from “[New Stuff] Q5 +5Energy Oni Blade /-/ Q8 OS Celestial Set /-/ 20/20 Staves /-/ Low Q Seksy Shields /-/ OS Focus /-/ OS Q9 Shields /-/ Q9 Serpent Axe” to “[New Stuff] Q7 Dual Stance Shield /-/ Q5 +5Energy Oni Blade /-/ Q8 OS Celestial Set /-/ 20/20 Staves /-/ Low Q Seksy Shields /-/ OS Focus /-/ OS Q9 Shields”. -
q9 amber aegis 1a
r/b slashing zod
goldleaf r/b
Last bump for some items.
Items with r/b and b/o added, don't forget to pm me in game or leave your name by private message.
10a cele shield dual stance (+1a extra for the shiny sparkles because it's pretty)
3a in this one (again)