Your Beloved Collections
I know many here swear by the good old-school way, but I wanted to share my mesmer set.
The hunt ended yesterday with the Dom offhand.
Thanks to Thang Spirit and those I've forgotten
love the skin of this war gj !
Satisfying (or should I say enchanting) little set of Oni Stabbers
Satisfying (or should I say enchanting) little set of Oni Stabbers
amazing stuff!!!
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Pleikki mentioned it previously (I can't find the comment), but does anyone know what happened to the req7 15/-1 energy regen long sword? I have a photo of it somewhere on an old hard drive. Beyond that, does anyone know quite how rare it is?
Something other than just daggers this time
Pleikki mentioned it previously (I can't find the comment), but does anyone know what happened to the req7 15/-1 energy regen long sword? I have a photo of it somewhere on an old hard drive. Beyond that, does anyone know quite how rare it is?
I don't know if it's the one you're thinking of but I sold one of these to a friend years ago. It was instantly customized. I'm sure there are others floating around.
A museum-quality rarity. Not unique. A 3rd tier item, but a beauty for sure.
Pleikki mentioned it previously (I can't find the comment), but does anyone know what happened to the req7 15/-1 energy regen long sword? I have a photo of it somewhere on an old hard drive. Beyond that, does anyone know quite how rare it is?
I don't know if it's the one you're thinking of but I sold one of these to a friend years ago. It was instantly customized. I'm sure there are others floating around.
A museum-quality rarity. Not unique. A 3rd tier item, but a beauty for sure.
to the best of my memory, i bought it for 500e and sold it for 2000e on guru. it was a couple years before the site went down. much regret over selling it.
Pleikki mentioned it previously (I can't find the comment), but does anyone know what happened to the req7 15/-1 energy regen long sword? I have a photo of it somewhere on an old hard drive. Beyond that, does anyone know quite how rare it is?
I don't know if it's the one you're thinking of but I sold one of these to a friend years ago. It was instantly customized. I'm sure there are others floating around.
A museum-quality rarity. Not unique. A 3rd tier item, but a beauty for sure.
How do you manage to always sound like you're taking a dump on every item besides the ones you currently own? What is a 3rd tier item? I have never heard this terminology before. Not unique? What are you talking about dude lol that sword sounds pretty freaking unique. Im not sure if I just read that wrong, you're actually serious or just messing around here.
I know how highly you value your DV or DZ req8 summit axe so to sit here and belittle a req7DZ longsword is just punitive to this returning player and rediculous.
The Cutlass Thats a super sick sword, and its definitely stupid rare. Im sorry to hear you sold it, as those types of things dont usually come back around. Hopefully who ever owns it is smacking monsters with it to this day.
I hope you stick around, besides some of the pitfalls in the community, this game has aged incredibly gracefully. Highly recommend some Ironman game play. -
Yeah, then that's a different one. Maybe it's still out there somewhere
I used to buy and sell as much as anyone. I can't think of a purchase I regret making but I could write a book about the items I regret selling.
Lucky for me, the Req 7 dz longsword isn't one of them. That was a dream item for my friend and a nice addition to a primo collection. I wouldn't have sold it to anybody else.
Good luck with your search!
I don't know if it's the one you're thinking of but I sold one of these to a friend years ago. It was instantly customized. I'm sure there are others floating around.
A museum-quality rarity. Not unique. A 3rd tier item, but a beauty for sure.
How do you manage to always sound like you're taking a dump on every item besides the ones you currently own? What is a 3rd tier item? I have never heard this terminology before. Not unique?
Seems like a fair response imo. OP asked “quite how rare it is?” Is it rare? Yeah, absolutely. Is it the rarest? Definitely not. But that doesn’t necessarily detract from the “wow” factor of the item itself.
From a purely objective point of view, think about how long of a drop window such an item had (from game launch to NF release) and how many people were playing at the time. There are several other things that had much rarer skins, much shorter drop windows, or both.
correct me if im wrong but wasnt dz dv not droppable until factions was released?
correct me if im wrong but wasnt dz dv not droppable until factions was released?
Purple, blue and low % dv/dz exist (I have a blue), which indicates pre item-quality-update which happened in the months leading up to factions. They’ve been in since launch.
There hasnt been much to buy on market but well it been time to grow some of many side collections,
Who doesnt like q7 no matter what kind? heres selection of non gold max q7s With these my collection totals 72 max q7 items. + bunch of q7 14-27 bows or q7 6-27 axe and what not xd -
I don't know if it's the one you're thinking of but I sold one of these to a friend years ago. It was instantly customized. I'm sure there are others floating around.
A museum-quality rarity. Not unique. A 3rd tier item, but a beauty for sure.
How do you manage to always sound like you're taking a dump on every item besides the ones you currently own? What is a 3rd tier item? I have never heard this terminology before. Not unique? What are you talking about dude lol that sword sounds pretty freaking unique. Im not sure if I just read that wrong, you're actually serious or just messing around here.
I know how highly you value your DV or DZ req8 summit axe so to sit here and belittle a req7DZ longsword is just punitive to this returning player and rediculous.
The Cutlass Thats a super sick sword, and its definitely stupid rare. Im sorry to hear you sold it, as those types of things dont usually come back around. Hopefully who ever owns it is smacking monsters with it to this day.
I hope you stick around, besides some of the pitfalls in the community, this game has aged incredibly gracefully. Highly recommend some Ironman game play.Seems like you didn't bother to ask me what I meant by "3rd tier item" before presuming that I was taking a dump on someone. I agree that you most likely haven't heard that term before. This just one of the hazards of waddling into a conversation with someone who has their own thoughts. Next time you find yourself in such a tricky situation, I recommend asking for help.
Maybe you're wondering what I mean. Or maybe you're not. Maybe you're just happy with being offended, I don't know. But, in case you were curious, here's a quick idea:
Top tier: Unique, historically important items. Unconditional items are a convenient example.
2nd tier: Items that may not be unique but are often important for historical reasons and have rare/sought after skins. Req 8 HoH items with good dmg mods (stance, 15^50) are good examples
3rd tier: Items that are not unique but are interesting historically, have high quality skins, and good dmg mods. I think a req 7 dz longsword fits pretty solidly into this group.
Think of it in terms of a simple trade. Do you trade a req 8 15^50 dwarven axe straight up for a req 7 dz longsword? Nope, but the longsword is certainly good enough to be part of the deal. The longsword is, as I said, a beauty for sure but it's just not the same level of item as the dwarven. And the same is true for the dwarven relative to top tier items.
So that's that. Your next move will be to ask me for a full list of tiers with definitions, criteria, and examples that everyone can agree on. I will recommend that you think of this idea in terms of its heuristic value, rather than as a fully developed and popular conceptual scheme. Maybe you want to develop it further but I'm guessing you'd rather just look for a different stupid fight to have.
But I think the point is clear and the facts are simple. A req 7 dz longsword is not unique. It is not as rare or valuable as many other museum quality items but it *is* (as I said) a museum quality item. And it is (as I'm now saying for the 3rd time) a beauty for sure.
Thanks, Unholy for being a voice of reason. There must be a guild somewhere for someone as experienced and knowledgeable as you.
Just catching up on all this. Kromp was pretty fair, maybe overrating the sword a tad… I’d slice the tiers a little finer.
Also not sure what thread we are in but happy holidays. 🎄✡️💥
2024 started off well with the addition of the Sai.
Broke again but It's not often I get to add new Daggers so it's totally worth it!
Looking for the missing skins with any mod (q8 7-17) as placeholders aswell. Though my funds are now reduced to a total of 31a so i'm gonna have to sell things before I can afford purchasing anything again. -
2024 started off well with the addition of the Sai.
Broke again but It's not often I get to add new Daggers so it's totally worth it!
Looking for the missing skins with any mod (q8 7-17) as placeholders aswell. Though my funds are now reduced to a total of 31a so i'm gonna have to sell things before I can afford purchasing anything again.congrats! amazing stuff!!!
2024 started off well with the addition of the Sai.
Broke again but It's not often I get to add new Daggers so it's totally worth it!
Looking for the missing skins with any mod (q8 7-17) as placeholders aswell. Though my funds are now reduced to a total of 31a so i'm gonna have to sell things before I can afford purchasing anything again.congrats! amazing stuff!!!
Thanks man! Still waiting for your collection showcase, btw.
Unless you've already shared it and I somehow missed it. I always love seeing more Daggers, they don't get enough love. -
Here is my current bow collection.
Here is my current bow collection.
Wondering how Loyce will play all these bows.
Wondering how Loyce will play all these bows.
Hehe, sadly not so much thesedays since there isnt much left to do, but 95% of these been used quite alot
awesome collection!
youve got the twin of my crystalline! i remember trading the one you have (or one with identical gv) +50e for mine because i prefered the other goldvalue.
late edit:
i thought the one i traded for my 216gv was 224gv, but i just went through some old screenshots and it was in fact 228.
Great sets! Also like how the mods are well picked and as konfuzius once said :"
It ain't a fucking collection if there is no clean value set" *
*his words not mine
So namaste this is a great collection 🙏
Very cool seeing so many people into purps, really awesome sets. And thanks Raining Ecto for the complement lol here are a couple of my grapes as requested:
I’ve always been such a big fan of Tyrant grape 1’s set. Over the past 8 months or so I was fortunate enough to find the discount, little brother versions of my favorite grape set in the game. Hope you enjoy its quirkiness as much as I do.
Love the sets, Tyrant Raining Ecto !I recently found myself a grape 11'er crysta. So, here's my contribution, following the theme.
Well still many to go but for another of many side projects it starting to look quite good allready..
Maybe one day every set 40/40Last wand missing is spawning..
Ecto Sacrifice looks beautiful, set came out perfect!
My mesmer's arsenal
This is the first collection I followed through to completion.
Most of mine are "fractured". I collect stuff without any "end game" in mind.
It's just R9, nothing like some of the R8 and lower Ive seen here, but then again I do it for my eye .
I'm hoping to get back to my R8 bow collection soon after matching gold values here.
Can you guess my favorite Dungeon Speed Clear?
Can you guess my favorite Dungeon Speed Clear?
SoO V Oo D Oo look she is a perfect match for you - god these shields are my wet dream
Some new, some old.
I kinda grew into creature shields lately and got small collection going on so decided to post some newly made creature sets aswell as some old classic.
And then just some other random new sets i've recently made-Pleikki