Ravens are super underrated, It is probably the only staff i would of started collecting if i could go back in time.

Your Beloved Collections
With all due respect to myself, this is one of my favorite things that I've seen in quite some time. Congratulations.
And MaxBorken , nice shields. No matter how many times we may sit, stinking of scotch in a smoke-filled guild hall admiring ourselves, it just never gets old.
My Paragon got some brand new toys past months and she's happy finally have some collection worth showing!
I still been unable to find "Bugged OS" para shield and it is probably impossible, so still have to live with the only inscriable item of mine
Well ive learned to live with it and love how it looks on my para!
Paragons allways shared opinions some like them and many dont, is there other para lovers out there? ;D
Anyhow heres my paragons spear set-Pleikki
I cannot like that previous post... I'm too jealous for that perfect spear :_(
GZ for it - since it is not yet customized I may still have hopes
My Paragon got some brand new toys past months and she's happy finally have some collection worth showing!
I still been unable to find "Bugged OS" para shield and it is probably impossible, so still have to live with the only inscriable item of mine
Well ive learned to live with it and love how it looks on my para!
Paragons allways shared opinions some like them and many dont, is there other para lovers out there? ;D
Anyhow heres my paragons spear set-Pleikki
You could also skill P/W and use tac shields. No need to use inscr garbage
Just kidding... nice stuff u got there
So much noobery in here.
We all know you want to show us the goodies, Stuey.
Great shields! But you made my eyes bleed with your epic paint skillz. xD
I have much love for those Magmas!
Better bad resize than my pet peeve, a few items in the top corner and 10x that corner of white space because they never cropped the image to what was useful...
thankfully it usually only happens in price checks because ppl here actually care about their items
We all know you want to show us the goodies, Stuey.
Soon as I get a chance, perhaps I shall post.
simply awesome man
That Shortbow...
- Official Post
The awesomeness is strong this week!
Fantastic to see all these important artefacts getting the airtime they deserve!
how in the world? Those are godly. I guess those are from prophecies times pre nerf? How much would items like that sell for if put on the market? 500a+?
Excuse me but could you tell me where did you find my old dwarven axe since kairi's been holding on it for like a year and a half
Epic stuff bro, I especially love the FDS of course!! Nice to see you active if only for a little while.
You inventory is like a window into the past & I love it. That Spiked Targe make me jelly everytime I see it. xD
My personal favourites are these two q7 sets. The FDS set cuz it never gets old, & the Sephis set cuz it never got any better as max q7 Sephis just never came to be....
As some of you may know... I do like Tower Shields and Defenders!
I thought I might post a little Update (seems I haven´t done since old guru times really).
Here is one of the categories: Armor and Damage reduction mod combinations.
If any of you could lend a helping hand in order to complete the stance or ench sections I´d be more than happy ;D
(ofc any improvements or duplicates are apprectiated as well!)
Happy New Year to everyone!
Oh - I do have a couple more as well...
Those pictures are glorious red
After trying for so long to get core skins for my collection I have great respect for how difficult it must be to get all of those together.
Hey Boys and Girls.
One Year ago, I came back to this lovely game after 6 years of ... lets call it Vacation from Guild Wars. I always loved Bladed Shields which is why I started collecting them. Today, I wanted to show you my small collection, which I have aquired so far. Please be gentle with me, as I feel overwhelmed by your astonishing and amazing stuff already, which I could never dream to aquire. I thank many people (mostly from Legacy), who helped me to get some of my shields. Special thanks goes to Sicilianking, who sold me many Bladed Shields, and of course to GhostKairi, whom I have to thank for my first nearly perfect q8 Bladed Shield and the courage to post my stuff here.
1.) My Favourites
2.) My !!!WHITES!!!
,Hexy and other HP-Mods without Ench- or Stance-Reduction
3.) The Dirty Rest
If any of those q7 Max Bladed Shields would like to join some Friends (as gifts of course) I wouldn't be unhappy xD
I would be glad, if anyone of you will help me search for other Bladed Shields, that are still missing. (I know, I miss a lot)
Some of the White Bladed Shields I got in str-req ... but not everything, which is why I havent posted them.
So please keep helping me complete or expand my collection.
I collect other stuff as well, but this is for another Post.
Best regards,
Been too long since I've stuck to my own code of buying things with the intention of never letting them go again
See that it made its way to you!
It is awesome to buy some truly great pieces to collection in these late days, huge thanks to imy for allowing me purchase both of the q7 15^50s past month!
Thanks also to everyone who purchased items from meHere new scimmy with some other pieces from my collection
Happy new year 2019! My warrior turned last night 10years old so it was also birthday present for her! XD
- Official Post
I have always said that this collecting malarkey isn't just about the items you collect, it's about the journey and the people you meet along the way. Well, today, something happened that has blown me away. Not only for the sheer quality of the items involved, but because of what it means to me personally as I travel the long road of a collector.
Many of you who can be bothered to read my lengthy ramblings will know that Enchanted Krystal has been my mentor and a good friend on the road. He was the one I credit most for starting me out on my journey all those years ago when I decided I wanted to be a collector. And many of you will know that he donated one of his dual reduction shields to me to start my collection off.
And today he donated to my collection again. But this time it wasn't a shield, it was these :
I've always loved this FDS, and the hardcore pre-nerfery of the requirement and the inherent mod mean it fits very nicely into my collection of hardcore pre-nerf weapons. And the hammer because in his own words, "it was time you owned a proper hammer". Can't argue with that.
It is actually poetic. I have been out of funds to purchase items for a long time, having retired a few years ago from actively trading. I would have never been able to buy this FDS which makes this donation all the more special. It'll probably the last item I ever acquire, and as such my journey as a collector is perfectly framed by these generous donations from EK. He was there at the start, and he's still there as I hang up my well worn boots. This is the journey.
EK, I salute you, and I hope I have built something worthy of you. Thankyou.
*Sheds manly tear*
This is what the game is about folks.
You can blame Brave Kubana for making me like this xD. I tried selling that FDS for a while, but no-one was serious about wanting to own it & it would have upset me seeing it get prostituted on the market. It deserved not just a good home but a great home, and I could not think of a better home than with Max. He has done so much for this community & this was my way of saying “thank you” for playing a key role in creating our new home. You have come so far Max and you have made me very proud of what you have become.
In my eyes making new friends, coming together from places all over the world, and having a good time, is what the Guildwars spirit as all about and you and the Legacy team are doing that very well.
is this a special long sword for all those tower shields
It is... a good old q8 15^50 one - nothing too fancy, since I couldn´t afford a q7 version yet (and doubt it will happen anytime in future)
u dont have some +10 vs Fire/Lightning/etc & HP+30 ?
It so happens that I do indeed own such
The previous post just featured one category:
Here is one of the categories: Armor and Damage reduction mod combinations.
...in fact there is 11 (or 14) categories:
- DMG-reduction + Attribute
- DMG-reduction + Condition
- DMG-reduction + Armor
- DMG-reduction + Health Points
- Health Points + Attribute
- Health Points + Condition
- Health Points + Armor
- Armor + Attribute
- Armor + Condition
- Condition + Attribute
- Dualreduction
- (singlemod)
- (clean)
- (triplemod - in fact you could split this up in categories like the dualmods leading to another 6 categories, but since there is only one such triplemod defender in known existence it wouldn´t be helpful at all. The six categories would be: 1. DMG-reduction + Attribute + Health, 2. DMG-reduction +Condition + Health, 3. DMG-reduction +Armor + Health, 4. Armor + Attribute + Health, 5. Armor + Condition + Health, 6. Condition + Attribute + Health. That is due to the fact, that only a Health mod can be a shield handle and that combinations of Health mod + Health inherent were impossible)
The categories themselves contain 3 (Dualreduction) to 288 (Armor + Attribute) shields, which sums to a total of 915 shields. You might add singlemod as a 12th category, cleans as a 13th and triplemods as 14th - or even split that 14th into categories 14-19 - if you want - at least I collect them as well
I do have at least one of each category by now (except triplemod if you count them in). So to answer your question:
Here is category number 7:
So indeed I do have "+10 vs Fire/Lightning/etc & HP+30"!
I know: some are nonmax - but I didn´t say I were finished on my collection
I plan on putting up all the other categories one by one, but it might take some time (It´ll be at least 168 shields to screen, but on certain categories I´ll add duplicates)
- Official Post
Do you have any category 11?
- (triplemod - in fact you could split this up in categories like the dualmods leading to another 6 categories, but since there is only one triplemod such shield in known existence it wouldn´t be helpful at all. The six categories would be)
you are 100% wrong thinking only 1 triple mod shield exist.
anyway, nice longsword and awesome shield collection
true dedication ! -
you are 100% wrong thinking only 1 triple mod shield exist.
anyway, nice longsword and awesome shield collection
true dedication !He means one triple mod defender / tower. Lots of other triple mod shields out there I think.
Do you have any category 11?
Here is category 11: Dualreductions
ofc nothing like yours, Max - but it´s something *yay
and ye sry - I put that wrong - there are definitely more triplemod shields I was just speaking of tower/defender
Very nice gift there Max! With all you've done with Legacy it is well deserve for sure. Wish we could send something for all the moderators from GWG back in the day, since they put up with a lot and helped make an amazing community.
Just minblowing collections
Makes a lot of amazing old memories come up.
- Official Post
My beloved collection is in game mini pets.
I currently have 97 of 124 available to players but I believe I'll only be able to get 118 of them.
- Official Post
I'm back!
So much cool stuff has been posted in my absence. However I am missing some Krytan Axes, here's mine. Anyone got any others?