sorry for click bait have a look while you are here now
new items for sell :
(just write the name of the item and your bid cheers)
bo stuff, no over bid on bo first come first serv :
sold pending deliv:
c/o = 10e rb reached manuS
crenelated spear q8 gold : sold co 200e yami the seeker please pm me ig or send me your ig ty !!! ig : blind was my fury
b/o sold Unrealz
c/o = 10a B:o 30a Unrealz
c/o = b/o 20e
c/o = b/o 20e m4sc0tte
still selling wraps for staff +1/20 (os mod) 10e/each
write the magic needed pls (no chan available)
please forward your ign or contact me ig : blind was my fury