B/o added on q9 caster shortsword and dualvamp white reaver. Odd items inside!
4. Grinning Dragon Axe q9 15^50 os 5e
IGN: Evil Boy Gu
bump, t4t Evil Boy
Also sold several items ingame, some prices lowered!
Bow skeletonslaying 2e
Sword dwarfslaying 3e
Sword trollslaying 2e
Sword giantslaying 2e -
7. Reinforced Buckler q9tac -2wE -20%Dazed 5e
This for Woo, please.
R/B on Nr 12 / 13 / 14 / 17 / 18 / 19
7. Tower Shield 8ar q0 blue 15e
Antigone Amidala
Red Fireball
December 2, 2018 at 10:54 AM Changed the title of the thread from “mostly os, mainly b/o, slaying mods, few insc.” to “mostly os, mainly b/o, slaying mods, few insc. - Few new items”. -
Hammer skeletonslaying 2e
Staff trollslaying 1e
Axe giantslaying 2e
Bow giantslaying 2e
Sword tenguslaying 2e
Sword skeletonslaying 2e
Amber Aegis q9str +60wH +1/20 Earth 5e
Red Fireball
December 3, 2018 at 7:22 PM Changed the title of the thread from “mostly os, mainly b/o, slaying mods, few insc. - Few new items” to “mostly os, mainly b/o, slaying mods, few insc. - Few new items, all b/o lowered 03/12”. -
Up up and away!
Staff +1/20 Dom 3e
95 Celestial Summoning Stones 7e
I'll take these, please, ign Adanel Jade.
Red Fireball
January 3, 2019 at 11:20 AM Changed the title of the thread from “mostly os, mainly b/o, slaying mods, few insc. - Few new items, all b/o lowered 03/12” to “OS items, slayingmods and few more - Happy New Year everyone!”. -
bump - many new items, some lowered prices - I want stuff gone
I'll take all the Tower Shields and the Defender (8, 10, 11, 20)
#23 - 7e
Red Fireball
August 1, 2019 at 7:23 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OS items, slayingmods and few more - Happy New Year everyone!” to “Odd items, nice items, entire collections and a bit of the standard stuff”. -
[Resurrect] time to get this one running again - entirely made over, some really nice things for sale here.
H3 Paper Lantern q8Fire white 56g value b/o
H5 Stone Summit Shield 16 q8tac -1wS blue b/o
H1 Channeling Staff q13 prenerf clean s/b, looking for b/o
U12 Shortbow q9 15/-1H "dualvamp" r/b 15e
"The One" Skull Shield 12 q4tac +30 +10vsPlant 50e
U1 Short Sword q9 +5e Caster 30e
Q8 Tower Shield 15e
Q8 Defender 15e
U12 Shortbow q9 15/-1H "dualvamp" c/o 15e (chevy) r/b met b/o 35e
RB White Reaver
The troll troller - 25e
The One - 1a
The low Buckler - 25e
The low Buckler - 25e
The weirdos -r/b
The Essentials - 1a
Staff +1/20 Dom 5e
Staff +1/20 Curses 5e
The One 100e
thanks for all offers and trades already
Added b/os on items where r/b been met.
Red Fireball
August 3, 2019 at 6:28 AM Changed the title of the thread from “Odd items, nice items, entire collections and a bit of the standard stuff” to “B/o added on q9 caster shortsword and dualvamp white reaver. Odd items inside!”. -
Rb U11 and U13
25e on the imperfects
Bo H7
IGN Obsidian Warmaster
and up! T4t so far
another push to get things gone!
Best offer number 13 q8 Defender
November 17, 2019 at 8:40 PM Closed the thread.