
#75 40e
71,72 - 20e
both #75's one vs charr 20e, #75 vs dwarves 45e
#79,81- 20e
#90,91- 20e
#75 - 1a
- Official Post
#92 - 40e#93 - 20e - Not Bought
edit: Thanks for the trade!
#3 - 25e
#14 - 25e
#77- 25e
#82 - 50e
#103 - 50e
#108 - 50e
108 1a+40e
#17. 35e. #80 20e. #93 30e. #95 1a. #103 1a
#107 -1a
#102 15e
#46 30e
#63 30e
IGN : Palat In -
95 20e
Too many shields i understand it is confusing i updated with the current bids, please check under the pics before you post a bid, ty.
108 - 2a
#106 #90 #91 #79 #81 - 25e each
#79,81- 30e/ea
#90,91- 30e/ea
20e on #47 #72 #96. #99 #105
50e on #63
Previous bids remain
#81, #90 - 35e
#40 25e pls
#81, #90 - 40e
1a on #63
Arcana Force
July 24, 2019 at 9:58 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OS Shields Only, 100+ (Rare Combos, Imperfects plus more)” to “OS Shields Only, 100+ (Rare Combos, Imperfects plus more) ADDED Wands/Offhands more junk shields”. -
17. 50e
40. 50e
73. 50e
74. 50e
#108 2a+10e
#17 1a
Also interested in when the best offers will be one all of these
Last Bump
#108 - 3a
108 3a +10e
#74 100e
17. 100e
23: 20e
32: 20e
39: 20e
44: 20e
45: 50e
51: 30e
52: 20e
53: 20e
57: 20e
66: 20e
67: 20e68: 20e
96: 50e
99: 20e
105: 50e
Note: I just put generic 20e on most of the higher req ones since there hasnt been much interest here but im very glad to hear r/bs or even better b/oscan also pm me if you want to make a bundle price
Arcana Force
July 28, 2019 at 8:09 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OS Shields Only, 100+ (Rare Combos, Imperfects plus more) ADDED Wands/Offhands more junk shields” to “Closed”. -
August 3, 2019 at 5:55 AM Closed the thread.