New 16 5a

Selling 20/20 Wands, q8's, Prenerf mods, Prenerf weapons and more!
Pleikki -
April 19, 2020 at 3:58 PM -
New12 100e
New15 250e
r10 R/B 40e !
IG : Blind Was My Fury
125e new12
3a new1
5a new1
p2 3a
me6 rb
new17 12e (lol)
30e New4
Bump! Thanks for bids!
6a new1
New 4 50e
New 18 30e
Bump! Sold some stuff ingame
Bump! sold some
New 4 70e
New17 25e
me1 50e
me2 250e
150e new12
s4 25e(rb)
1a on new5 (shield)
75e New17
Bump! Some stuff sold ig!
August 7, 2020 at 11:02 AM Changed the title of the thread from “SUMMER SALE / NEW ITEMS & UPDATE! ( q9 10/10 Dom wayward+ q9 Dom Paper Fan, q8's, Mauseleum ETC)” to “SUMMER SALE / NEW ITEMS & UPDATE 7/8! (q8 Bows, q9 20/20 Celestial, Wayward wands)”. -
Bump! Update and new items
R/b new16
Bump! Update added more rb
New21 - 20e
r5 300e
r7 50e
August 12, 2020 at 4:30 PM Changed the title of the thread from “SUMMER SALE / NEW ITEMS & UPDATE 7/8! (q8 Bows, q9 20/20 Celestial, Wayward wands)” to “SUMMER SALE / NEW ITEMS & UPDATE! (q8 Bows, q9 20/20 Celestial, Wayward wands)”. -
New9 R/B: 3e
IGN Sugita Kumiko
new13: 30e
Bump! Updated